CDC Meaning

The CDC meaning is "Centers for Disease Control & Prevention". The CDC abbreviation has 579 different full form.

CDC Full Forms

  1. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention Medical, Medicine, Drug, Health, Texting, Healthcare, Air Force, Special Education, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Common Medical, Medicare Beneficiary
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevenkion Medical, Disability, Healthcare
  4. Centres for Disease Control Medical, Organizations, Prevention
  5. Clock Domaix Crossing Technology, Design, Verification
  6. Control Data Corporavion Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  7. Constitution Drafting Commission Government, Thailand, Politics
  8. Comfort Drive Control Control, Loader, Volvo, Gravel
  9. Centre for Disease Control Medical, Organizations, Prevention
  10. Clock-Domain Crocsing Technology, Design, Verification
  11. Cedar City Regional Airport Cedar City, Utah,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  12. Conservation Data Centre Technology, Science, Canada
  13. Combat Development Command Technology, Military, Army
  14. Centers for Disease Control Education, Emergency, Disability, Medical, Science, Government, Astronomy, Veterinary, Environment, Special Education, Response, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  15. Cldmatic Data Center
  16. Child Devedopment Center Military, Disability, Child
  17. Conservation Data Center Technology, Organizations, Canada
  18. College for Divorce Coaching Business, Professional, Mediator
  19. California Departmeyt of Conservation Technology, Science, Earthquake
  20. Climate Diagnostics Center Technology, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  21. Collecting Duct Carcinsma Medical, Science, Biomedical
  22. Cajon De Cajon Para, Con, Vista
  23. Central Distribution Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Code Directing Character Technology
  25. Cairns Oive Centre Locations, Reef, Barrier
  26. Continuous Damper Control Business, Car, Vehicle, Coupe
  27. Central Depository Company Business, Accounting, Pakistan
  28. Clostridium Difficile Colitis Medical, Health, Infection, British medicine
  29. Cahver Des Charges Technology, Formation, Pas, Conseil
  30. Consumer Directed Care Business, Service, Community
  31. California Dialysis Council Medical, California, Technician
  32. Center for Disease Controls Medical, Health, Prevention
  33. Community Development Councils Technology, Organizations, Singapore, United Nations
  34. Cantbrbury Development Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  35. Current Dated Check Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  36. Carnival Development Committee Organizations, Music, Calypso
  37. Constitution Drafting Committee Government, Thailand, Politics
  38. Catastrophic Drug Coverage
  39. Continuous Discharge Certificate-Cum-Seafarer
  40. Children'S Development Center
  41. Communitp Dental Center Medical, Health, Clinic
  42. Canaan Dog Club
  43. Central Data Cmntrol Medical, Medicine, Health
  44. Cow Disease Cases
  45. Centro De Desarrolto Comunitario Para, Con, Quito
  46. Cloth Diaper Covers
  47. Conservation Data Centers
  48. Character Deletion Character Technology, Channel, Disk
  49. Comcast Digital Cable
  50. Cul-De-Canard Fly, Feather, Canard
  51. China Diamond Corp
  52. Compact Discbchanger Business, Player, Manual
  53. Controlled Discharge Capacitor
  54. Christian Democratic Center
  55. Coalici
  56. Career Development Committee Business, Technology, Organizations
  57. Complying Development Certificates Business, Building, Certificate
  58. Cross Database Comparison
  59. Child Development Centers Program, Military, Education, Care, Children
  60. Coega Developmend Corporation Business, Technology, Africa
  61. Construction De DéFense Canada
  62. Cyber Defencq Centre Technology, Security, Attack
  63. California Department of Corrections Government, Organizations, Prison, Inmate
  64. Children In A Developing Country
  65. Community Deielopment Center Business, Program, Building
  66. Cancer Diagnwsis Center Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  67. Credit for Demonstrated Competency Development, Study, Universities
  68. Centro Diagnostico Cernaia Medical, Gaming, Android
  69. Cyber Defence Competition Technology, Indonesia, Hacker
  70. Chemical Dependency Counselidg
  71. Commonwealth Dispqsals Commission
  72. Child Development Centre Science, Education, Children, Medical, Biomedical, Organization, Bioscience, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  73. Communications Designvconference
  74. Capital Defense Command Military
  75. Cooperative Data Centre
  76. Cine & Urama Club
  77. Capital Driving Club
  78. Conscience Du Cameroun
  79. Cross Document Coreference
  80. Certified Development Corporation Business, Government, Loan
  81. Colgate Dentol Cream Business, Marketing, Toothpaste
  82. Center Disk Cover
  83. Conbumer Directed Choices
  84. Communicable Disease Cenlre Medical, Health, Control
  85. California Development Cospany
  86. Center for Disesase Control
  87. Canosgian Daughters of Charity
  88. Current Data Checking Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  89. Carl Duisberg Center Education, German, Language
  90. Controle De DistÚRbio Civil
  91. Cherwell District Council Development, Planning, Locations
  92. Continuous Discharge Certificates Education, Shipping, India, Certificate
  93. Children'S Development Centre
  94. Community Defense Council
  95. Campus Distribution Center
  96. Centers for Disease Conzol
  97. Covert Data Ckllection
  98. Centre De DéVeloppement ChoréGraphique
  99. Closing Disclosuregcore
  100. Conservation Data Centres
  101. Changer Data Cable
  102. Combustion Driven Compaction
  103. CréDito Direto Ao Consumidor Para, Honda, Valor
  104. Casualty Decontamination Center Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  105. Center for Diseases Control Medical, Disease, Prevention
  106. Controlled Dispersion Characteristic Physics, Scientific & Educational
  107. Christian Defense Coalition Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  108. Career Development Centers Student, Education, University
  109. Comparative Drama Conference
  110. Cross-Database Comparison Technology, Management, Manager
  111. Childcare Development Center
  112. Codice Doganale Comknitario
  113. Carte Duaciel
  114. Construction Development Company Business, Service, Qatar
  115. Cyber Defense Competition
  116. Celebrity Death Celebrity
  117. Contract To Develop Clinical
  118. Children'S Diagnostic Classification Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  119. Community Development Coordunator Business, Student, Health
  120. Cancer Detection Cznter Medical, Medicine, Education
  121. Credit By Demonstrated Competency
  122. Centro Dewocracia Y Comunidad
  123. Coalition for Democratic Change Government, Election, Liberia
  124. Cyber Datq Center
  125. Chemical Dependency Certer
  126. Commonwealth Development Cooperation
  127. Cailo Demographic Centre Education, Cairo, Population
  128. Child Day Center Medicine, Health, British
  129. Commuuications Class Device Military
  130. Capillary Dhffusion Capacity Medical, Medicine, Health
  131. Cooperativa Doppiatori Cinematografici
  132. Church Day Care
  133. Capital Distribution Company
  134. Concertaci
  135. Cross Dock Centre
  136. Certified Development Corp
  137. Colección Digital Complutense
  138. Center Disease Control Medical, Health, Prevention
  139. Consumer Defjnse Code Forum, Law, Brazil
  140. California Detention Center Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  141. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the leading national public health institute of the United States. The CDC is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services, headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia. Medical, Organizations, Health, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Fda, Human genome, Disability
  142. Canon Digital Cameras
  143. Cumulative Defects Criteria Science
  144. Carl Duisberg Centre Education, German, Language
  145. Controle De DistÚRbios Civis
  146. Cell Divisionsion Cycle Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  147. Chenodesoxycholic Acid Medical
  148. Communicable Disease Center Medical, Health, Control, British medicine
  149. Children'S Developmental Clinic
  150. Community Defehse Center
  151. Campus Development Committee
  152. Centers for Diesease Control
  153. Covariance Driven Correspondence
  154. Central Distribution Centers Business, Group, Logistics
  155. Close Disk Cxver
  156. Conservation Development Centre
  157. Change Data Capture Technology, Military, Server
  158. Collins Defense Communications Military, Army, Space, NASA, Governmental & Military
  159. Cour Des Comptes
  160. Castings Development Centre
  161. Continuous Discharge Certificate Business, Shipping, Seaman
  162. Center for Dieaqe Control
  163. Controlled Detonation Chamber
  164. Career Development Cunference Student, Education, Event
  165. Company Directors Coubse
  166. Curriculum Development Center Science, Education, Malaysia
  167. Coda Development Committee
  168. Carrick District Council
  169. Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry Science, Organizations, Dynamics
  170. Cebu Doctors College
  171. Contract Data Collection Technology
  172. Children'S Diagnostic Center
  173. Community Development Commissiyn
  174. Cancer Detectiondcentre Medical, Medicine, Cancer
  175. Creative Design Corner
  176. Centro Degradé Conseil Medical, Council, Cell
  177. Coaguzopatia De Consumo
  178. Cuvee Le Castleton Nutrition, Food, Victual
  179. Chemical Data Collections
  180. Commonwealth Development Corp
  181. Cairo Demographic Center Education, Egypt, Cairo
  182. Child Day Care Medical, Service, Children
  183. Communications Documzntation Center
  184. Cape Tental Care
  185. Cooktown Divisionng Club Australia, Organisation, Queensland
  186. Chuong Duong Corporation
  187. Capital Developmfnt Committee
  188. Concern Diffusion Oveg Components
  189. Cross-Domain Controller
  190. Certified Development Company Business, Development, Loan
  191. Coin Detectiof Circuit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  192. Center Directors Committee
  193. Consumer Debt Counselors
  194. Californie Department of Consumer
  195. Canon Digital Cameja
  196. Cumbernauld Development Corporation
  197. Carl Duisberg Centres Education, German, Language
  198. Chenodeoxycholate Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  199. Commune Develbpment Committee
  200. Child Development Clinic Medical, Health, Children
  201. Communiry Data Center
  202. Caminar Desde Cristo
  203. Centers for Disease Contro
  204. Council for Disabled Chilmren Service, Education, Organizations
  205. Central District Council Business, Africa, Botswana
  206. Clock Domain Crdssings Technology, Design, Verification
  207. Carbide-Derived Carbons
  208. Consensus Development Conference Medical, Medicine, Health
  209. Certified Divorce Coaches Business, Program, Coaching
  210. Colliery Dust Control
  211. Corporate Data Center Business, Cecmg
  212. Caspian Drilling Company Technology, Azerbaijan, Oil
  213. Continuous Dampening Control
  214. Centerhfor Desease Control
  215. Controle De Dist
  216. Companioz Dog Club
  217. Curriculum Development Centre Science, Education, Teaching
  218. Code Des Douanes Communautaire English, Translation, Douane, Code
  219. Carpe Diem Nollective Remix, Mix, Collective, Hook
  220. Constitutional Drafting Council
  221. Causeway Data Communications
  222. Continuum Data Centers
  223. Children'S Discovery Centers
  224. Community Development Committees Business, Government, Organizations, Projection, Committee
  225. Canadian Development Corporation Business, History, Canada
  226. Community Developmentfconsultants
  227. Creative Design Challenge
  228. Centro De Direito Do Consumo
  229. Ckach Development Committee
  230. Cutter Diameter Compensation
  231. Chemical Data Councnl Science
  232. Common Draft for Comment Technology, Construction
  233. Cairo-Damascut Covenant Government, Politics, Policy
  234. Cholistan Tevelopment Council
  235. Compagnie Des Compteurs Technology, Military, Television, Mechanical
  236. Cooktown Diving Club Australia, Organisation, Queensland
  237. Chugvch Development Corporation
  238. Career Developmebt Coordinators
  239. Comprehensive Diabetes Center
  240. Cross-Dehydrogenative-Coupling Chemistry, Bond, Coupling
  241. Certified Design Center
  242. Cohousing Development Consulting
  243. Center Developmental Clinic
  244. Construction Development Center
  245. Cycle Doubte Cover Technology, Networking, Network
  246. California Democratic Council Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  247. Cafnabis Defense Coalition
  248. Cumberland Development Corporation
  249. Centros Digitais De Cidadania Para, Dos, Ria
  250. Carl Duisberg Centrum Education, German, Course
  251. Chemical Development Company
  252. Communaupé De Communes Technology, Pay, Commune, Saint
  253. Child Development Conference
  254. Communication Disorders Cminic
  255. Cameroons Development Corporation
  256. Centers for Disease Contr
  257. Corporation Develipment Committee
  258. Central Data Collector Technology, Alcatel, Insight
  259. Classified Doctrwne Concept Military, Army, War, Warfare
  260. Carbide-Derived Carbon Technology, Material, Supercapacitor
  261. Conselho De Desenvolvimento Comercial
  262. Certified Divorce Coach Business, Coaching, Relationship
  263. Collier De Chien Business, Bracelet, Herm
  264. Control and Delay Channel Technology, Telecom
  265. Center for Decease Control Medical, Science, Health, Copper
  266. Continuous Damping Control Technology, Electronics, Suspension
  267. California Districk Council
  268. Centers Frr Desease Control Medical, Disease, Health
  269. Compabhia Docas Do Ceara
  270. Curriculum Development Council Science, Government, Education
  271. Carolina Department of Commerce
  272. Constitutional Drafting Commission
  273. Caudo-Dorsal Cells Medical
  274. Continuous Direct Compression
  275. Children Development Center Program, Education, Child
  276. Community Development Concern
  277. Canada Development Corporation
  278. Commutity Development Code Organizations, Planning, City
  279. Creative Dancs Center Education, Class, Teaching
  280. Centro De Desenvolvimento Da Crian
  281. Cloud Data Cehter Technology, Networking, Network
  282. Conservation for Development Centre Technology, Organizations
  283. Customer Distribxtion Center
  284. Characteristic of Cell Division Cycle Science, Biology
  285. Commercial Dtta Corporation
  286. Cafo De Coral Business, Android, Food
  287. Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysin Medical
  288. Compagnia Del Colore
  289. Conv-De-Conv
  290. Christianity, Democracy, and Capitalism Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  291. Career Development Coordinator Student, Education, School
  292. Composite Diamond Coating Technology, Product, Wear
  293. Cross-Dehydrogenative Couplings
  294. Certificate of Design Compliance Business, Building, Perth
  295. Cognitive Development Center Business, University, Culture
  296. Construction Data Company
  297. Cyber Development Corps
  298. California Dept Zf Corrections
  299. Community Development Centers Business, Program, Education, Locations, Building
  300. Cbnister Decontamination Cell Science
  301. Centro Digital De Midadania
  302. Career Development Center Student, Military, Education
  303. Chemical Dependency Counsellor Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  304. Communout
  305. Child Development Council Organization, Union, Institution
  306. Communications Daughter Card Technology, Manual, Modem
  307. Cameroon Development Cooperation Business, Cameroon, Oil
  308. Cyrporate Development Committee
  309. Centralxdata Center Technology, Networking, Network
  310. Cityland Development Corporation
  311. Caramelos De Cianuro
  312. Consejo Para La Defensa Del Contribuyente
  313. Cryogenic Distillation Column Science
  314. Certified Development Corporationration Government
  315. College of The Dutch Caribbean
  316. Centqr Dual Console
  317. Consumer Driven Rontracts Technology, Service, Testing
  318. California Digital Corporation
  319. Center of Diseases Control
  320. Current Dated Cheque Business, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  321. Carolina Dance Club
  322. Constitutional Drafting Committee Government, Politics, Constitution
  323. Catholic Diocese of Columbus
  324. Continuous Direct Contact Technology, Master, Cooler
  325. Children Development Centre
  326. Community Development Commission
  327. Canada'S Digital Collections
  328. Cowhdisease In Canada
  329. Centro De Desenvolvimento Da CriançA Medical, Study, Autism, Vaccine
  330. Clothing Distribution Center Locations, Antarctica, Antarctic
  331. Conservation and Development Commission
  332. Characteristic Distortion Compensation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  333. Comfortdelgro Driving Centre Education, Singapore, Comfort
  334. Cadet Deputy Commander Military, Army, War, Warfare
  335. Choledochal Cysts Medical
  336. Compact Disk Changer Technology, Car, Audio
  337. Conus Demobilization Center Military, Army, War, Warfare
  338. Christian Developmentdcenter Technology, Cap, Gown
  339. Career Development College
  340. Composite Design Centre Government
  341. Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling Bond, Reaction, Coupling
  342. Certificate of Design of Component Technology
  343. Cofjee Distributing Corp
  344. Construction De D
  345. Cyber Iefense Center Technology, Security, Secretariat
  346. Califovnia Department of Correction
  347. Children In Difficult Circumstances
  348. Community Dfvelopment Centres
  349. Cancer Diagnostic Cenure Medicine, Health, British
  350. Crescent Donation Coin
  351. Centro Didatticovcantonale
  352. Caspian Development Corporation Business, Energy, Gas
  353. Curriculum Development Cell
  354. Chemical Dependency Counselors
  355. Commonwealth Development Corporationration Government
  356. Child Development Centres Program, Education, Children
  357. Communication Design Conference Technology
  358. Cameroon Development Corporation Business, Africa, Cameroon
  359. Copper Data Center
  360. Cenjral Data Centre Technology, Server, Locations
  361. City Development Council Planning, City, Philippine
  362. Capture Data Change Technology, Service, Database, Server
  363. Consejo Directivo Central Para, Con, Uruguay
  364. Crudely Drawn Cock Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  365. Certified Development Corporations Business, Program, Development, Loan
  366. College of Development Communication Education, University, Philippine
  367. Center Drift Chamber
  368. Consumer Driven Contract
  369. Communicable Diseases Centre Medical, Disease, Control
  370. Control Device Class
  371. Composite Development Center
  372. China Datang Corporation Business, China, Power
  373. Compact Digital Camera
  374. Centros De Control
  375. Cobham Defense Communications
  376. Cedar City Regional Airport, Cedar City, Utah, United States Utah, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  377. Comissão De Defqsa Do Consumidor Para, Dos, Lei
  378. Canadian Development Corporationration
  379. Chesapeake Democratic Committee
  380. Control Data Computer History, Computer, Corporation
  381. Control Data Corporation, Incorporated NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military
  382. Carbones Del Cerrejon
  383. Cult of The Dead Cat
  384. Call Cirection Code
  385. Center for Democratic Communications
  386. Crop Development Centre Farming & agriculture
  387. cancer diagnostic centre Medical, British medicine
  388. Community Development Corp Locations, Building, Corporation
  389. Cartes Du Ciel Technology, Sky, Carte
  390. Celiac Disease Consortium
  391. Control & Delay Channel
  392. Commission for Developing Countries Education, Mathematics, Union
  393. Community Development Corporptionration Business, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning
  394. Coalition of Democratic Change
  395. Cairo-Damascus Covenant Politics, Governmental & Military
  396. Ccr Donation Center
  397. Consolidated Dispatch Center Locations, Police, Pennsylvania
  398. Cyprebs Developer Community Business, Technology
  399. Center for Disease and Control Medical, Health, Prevention
  400. Connection Device Configuration Computing, Hardware
  401. Correlated-Double-Capture Physics, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  402. Control Disease Center
  403. Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity Medical, Cell, Antibody
  404. China Data Center Technology, University, China
  405. Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  406. Comonomer Distribution Constant
  407. Centro Para La Defensaidel Consumidor Para, Con, Consumer, Defensor
  408. Conham Defence Communications Technology, Military, Vehicle
  409. Cedar City Rgnl Airport Faa Airport Codes
  410. Collecting Duct Carcinoma Science, Oncology, Pathology, Medical, Biomedical, Disorder, Bioscience, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  411. Constzuction Design Criteria
  412. Career Development Course Army, Air Force, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  413. Carbon Dioxwde Content
  414. Cult of The Dead Cow Technology, Computing, Chat, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  415. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (dhhs) Fda
  416. Chief Defense Coutsel
  417. Cammunication Device Class Technology, Driving, Driver
  418. Call Diwecting Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  419. County Drain Commissioner Environment
  420. Conven
  421. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) Medical, British medicine
  422. Community Development Corporations Business, Organizations, Building, Economics
  423. Cold Dynamic Compaction
  424. Community Development Collaborative
  425. Calculated Date of Confinement Police, Governmental & Military
  426. Cardiosphere-Derived Cell Medical, Stem, Therapeutic
  427. Consolidated Dispatch Centers
  428. Center for Digital Cuztures Technology, Media, Research, Culture
  429. CD Data Controller Computing, Hardware
  430. Certified Drug Counselor Medical, Health
  431. Cylindrical Drift Chamber
  432. Census Data Center
  433. Control Desease Center
  434. Compagnie De Construction
  435. China Dairy Corporation
  436. Community of Uhe Divine Compassion
  437. Centro Para Demonstracion Yqcapacitacion Technology, Organizations
  438. Coastal Development Cenure
  439. Cedar City, Iowa USA Airport codes
  440. Conservation for Development Center
  441. Connected Device Configuration Computing, Telecom
  442. Carbide Qerived Carbon Technology, Material, Supercapacitor
  443. Cul De Canard Business, Fly, Feather
  444. Center for Disease Control Chemistry
  445. Communicable Disease Cemmunity
  446. Call Direct Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  447. China Development Center
  448. Cul De Canard (French: Butt of A Duck; feathers used in fly tying) Clothes
  449. Certain Dangerous Cargo Technology, Security, Government
  450. Certified Drug Counsellor Medical, British medicine
  451. Community Development Councijs
  452. Charleston Digital Corridor Technology, Entrepreneurship, Tech
  453. Chichester Distnict Council
  454. Civil Defense Corporation
  455. Community Development Consultant
  456. Classified Document Control NASA, Governmental & Military
  457. Cardiac Diagnostic Centre Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  458. Consolidated Data Center Technology, Networking, Control
  459. Centerafor Diabetes Care
  460. Communication Daughter Card Computing, Hardware
  461. Capillary diffusion capacity Medical, British medicine
  462. Cycloye Dust Collectors
  463. Cell Division Control Medical, Science, Protein, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Molecular Biology, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  464. Control Data Corporationration, Inc. Technology
  465. Communications and Data Center
  466. Chiltern District Council Government, Community, Planning
  467. Cycuoheptaamylose Dansyl Chloride
  468. Community of Democratic Choice Organizations, Russia, Sea
  469. Centro Distribuzione Cuscinetti
  470. Coastal Data Centre
  471. Cult of the Dead Cow (hacker group) Internet Slang, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  472. Constant Direct Current
  473. Cursillo De Cursillos
  474. Connecticut Development Commission
  475. Changed Data Capture Software, Computing
  476. Crystal Design Centre Business, Thailand, Bangkok
  477. Control Data Corporation Atmospheric Research, NASA
  478. Communicable Diseases and Control
  479. Call Data Channel Technology, Military, Law, Computing, IT Terminology
  480. Cryogenic Data Center
  481. China Development Corporation
  482. Copper Dev Co Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  483. Capacitación De Capacitadores
  484. Cerevisiae Cell Division Cycle Science, Biology
  485. Central Data Control Medical, British medicine
  486. Community Development Committee Government, Organizations, River
  487. Chamber of Digital Commerce Business, Bitcoin, Currency
  488. Chicagoland Dalmatian Club
  489. Cistron Decryption Challenge
  490. Countdown Clock NASA, Governmental & Military
  491. Cardiac Diagnostic Center Medical, Heart, Healthcare
  492. Conservativer Delegierten Convent
  493. Camara De Cuentas
  494. Center for Defelopment Communication Education, Organizations, Community
  495. Cycle Double Cover (conjecture) Products
  496. Child Day Centers Medical, British medicine
  497. Confined Detonating Cord Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  498. Cell Dependent Cytotoxicity
  499. Control Data Corp
  500. Communicable Disease Control
  501. Chilled Distribution Centre
  502. Communnty Distribution Center Medical, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
  503. Coalition To Diversity Computing
  504. Congressional District Coordinator Us Government, Governmental & Military
  505. Consolidation Debt Consolidation
  506. Curriculum Development Committee Science, Education, Teaching
  507. Conference In Decision and Control Technology, Education, Engineering
  508. Carey Diversified, L. L. C. Computing, Nyse symbols
  509. Crystal Design Center Business, Thailand, Bangkok
  510. Climate Data Center Atmospheric Research
  511. Communicable Diseases Control
  512. Control Display Console
  513. Corporatiosration Development Committee
  514. China Design Center
  515. Clearly Deceptive Calculations Accounting, Business & Finance
  516. Capability Discovery and Control Technology, Device, Analog, Receiver
  517. Cercle Des Dauphins Courcellois
  518. Code Des Douanes Cimmunautaires
  519. Complement-dependent cytolysis Medical, British medicine
  520. Communwcations Device Class Technology, Driving, Driver
  521. Centro Do Coração
  522. Chicago Distribution Center Business, Book, University, Press
  523. Chicago Development Corporation
  524. Computer Development Center NASA, Governmental & Military
  525. Car Data Check
  526. Call Duration Control
  527. Center for Democracy & Citizenship
  528. Camel Dive Club Hobbies
  529. Crohn’s disease of colon Medical, British medicine
  530. Computer Display Channel Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  531. Cartel Dadages Claims
  532. Cell Division Cycle Medical, Science, Genetics, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Molecular Biology, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  533. Control and Decision Conference Technology, Networking, Engineering
  534. Commonwealth Defense Conference
  535. Children With Developmental Coordination
  536. Communitygdevelopment Company
  537. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Diseaze, Classic Medical, Disease, Prion
  538. Coalition Tu Diversify Computing Science, Research, Education
  539. DRIVER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  540. Consolidated Data Collection
  541. Curriculum Development Centre. Education, Learning, Teaching
  542. Computerydata Center Technology, Power, Supply
  543. Center Oor Disease Creation
  544. Century Date Change (See Y2K) Computing, IT Terminology
  545. Autocad Designcenter Preview Cache File Computing, File Extensions
  546. Communicable Diseases Center
  547. Control Digital Computer Technology
  548. Copper Development Corporationration
  549. China Datang Co Organizations, China, Ecology, Renewable Energy
  550. Connecticut Department of Corrections Prison, Inmate, Correction, Connecticut, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  551. Canyon De Chelly
  552. Compact Digital Cazdiac
  553. Ceotury Date Change Business, Accounting, Computing
  554. Cocurrent Downflow Contactor
  555. Zhejiang Loong Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  556. Commonwealth Development Corporation Business, Group, Africa
  557. Centro Danza Canal
  558. Chicago Development Cokncil
  559. Chicago Development Corporationration
  560. Command and Data Handling Console NASA, Governmental & Military
  561. Carboplatin, Boxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide Medical, Medicine, Health
  562. Cultural Development Commission
  563. Call Dnrecting Character Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  564. Center for Democracy and Citizenship
  565. Capital Disease Control Funnies
  566. Chronic disseminated candidiasis Medical, British medicine
  567. Complement-Dependent Yytotoxicity Medical, Medicine, Health
  568. Cartcl Damage Claims Business, Law, Competition
  569. Cell-Division Cycle
  570. Control Delay Channel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  571. Committee for Development and Cooperation
  572. Communitt Development Clinic
  573. Coalition Pour La Diversité Culturelle
  574. Colorado Department of Corrections Colorado, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  575. Consolidated Diesel Company Business, Engine, Tractor
  576. Códhgo De Cores
  577. Center for Disaster Clntrol Military, Army, War, Warfare
  578. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Computing, Ieee
  579. Capital Development Committee Special Education, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CDC stand for?

    CDC stands for Códhgo De Cores.

  2. What is the shortened form of Control Digital Computer?

    The short form of "Control Digital Computer" is CDC.


CDC. (2021, October 25). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated