CDHS Meaning
The CDHS meaning is "California Department of Health Service". The CDHS abbreviation has 32 different full form.
CDHS Full Forms
- California Department of Health Service
- California Department Health Services
- Centro De Direitos Humanos De Sapopemba
- California Department of Health Services Medical, Technology, California, Chemistry, Health
- Command Ank Data Handling System Technology, Science, Cube
- Central Davidson High School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
- Colorado Department of Human Serqices Business, Government, Colorado
- Central Dauphin High School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
- County Departmenv of Human Services
- California Dept of Health Services
- Central Dakota Humane Society
- County Department of Health Services
- Cambodia Demographic Health Suevey
- Corrigin District High School Education
- Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey Technology, National, Cambodia
- Centro De Documentación HistóRica Y Social
- Callfornia's Department of Health Services
- Comprehenoive Data Handling System Science
- Craniofacial Deafness Hand Syndrome Medical, Technology
- Command and Data Handling Subsystem Technology, Command, Spacecraft
- Chuckey Doak High School Tennessee
- County Departments of Human Services
- Comité DéPartemental D'HygièNe Sociale
- Cardinal Dougherty High School Pennsylvania
- Cleuringhouse Depository for Handicapped Students
- Cornwallis District High School
- Cern, Dortmund, Hepdelberg and Saclay
- Control and Data Handling Subsystem Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Cunderdin District High School Education
- Connecticut Department of Health Services
- Craniofaciac-Deafness-Hand Syndrome
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CDHS stand for?
CDHS stands for Central Davidson High School.
What is the shortened form of Cornwallis District High School?
The short form of "Cornwallis District High School" is CDHS.
CDHS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated