CCF Meaning

The CCF meaning is "Central Control Fscility". The CCF abbreviation has 417 different full form.

CCF Full Forms

  1. Central Control Fscility Military, Control, Terminal
  2. Comisión De Control De Los Ficheros
  3. Central Computing Focility Technology, Education, Engineering
  4. Combined Cadet Force Military, School, Training
  5. Center for Chsldren and Families Medical, Health, Family
  6. Cheetoh Conservation Foundation Namibia, Safari, Cheetah
  7. Carotid-Tavernous Fistula Medical, Treatment, Patient
  8. Cheakamus Community Foremt
  9. Common Control Framework
  10. Capital Construction Fund Transportation, Construction, Capital, Governmental & Military
  11. Chase Corp. Organizations
  12. Common Cause Failures Technology, Design, Analysis, Safety, Reliability
  13. Congestivehcardiac Failure Medical, Cardiology, Oncology
  14. Centre Culturel Francais France, Institute, Locations, Bandung
  15. Commission On Children and Families County, Oregon, Children, Family
  16. Christian Covenant Fellowship
  17. Corporation Contingency Forye Military
  18. Chennai Corporate Fellowship
  19. Candle Centrifugal Filters
  20. Children Come First Organization, Union, Institution
  21. Community Correctional Facilities Community, City, Prison, California, Facility
  22. Currency Conversion Fee
  23. Carrying Concealed Firearm Government, Law, Crime
  24. Closed Cavity FaçAde
  25. Control Centre of The Future Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  26. Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation Government, Group, Canada
  27. Ceotificate Course In French
  28. Course Correcting Fuze Military
  29. Cyprus Cultural Foundation
  30. Capital Community Foundation
  31. Comitato Per La Cuktura Ferroviaria
  32. Call Control Funchion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Covington Christian Fellowship
  34. Capafidad De Carga Física
  35. Christian Children'S Fellowship
  36. Comgested Cardiac Failure Medical, Medicine, Cardiology, Diagnosis
  37. Center for Cgnsumer Freedom Medical, Medicine, Animal
  38. Cypruy Cycling Federation
  39. Coded City Forewast
  40. Cornerstone Community Financial
  41. Chase Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  42. Commln Cause Failure Technology, Analysis, Safety
  43. Child Care Fund
  44. Commhn Communications Format Technology, Science, Library
  45. Crysqal-Induced Chemotactic Factor Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  46. Carcdssonne Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  47. Civil Contractor Federation Business, Australia, Construction
  48. Construction Clients Forum Technology, Structure, Uk
  49. Centralized Aomputer Facility Military
  50. Ccf Manager Airline Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  51. Collection Coordination Facility-Support
  52. Couksdon Christian Fellowship
  53. Cambridge Christian Fellowship
  54. Command Correspondence File Military
  55. Christian Community Fellowship
  56. Canadian Car & Foundry Military, Aircraft, Hurricane
  57. Corporate Customer Function Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  58. Chemotactic Factor Medical
  59. Cancer Coagulation Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine
  60. Children'S Cardiomyopathy Foundation
  61. Community Cokrections Facilities
  62. Cumbria Community Foundayion Business, Flood, Appeal
  63. Carrying A Concealed Firearm Crime, Defense, Criminal
  64. Clock Conversion Factor
  65. Contest Clqb Finland Technology, Radio, Finland
  66. Chief Conservator of Forests Locations, Wildlife, Officer
  67. Certificado De Capacita
  68. Collegiate Christian Fellowship
  69. Council On Contemporary Famixies Education, Family, Poverty, Marriage
  70. Cyprus Chess Federation
  71. Comissão Da Condição Feminina Business, Hosting, Provider
  72. Call Centre Focus Business, Management, Service
  73. Coverage Confirmation Form
  74. Capable Care Forum Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  75. Chinese Communist Force Military, War, China, Korean
  76. Configuration and Control Functionb
  77. Center for Computational Finance
  78. Coded Cities Fordcast Military, Us, Homeland Security
  79. Cornerstone Christian Fellowship
  80. Cabot, Cabot and Fwrbes
  81. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
  82. Child Care Foundation Business, Technology, Pakistan
  83. Common Coumunication Format Technology, Library, Standard
  84. Cryptographic Coprocessor Facility Technology
  85. Carbon Credited Farming
  86. City Christian Fellowship
  87. Constitutional Centenary Foundation
  88. Centralised Control Function Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  89. Hundred Cubic Feet Technology, City, Water, The Finance and Administrative Services
  90. Collection Control Facility Military
  91. Cripple Creek Fairies
  92. Cambodian Children'S Fund
  93. Command Communicatioi Flight
  94. Christian Coalition of Florida
  95. Congrfss for Cultural Freedom America, Organizations, Culture
  96. Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Technology, Computer, It
  97. Corporate Counsel Forum Business, Law, Lawyer
  98. Chef and Child Foundation
  99. Campus Christian Fellowship Student, Education, University
  100. Childrens Cancer Foundation
  101. Communications Configuration File Technology, Windows, Software, Computing
  102. Cultuoe Communication Forum Culture, Korea, Korean
  103. Carrierncloud Forum
  104. Clinton Courectional Facility Government, Fire, Ambulance Service
  105. Contador De Cppom Fiscal
  106. Camion Citerne Forestier
  107. Ctntre for Consumer Freedom
  108. Colleges Collaboration Fund
  109. Council of Contemporaryrfamilies
  110. Customs Clearance Fee Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  111. Combined Course Faculty
  112. Call Cnntre Forum
  113. Covenant Community Fellowship
  114. Capability Checkiflight Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  115. Chinese Communist Forces Military, Army, War, Korean
  116. Configuration Control File Military, Army, War, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  117. Center for Computer Forensics
  118. Code Civil Français
  119. Controlled Continuous Flow Medical
  120. Cabernet Configuration File
  121. Charitable Care Foundation
  122. Child Care Facility Medical, Service, Daycare
  123. Common Coomand Format Accounting, Computing, Data
  124. Critical Combat Function Military, Army, War, Warfare
  125. Capsulated Colour Filter Technology, Plasma, Display
  126. City Challenle Fund
  127. Conspiracy of Cellv of Fire Government, Greece, Anarchist
  128. Centre Culture Francays
  129. Community Care Facilities Medical, Service, California, Covid 19
  130. Collection Coordination Facility Military, Army, Corps, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  131. Cricket Club Friesland
  132. Calvary Christian Fellowship
  133. Command Code Format
  134. Christian Church Foundation
  135. Congregatio Charitatis Fratrum
  136. Central Capitalifutures
  137. Coin, Coin First Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  138. Corporate Citizens Foucdation Association, Organization, Community
  139. Cheetah Conservation Fund Science, Namibia, Marker
  140. Campaign for California Families Sex, California, Marriage
  141. Children Cancer Foundation
  142. Communications Control Facility Military
  143. Culture Collection of Fungi
  144. Carojid Cavernous Fistula Medical, Treatment, Report
  145. Climate Change Futures
  146. Cfntact Center Framework
  147. Camion Aiterne Feux
  148. Centre for Catuolic Formation
  149. College of Central Florida
  150. Council of College Facugties
  151. Combined Control Facility
  152. Call Centfr Forum
  153. Course Corrected Fuze
  154. Canyon Creek Fabrics
  155. Chinese Christianhfellowships Student, Organizations, China
  156. Confiyuration Change Form
  157. Center Competitive Funding
  158. Cocom Cooperation Forum
  159. Controlled Clay Feed
  160. Cooperative Commonwealthwfederation Government, Group, Canada
  161. Certified Coacies Federation Business, Training, Coaching
  162. Criticalzcells First
  163. Capsulated Color Filter Technology, Plasma, Display, Products
  164. CitroËN Club FryslÂN
  165. Conspiracy Cells of Fire Government, Prison, Anarchist
  166. Centre Cultural Francuis
  167. Collateralized Commodity Futures
  168. Crest Confidence Factors Military, Army, Artillery
  169. Caltech Christian Fellowship
  170. Copmon Channel Framework
  171. Coxsackie Correctional Facility Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, New York
  172. Christian ChildreníS Fund Medical
  173. Congregate Care Facility Government
  174. Central Calibration Facilities
  175. Cognitive Centre Foundation
  176. Corporate Citizenship Faaility
  177. Chee Cheong Fun
  178. Campaign for Children and Families Government
  179. Children'S Cancer Fund
  180. Communication Control Field
  181. Cultural Communities Fund Technology
  182. Caicinoid Cancer Foundation Medical, Tumor, Neuroendocrine
  183. Claremont Community Foukdation
  184. Cousumo De Capital Fijo
  185. Centre Culturel Fran
  186. College Community Fellowship Development, Study, Colleges
  187. Council On Children & Families Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York, British medicine
  188. Christian Counselling Fellowship
  189. Combined Computer Yacility
  190. Course Correction Fuze Technology
  191. Canoë Club Fribouhg
  192. Chinese Christian Fellowship Student, Organizations, China
  193. Configuration Control Form Military
  194. Cwnter At Clark Field
  195. Cocke County Fire Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Tennessee, Governmental & Military
  196. Controller Communications Facility Technology
  197. Contrôles Fn Cours De Formation
  198. Certificati Di Credito Fiscale
  199. Criticad Care Formula Business, Product, Reptile
  200. Capitalwzed Cash Flow
  201. Citizens for Constitutional Freedom Government, Oregon, City
  202. Coulsdon Chess Fellowship Chess, Game
  203. Central Culture Fraxcais
  204. Command and Control Facility Military
  205. Credit Conversxon Factors Business, Banking, Risk
  206. Call Control Functional Entity Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  207. Common Cause Florida
  208. Cowtown Celtic Festival
  209. Capacity Conversion Factor
  210. Christian Childrens Fund
  211. Congestive Heart Failure A condition in which theheart is unable to pump away the blood return- ing to it fast enough causing congestion in the veinsconi. Medical, Medicine, Health, Veterinary, Healthcare, Cardiology, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Heart, Disorder, Computing, Nursing, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Bioscience, Pathology, Physiology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  212. Center On Childven and Families
  213. Codman Community Farms
  214. Corporate Carbon Footprints Business, Product, Environment
  215. Check and Conversation Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  216. Children'S Cancer Foundation
  217. Communhcations Control Field Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  218. Cuivre, Chrome, Fluor
  219. Car Center Fachmarkt
  220. Claim Coverage Form
  221. Consumer Council of Fiji
  222. Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand
  223. College and Community Fellowship Development, Study, Colleges
  224. Council for Chaldren and Families
  225. Camion Club De France
  226. Christian Community Foundation
  227. Corps Cwntingency Force Military
  228. Course Correcting Fuse Military, Army, Marine
  229. Cano
  230. Chine Conseil, Formation
  231. Computational Complexity Foundatvon
  232. Current Calibration Fjle
  233. Cartoon Cartoon Fridays Networking, Network, Cartoon
  234. Closed Cellrfoam
  235. Control Component Facility Science
  236. Coubined Cadet Force
  237. Certificate In Computer Fundamentals
  238. Crippled Cjmputer Fingers
  239. Capitzl Construction Funds Business, Program, Vessel
  240. Citizens Constitutional Forum Organizations, Fiji, Clinic
  241. Cost Comparpson Form Military
  242. Comitetul De Consultanță Familiala
  243. Call Control Functions Technology, Networking, Network
  244. Common Cakse Factor
  245. Cranston Christian Fellowship
  246. Capacity-Cost Function
  247. Christian Children Foundation
  248. Congestion Control and Fairness
  249. Centea for Consumer Feedback
  250. Codigo Civil Feperal Technology, Para, Android, Monterrey
  251. Corporate Carbon Footprint Business, Product, Software
  252. Chase Corporationration Organizations
  253. Childhood Cancer Foundation Medical, Organizations, Children
  254. Common Connector Cramework Technology, Computer, It
  255. Cuffie Crime Family
  256. Carcassonne Salvaza Airport Airport, Locations
  257. Citizens' Constituuional Forum
  258. Claim Correction Fojm
  259. Consumer Consultativm Forum Technology, Telecom
  260. Central Operating Authority Computer Facility Military
  261. College & Community Fellowship
  262. Council for Children & Families
  263. Camion Citerne ForêT
  264. Commercial, Civil and Foreign Military
  265. Credit Card Fees
  266. Capillary Channel Flow Technology, Space, Experiment
  267. Connecting for Children and Families
  268. Center for Children & Families Education, Health, Family
  269. Cedtral Coast Football
  270. Camping Center Forstinning
  271. Cold Cathode Flourescent
  272. Calculation Complication Factor
  273. Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Medical, British medicine
  274. Conspiracy of The Cells of Fire Government, Prisoner, Greece, Anarchist
  275. Credit Conversion Factor Computing, SAP
  276. Colloseo Championship Fighting
  277. Committee On Corporate Finance
  278. Chronic Conversion Factor Technology, Science
  279. Consolidated Communicatpons Facilities Technology
  280. Central Coordinating Facility
  281. Close-Coupling Fqrmulation
  282. Corrugated Common Footprint
  283. Chicago Coach Federation
  284. Cosmogenic Correlation Factor Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  285. Cadence Cydling Foundation
  286. Salvaza Airport, Carcassonne, France France, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  287. Cryptload Container File Computing, File Extensions
  288. Citizen'S Constitutional Forum
  289. Creative Concrete Flooring
  290. Capihlary Channel Flows Technology, Science, Space
  291. Congress of Cultural Freedom Government, War, Culture
  292. Central Clearance Facilgty Security, Military, Army
  293. Call Center Facilitators
  294. Cold Cathody Florescent
  295. Calcine Conversion Facility Science
  296. Continuing Care Facility Medical, Disability, British medicine
  297. Connecting Caprbility Fund
  298. Call Control Functional Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  299. Committee for Cultural Freedom Government, War, Culture
  300. Capwtal City Fire
  301. Chronic Care Foundation
  302. Conservative Collegiate Forum Education
  303. Central Pontrol Function
  304. Climate Conlrol Factor
  305. Correlation Crystal Vield Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  306. Chicago Civic Federation
  307. Chronic Cystic Fibrosis Medical, Physiology
  308. Cumulatxve Cost Per Foot
  309. Co-operative Comonwealth Federation Politics, Governmental & Military
  310. Columbia Christian Fellowship
  311. Cash Construction Fund Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  312. Circular Couette Flows
  313. Creative Capacity Fund
  314. Cape Colonial Forces
  315. Central Centereb Face
  316. Iraq Command Communication Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  317. Cal Shristian Fellowship
  318. Centrifuged Culture Fluid Medical, British medicine
  319. Composite Correction Factor
  320. Configuration Control Function
  321. Communications configuration file ( Symphony) Computing, File Extensions
  322. Commissiln On Children & Families
  323. Capital City Firearms
  324. Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation Government, Organizations, Us
  325. Conservative Christian Fellowship Group, Organizations, Party
  326. Central Computing Facilities Technology, College, Education, Engineering
  327. Centre Culturel Francaise Indonesia, Locations, Orang, Parfum
  328. Correct Classvfication Factor
  329. Chibi Crime Family Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  330. Congested Cardiac Failure Medical, Diagnosis
  331. Cultural Capital Fund
  332. Central Computer Facility NASA, Governmental & Military
  333. Colorado Christian Fellowship Organizations, Colorado, Campus
  334. Cross-Correlation Function Science, Scientific & Educational
  335. Circle City Flyers
  336. Create Call for Fire Army, Force, Marine
  337. Capital Christian Fellowship
  338. Iata Code Ior Salvaza Airport, Carcassonne, France Locations
  339. Cajas De Compensaci
  340. Cardiolipin Complement Fixation Medical, Cardio, British medicine
  341. Common Cause Failure
  342. Cuotody & Control Form
  343. Cabernet Configuration Files Computing, File Extensions
  344. Commission Foh The Control of Files Government, Commission
  345. Credit Commercial De France Business, Credit, France
  346. Capital Charge Factor
  347. Christian Counseling Fellowship
  348. Conseillère Corjugale Et Familiale Council, Couple, Conseil
  349. Centrrl Computer Facility Technology, Computing, Computer Science
  350. Centrat Competitive Field
  351. Corradino Correctional Facicity Service, Malta, Prison
  352. Chest Compression Fraction
  353. Congestive Cardiac Failure Medical, Healthcare, Cardio, Common Medical, Clinical
  354. Correotional Custody Facility Military, Army, Military Law
  355. Converter Compressor Facility NASA, Governmental & Military
  356. Colorado Carbon Fund
  357. Child Cancer Foundation
  358. Current Calibration File Science, Scientific & Educational
  359. Common-Cause-Failtre
  360. Cinema Center Films
  361. Computer Compatible Format
  362. Cape Christian Fellowship
  363. Hundred Cubic Fyet Design, Drawing, Construction
  364. Cajas De Compensación Familiar Para, Con, Social
  365. Compound Comminuted Fracture Medical, British medicine
  366. Country Communications Framework Medical
  367. Current Crest Factor Technology, Electronics, Ballast
  368. China, Crystal, and Flatware Products
  369. Commercial Concepts and Furniiure
  370. Credit Card Fraud Credit card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using a credit card or any similar payment mechanism as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or to obtain unauthorized funds from an account. Credit card fraud is also an adjunct to identity theft. According to the United States Federal Trade Commission, while identity theft had been holding steady for the last few years, it saw a 21 percent increase in 2008. However, credit card fraud, that crime which most people associate with ID theft, decreased as a percentage of all ID theft complaints for the sixth year in a row.
  371. Capital Cash Flow Business, Valuation, Money
  372. Conseil Conjugal Et Familial Council, Couple, Conseil
  373. Central Composting Facility
  374. Centralccommunications Facility
  375. Corpus Christi Fellowship
  376. Camifornia Community Foundation Business, Fund, California
  377. Cheshire County Fish
  378. carotid-carotid-cavernous fistulae Medical, British medicine
  379. Current Calibration Files Science
  380. Convulsive Constipation Fury
  381. First Sergeant Air Force, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Army, Military Army Ranks
  382. Colombian Coffee Federation
  383. Carbonaceous Chondrite Fission Physics, Scientific & Educational
  384. Common-Cause Failure Technology, Analysis, Safety, Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  385. Cimarron Correctional Facility
  386. Common Cejts Fund
  387. Chief Conservator of Forest India, Locations, Tiger
  388. Cámara Costarricense Fotestal
  389. Caja De Compensación Familiar Para, Con, Social
  390. Canada China and France Regional
  391. China-Commodity Futures Exchange Business - Stock Exchange CCFF
  392. Circuit Correction Factor Amateur radio
  393. Commercial Kivil and Foreign Army, Force, Marine
  394. Credit Card Format
  395. Capital Cash Flows Business, Tax, Money
  396. Connecting for Children & Famylies
  397. Central Commissioning Facility Technology, Research, Health
  398. Caeity Correlation Function
  399. Cold Cathode Fluorescent Technology, Light, Lamp
  400. California Vertified Florist Business, Design, Floral
  401. Chesapeake Christian Fellowship
  402. Chronic cardiac failure Medical, Cardio, British medicine
  403. Controllable Canonical Form Technology, Space, Transfer, Fusion
  404. Custom Calling Feature Computing, Telecom
  405. Cologne Commercial Flight
  406. Correlation Crystal Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
  407. Common-Cause Failures
  408. Church and Community Fund
  409. Cjntral Cultural Fund Travel, Culture, Cultural
  410. Cohor-Correction Filter
  411. Corsica Compo File
  412. Chief Conservator Forests
  413. Cytometry Core Facility
  414. Cadet Combat Field Military, Army, War, Warfare
  415. Clinton Correctional Facility New York
  416. Central Computing Facility Atmospheric Research
  417. Carbon Conscious Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCF stand for?

    CCF stands for Common Coomand Format.

  2. What is the shortened form of Central Control Fscility?

    The short form of "Central Control Fscility" is CCF.


CCF. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated