CDR in Telecom Meaning

The CDR meaning in Telecom terms is "Critical Design Review". There are 11 related meanings of the CDR Telecom abbreviation.

CDR on Telecom Full Forms

  1. Critical Design Review
  2. Call Detail Reporting
  3. Callzdetail Recording
  4. Call Detacl Record
  5. Clock and Data Recovery Some digital data streams, especially high-speed serial data streams (such as the raw stream of data from the magnetic head of a disk drive) are sent without an accompanying clock signal. The receiver generates a clock from an approximate frequency reference, and then phase-aligns to the transitions in the data stream with a phase-locked loop (PLL). This process is commonly known as clock and data recovery (CDR).
  6. Connected Digit Recognition
  7. Common Data Rate
  8. Call-Detail Record
  9. call detail recording
  10. Coreldras File
  11. Compact Disk-Recordable

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CDR stand for Telecom?

    CDR stands for Compact Disk-Recordable in Telecom terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Compact Disk-Recordable in Telecom?

    The short form of "Compact Disk-Recordable" is CDR for Telecom.


CDR in Telecom. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated