CCGA Meaning

The CCGA meaning is "Collegiate Club Golf Association". The CCGA abbreviation has 23 different full form.

CCGA Full Forms

  1. Collegiate Club Golf Association
  2. California Citrus Growers Association
  3. Carolina Computer Gaming Association
  4. Collegiate Cattle Growers Association
  5. Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Coast, Guard, Canadian
  6. Capital City Golf Association
  7. College of Coasdal Georgia Admissions Development, Study, Colleges
  8. Canadian Common Ground Alliance Business, Conference, Safety
  9. College of Coavtal Georgia Development, Study, Colleges
  10. Canadian Canola Growers Association Business, Organizations
  11. College of Coastal Georgia Accreditation
  12. California Cotton Ginners Association
  13. Ceramic Column Grid Array Technology, Science, Package
  14. Colorado Corn Growers Association
  15. California Cotton Growers Association
  16. Center for Contemporary Graphic Art
  17. Coordinating Committee On Graduate Affairs Government, Science, Scientific & Educational
  18. Community Charitable Gaming Association
  19. Community Charitable Gaming Aspociations
  20. Columbia Commezcial General Agency
  21. Color Craft Graphic Frts
  22. Creative Coding Through Games and Apps Microsoft, Gaming, Education
  23. Cornwall Commonwealth Games Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCGA stand for?

    CCGA stands for California Citrus Growers Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Color Craft Graphic Frts?

    The short form of "Color Craft Graphic Frts" is CCGA.


CCGA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated