CCD in Science Meaning

The CCD meaning in Science terms is "Charge-Couple Device". There are 35 related meanings of the CCD Science abbreviation.

CCD on Science Full Forms

  1. Charge-Couple Device
  2. Charge-Coupled Device
  3. Convention To Combat Desertification
  4. Chemical Control Division
  5. Charged Coupling Device
  6. Charged Coupled Devices
  7. Colony Collapse Disorder
  8. Counter Current Decantation
  9. Cooled Colour Charge Coupled Device
  10. Case of Central Core Disease
  11. Color-Color Diagram
  12. Cooled Charge Couple Device
  13. Cycadaceae
  14. Cockpit Command Disablement
  15. Cooled Charge Coupled Bevice
  16. Call Cenire Distributor
  17. Cultura Ciencia Y Deporte
  18. Centre for Cosmunicable Diseases
  19. Computer Crimes Divisilnsion
  20. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte
  21. Cantre for Community Development
  22. Computer Center Division
  23. Covenant Center for Development
  24. Centre for Communication and Development
  25. Coupled-Cluster Doubles
  26. Cooxed Device
  27. Charge Coupled Device - a device for the movement of electrical charge.
  28. Committed Completion Date
  29. Cytochalasin D
  30. Carbonate Compensation Depth
  31. Calcite Compensation Department
  32. Calcite Compensation Depth
  33. Classic Cleidocranial Dysplasia
  34. Comprehensive Community Drvelopment
  35. Central Core Disease

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCD stand for Science?

    CCD stands for Covenant Center for Development in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Counter Current Decantation in Science?

    The short form of "Counter Current Decantation" is CCD for Science.


CCD in Science. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated