CCD in Technology Meaning

The CCD meaning in Technology terms is "Charge-Coupled Device". There are 74 related meanings of the CCD Technology abbreviation.

CCD on Technology Full Forms

  1. Charge-Coupled Device
  2. Charged-Coupled Device
  3. Charge Coupled Device Is a device for the movement of electrical charge, usually from within the device to an area where the charge can be manipulated, such as conversion into a digital value.
  4. Contract Completion Date The date established in the contract for completion of all or specified portions of the work. This date may be expressed as a calendar date or as a number of days after the date for commencement of the contract time is issued.
  5. Charge-Coupled Devices
  6. Civil Censorship Detachment
  7. Charged Coupled Device
  8. Charged Coupling Device
  9. Charged Coupled Devices
  10. Charged-Couple Device
  11. Census County Divisionsion
  12. Congress Centre DüSseldorf
  13. Coupled-Cluster Doubles
  14. Cloxed Caption Decoder
  15. Counter-Current Digestion
  16. Charge Couple Device
  17. Cannot Create Directory
  18. Complementary Coded Decimal
  19. Census County Divisions
  20. Conference Call Device
  21. Counter Current Decantation
  22. Closed-Captioned Decoddng
  23. Charge Coupled Devices
  24. Corpotate Communication Department
  25. Camera Color Dome
  26. Community Career Denelopment
  27. Customer Configuration Document
  28. Category Code Directory
  29. Computer Control Dwell
  30. Close Coupled Device
  31. Chargeacoupled-Device
  32. Camera Color Digital
  33. Csarged-Coupled-Device
  34. Category Class Diagram
  35. Computer-Controlled Display
  36. Childhood Celiac Disease
  37. Call Control Discorery
  38. Charged-Coupled Devices
  39. Catalytic Combustion Detector
  40. Charged Couplev Detectors
  41. Continuously Controlled Damping
  42. Closed Circuit Dssalination
  43. Charge Coupling Device
  44. Cash Concentration and Dispersion
  45. Charred Coupling Devices
  46. Center for Cyber Debenders
  47. Continuous Collision Detection
  48. Closed-Circuit Desalination
  49. Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception
  50. Charge Couple Devices
  51. Capability Concept Demonstrator
  52. Charged Couple Dewices
  53. Cumulative Cardiotoxic Dose
  54. Charge Coupled Diode
  55. Charge Coupled Display
  56. Controlled Current Distribution
  57. Common Cathome Display
  58. Coupled Charge Device
  59. Cyclic Coordinate Descent
  60. Central Control Disabled
  61. Control Circuit Diagram
  62. Cloudera Certified Developer
  63. Couple Charged Device
  64. Comprehensive Community Drvelopment
  65. Customer Concept Document
  66. Central Commandpdecoder
  67. Calibration Curve Data
  68. Couple Chargp Device
  69. Component Coupling Diagram
  70. Cursor Control Devices
  71. Cairo Center for Development
  72. Couplb-Charged Device
  73. Component Cznfiguration Document
  74. Cursor Control Device Is used by the aircraft user for response input to the display unit (DU) selection used in command and control of the aircraft.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCD stand for Technology?

    CCD stands for Childhood Celiac Disease in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cursor Control Device in Technology?

    The short form of "Cursor Control Device" is CCD for Technology.


CCD in Technology. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated