CDBC Meaning

The CDBC meaning is "California Deaf Bassmasters Club". The CDBC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

CDBC Full Forms

  1. California Deaf Bassmasters Club
  2. Calgary Dragon Boat Club
  3. Certified Dog Behavior Counselor
  4. Certified Dog Behavior Consultants Training, Dog, Trainer
  5. Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Training, Dog, Trainer
  6. Cardiovascular Developmental Biology Center
  7. Canadian Deaf-Blind Council
  8. Covenant Disciples Bible Course Religion
  9. China Development Bank Capital Business, Fund, China
  10. Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions Medical, Technology, Canada, Psychology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  11. College of Dietitians of British Columbia Development, Study, Colleges
  12. College of Denturists of British Columbia Development, Study, Colleges
  13. College Democrats of Boston College Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  14. Clearwater Duplicate Bridge Club
  15. Calf Dermal Blood Content Medical, Physiology
  16. Circle Drive Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CDBC stand for?

    CDBC stands for Calgary Dragon Boat Club.

  2. What is the shortened form of Calf Dermal Blood Content?

    The short form of "Calf Dermal Blood Content" is CDBC.


CDBC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated