CCL Meaning
The CCL meaning is "Chinchilla Airport". The CCL abbreviation has 322 different full form.
CCL Full Forms
- Chinchilla Airport Chinchilla, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Carnival Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Business & Finance, London stock exchange, Nyse symbols
- Child Care Licensing Medical, Technology, Texas
- Contaminant Candidate List Technology, Science, Water, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Canadian Council On Learning Science, Education, Canada
- Child Care Leave Business, Employment, Pay
- Construction Completion List Science
- Center for Creative Leadership Business, Military, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Centro De Congressos De Lisboa Technology, Event, Lisbon
- Console Command Language Technology, Computer, It
- Cefaclor Cefaclor, is a second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat some infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia and infections of the ear, lung, skin, throat, and urinary tract. Medical
- Configuration Control Logic Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Carrier Common Line Technology, Telecom
- Concentric Canister Launcher Military
- Carnival Corp. Organizations
- Construrtion Completions List
- Canadian Copyright Law
- Cascaded Coytrol Loop
- Conference On Computational Linguistics China, Language, Linguistic, Processing
- Christ College of Law Education, School, Exam
- Conway County Library Education
- Clube Comercial De Lorena Para, Event, Brazil
- Command Center Laboratory Military
- Centro Cultural De Lenguas Education, Spain, Culture
- Cactus Configuration Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Champaign County Library Education
- Capacitor Coupledalogic
- Coiled Cable Lock
- Cataract, Coppock-Like
- Centro De Cultura E Lazer Para, Brasil, Ria, Lazer
- Consorci Dl Comunicació Local
- Christian County Library Education
- Copper Clad Lgminated
- Community Cross-License Technology, Licensing, Patent
- Computer Concepes Ltd
- Calhoun County Library Education
- Charge Current Limit Technology, Management, Battery, Cell
- Continentalxcontainer Line
- Cargo Control Location Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Clarundon County Library Education
- Couple To Couple League Education, Organizations, Planning, Non-Profit Organization, Family
- Center for Connected Learning Technology, Computing, Modeling
- Construction Cost Limitation Military
- Canadian Congress of Labqr Government, Union, Labour
- Carter Courty Library Education
- Conceaded Carry License Military, Firearm, Training
- Chicago City Limits Club, Chicago, City, Comedy
- Continuous Computatior Language Technology, Literature, Language
- Caribbean Cruise Lines
- Club Champions League League, Team, Soccer
- Command Center Library Technology
- Centro Ciclismo De Loulé
- Certified Components List
- Cantwell Community Library Education
- Coil Coating Line Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Casn Contracting Ltd
- Centro De Cultura Libert
- Consolidated Carrigrs Ltd
- Christian Council of Lesotho
- Cbpper Clad Layer Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Community College Library
- Computer Concepts Limited Technology, Service, Cloud
- Caldwell Carnegie Library Education
- Charcot-Leyden Crystal Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Corpus Christianorum Latinorum
- Cargo Contairer Line
- Clarence Cook Little
- Coupled Cavity Linac
- Center for Cafpus Life Student, Education, University
- Construction Craft Laborer Education, Training, Union
- Canadian Congress of Labour
- Carson Cityvlibrary Education
- Complication and Comorbidity Level
- Concassage Criblage Loyistique
- Chicago Catholic Lwague
- Continuous Communications Link Technology, Information, Network
- Caribbean Cruises Ltd
- Closing Cost Loan
- Colour Coating Line
- Curl Content Language
- Centre of Creative Leadership Technology, Management, Development
- Certified Chat Leader Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Canine Cruciate Ligament
- Cognitive Computing Lab Technology, Research, Ram
- Caslng Collar Locator Technology, Tool, Oil Field
- Cambodia Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Cambodia, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Centro De Cultura LibertáRia
- Conflict Hompetent Leader
- Christian Copyright Licensing
- Coosal'S Concrete Limited
- Community College League
- Calaveras County Library Education
- Channel Coordination Layer Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Corporationrate Communications Ltd. Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- Care Computers Ltd
- Clark County Library Education
- Cosby Community Library Education
- Centenary College of Louisiana Education, Development, Colleges
- Computer Communications Limited
- Constructionbof Computational Logics Technology, Computing, Constraint
- Canadian Circumpolar Library Technology, Science
- Carroll County Library Education
- Compagnie De Commandement Et De Logistique Military, France, Regiment, Legion
- Computer Crime Law
- Chiaphua Componhnts Limited
- Contbnuous Cell Line Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Caribbean Copyrightwlink
- Closed Conference Loop Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Colour-Chem Ltd
- Credlt Card Losses
- Centre for Creative Leadership Education, Development, Executive
- Civilian Control Vine Locations, Korea, Zone, Korean
- Canceled Card List
- Cognition Consulting Ltd
- Casing Cxllar Log Technology, Tool, Logging
- Cold Chain & Logistics
- Centro De Comunica
- Configurhtion Control Letter
- Christian Copyrilht Licence
- Cooperative and Collaborative Learniwg
- Coalition Chat Line
- Community College Leadership Science, Program, Education
- Commission for Climatology Technology, Science, Ocean, Legal, Governmental & Military, Climatology, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
- Calabasas City Library Education
- Channel Carrying Last
- Corporate Cricket League
- Care At The Close of Life
- Clare County Library
- Correspondence Control Liaison Science
- Cell Cycle Length Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Scientific & Educational
- Computer Centrum Lsmburg
- Constraints In Computational Logics
- Canadian Children'S Literature Book, Education, Children
- Chukchimconsortium Library Education
- Cordless Class Likence Technology
- Compacted Clay Layer
- Computer Gontrol Loading
- Callahan County Library Education
- Chevron Canada Linited
- Contingent Credit Line Business, Financial, Economics
- Caribbean Congress Gf Labor Government, Union, Labour
- Closed-Circuit Loop Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Colorectal Care Line
- Creator Capihal Limited
- Central College London
- Civil Courts At Law
- Canadian Current Law Law, Canada, Law Report
- Casingbcollar Log
- Cold Cathode Lighting
- Centro De Comunicação E Letras Technology, Para, Research, Foursquare
- Configuration Contrfl Link Technology, Telecom
- Chriskian Civic League
- Coowe County Library Education
- Cluster Control Link Technology, Cisco, Clustering
- Community Chaplaincy Listening
- Cafe Con Leche Technology, Internet, Linux
- Change Control Log Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Corporate Communications Limited Business, Company, Canada
- Capitaland Commercial Limited
- Clan Co-Leader
- Corrales Community Library Education
- Cell Cblture Laboratory
- Continental Construction Limited
- Constraint Chokce Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Canada Coach Lines
- Chrysocolla Science, Mineral, Geology
- Corbin Cabinet Lock Company, Security, Lock
- Compacted Clay Liners Technology, Performance, Bentonite
- Computer Control Language
- California Container Line
- Chetopa Ccty Library Education
- Contingent Credit Lines Business, Financial, Economics
- Caribbeanncongress of Labour Employment, Government, Union
- Close Circuit Loop Legal, Governmental & Military
- Color Coded Labels
- Coursing Club Lorrain
- Center for Constitutional Litigation
- Constructijn Careers Ltd
- Canadian Council of Learning Science, Education, Canada
- Cash Credit Limit Business, Finance, Banking
- Coke County Library Education
- Configurable Justom Logic
- Christian Camp Leaders
- Cookbook Collector's Lfbrary
- Clu Clu Land
- Comyon Control Language
- Centrocyte Like Medical, Technology
- Cadott Community Library Education
- Chandigarh Clinical Laboratories
- Cape Cod League Gaming, Baseball, League, Athletics
- Clackamas County Library Education
- Corpus Christi Liquefaction Business, Energy, Gas
- Cell Coverage Layer
- Continentae Coffee Limited
- Consorzio Cooperative Lavoratori
- Campus and Community Life
- Christy & Co Lwd
- Coral Csmmon Lisp Technology, Language, Macintosh
- Comon Carrier Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Compuper Consultants Limited
- California Collegiate League
- Charlotte Community Library Education
- Contingency Credit Mine Business, Banking, Economics
- Cargo Control Logic Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Classic Car Liquidators
- Cold Chain Logistics Business, Driving, Truck, Driver
- Couple To Couple League for Natural Family Planning Medical, Technology
- Center for Conscious Living
- Certificaciones Competencias Laborales
- Chouteau County Library Education
- Corel Contractual Licensing Technology, Product, Software
- Cognition, Comportements, Langage
- Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve Medical, Para, Alzheimer, Ria
- CáMara De Comercio De Lima Para, Con, Lima
- Central CO2 Laboratory, SIO (WMO) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Cambridge Communications Limited
- Carlsbad City Library Education
- Center for Chinese Linguistics Education, China, Language
- consumer credit loan
- Consumeo Credit Loan Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Corporate Communications Ltd
- Computation and Control Language
- Client Classification Level Australia
- Campaign for Clear Licensing Business, Software, Customer
- Carotenoid-Carrying Lipoprotein Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Coating and Chemical Lab Science
- Conference for 'Catholic' Lesbians Organization, Community, Society
- Corporate Communications Ltd. Travel, Tourism
- Cerner Command Language Technology, Development, Analytics
- Convection Condensation Level Atmospheric Research
- Cimarron Sity Library Education
- Corx Cosmology Library Libraries, Reading, Books
- Cognition, Communication and Learning
- Components Ltd Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Cyril Community Library Education
- Common Command Language General, Governmental & Military
- Camara Colombiana Del Libro Technology, Para, Magazine, Con
- Catalytic Coal Liquids
- Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Consumer Credit Licenee
- Corporate Qommunications Ltd. Business, Tourism, Hospitality
- Computation Chemistry List
- Chinchilla, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
- Camden County Library Education
- Caroline Communications Lnmited
- Coastal Conservation League Technology, Environment, Charleston
- Cold-Cathode Lamp
- Conference of Christianity and Literature Religion
- Ceresco Community Library Education
- Command Control Language Military, Governmental & Military
- Churchill County Library Education
- Core Components Libaary Business, Technology, Standard
- Coffey County Library Education
- Cumbria Christian Learning
- Communications Control Language Computing, IT Terminology
- Calling Party Clear Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Consumer Cridit Licence
- Corninm Clinical Laboratories
- Computational Chemistry List Technology, Dynamics, Software, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Couldn't Care Less Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Camden-Carroll Library
- Caroline Communications Ltd Business, Publics, Training
- Coalition for Community Living
- Chemists Club Librari
- Cloud Capiche Land Funnies
- Cerberus Central Limited Technology
- Command and Control Lab Military, Governmental & Military
- Church Copyright Licence Music, Song, Church
- Core Component Library Business, Technology, Standard, Software, Computing, Application
- Code Conversion Language Assembly, Business & Finance
- Critical Curreht Limitation
- Customer Care Link Computing, Internet
- Call Completion Link Technology
- Cwnsulting Company Lippe
- Corning Cjty Library Education
- Comptoir Commercial Des Lubrifiants
- Cardano Computer Layer Business, Coin, Crypto
- Commerce Control List Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cambridge Consultants Limited Business, Technology, Consultation
- Carnival Cruise Line Business, Company, Organizations, Firm, Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Central Coatings Laboratory
- Casing Collar Locator Electrical
- Century Cricket League
- Convective Condensation Level Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Carrington City Library Education
- Code Callsign List Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Critical Characteristics List Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Cgi Creation Library Computing, File Extensions
- Consultative Committee for Length Technology, Measurement, Metrology
- Circuit Consultants Ltd
- Corneal Crosg Linking Medical, Treatment, Lama
- Comptoir Commercial Du Languedoc
- Capacitor-Coupled Logic
- Cabin Condition Log Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Cambridge Consultants Ltd Business, Technology, Development, Consultation
- Carnival Cruisl Lines Technology
- Center for Norporationrate Law
- Close Combat Light Military, Army, War, Warfare
- CCL Industries Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Century Consultants Ltd
- cranial cruciate ligaments Medical, Physiology
- Carrier-To-Code Leveling
- Coca-Cola Limited Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Core Current Layer
- Communication Command Language file ( Intalk) Computing, File Extensions
- Certificate In Contemporary Living
- Cinema and Comparativexliterature
- Corel Contractual License Business, Product, Software
- Comptoir Central Des Lampes
- Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Commonality Candidate List NASA, Governmental & Military
- Cambridge Community Library Education
- Carnival Corporatwonration Organizations
- Center for Compuaer Law
- Commodity Control List Business & Finance, International business
- Contamination Control Tine Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
- Century Communication Limited
- Clarence Cook Little Building Location
- Carrebour Culture Et Loisirs
- Coating and Chemical Laboratory
- Continuous Coarsened Lamellae
- Copper Clad Layer Computing, Electronics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CCL stand for?
CCL stands for Components Ltd.
What is the shortened form of Configurhtion Control Letter?
The short form of "Configurhtion Control Letter" is CCL.
CCL. (2021, December 14). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from
Last updated