CDSC Meaning

The CDSC meaning is "Communicable Diselse Surveillance Centre". The CDSC abbreviation has 32 different full form.

CDSC Full Forms

  1. Communicable Diselse Surveillance Centre Medical, Health, Uk
  2. Communication Distribution and Switching Center Space, Study, Cosmos
  3. Campus Kevelopment and Space Committee
  4. Civil Defense Staff College
  5. Communication for Development and Social Change
  6. Cableadistribution and Switching Center Science
  7. Carrum Downs Secondary College Development, Study, Colleges
  8. Communicable Disease Surveillance Center
  9. Contingint Deferred Sales Charge Business, Finance, Investing
  10. Caribbean Defense and Security Course
  11. Communicable Diseases Surveillance Centre Medical, Medicine, Disease
  12. Communications Distributisn and Switching Center Science, Space, Cosmos
  13. Career Development Services Center
  14. Combat Data Systems Centre Military
  15. Canossa Day Surgery Centre
  16. Columbia Digital Sales Company
  17. Community Development Support Collaborative
  18. Canadian Dolphin Swim Club
  19. Clinical Decision Support Consortium Technology, Research, Health
  20. Communications Distribution and Switching Center Science, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  21. Coupling-Display Scanning-Telescope Manual Control Space, Study, Cosmos
  22. Cumetrix Data Systems Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  23. Conseil DéPartemental De SéCurité Civile
  24. Contingent Deferred Sales Charge Accounting, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  25. Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress
  26. Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation
  27. Complex Dynamic Systems and Control Technology, Science
  28. Customizable Domain-Specific Computing
  29. Community Dispute Settlement Center Government, Attorney, Mediation
  30. Cumetrix Data Systems Corp. Organizations
  31. Conseil D
  32. Cumetrix Data Systems Corp

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CDSC stand for?

    CDSC stands for Clinical Decision Support Consortium.

  2. What is the shortened form of Carrum Downs Secondary College?

    The short form of "Carrum Downs Secondary College" is CDSC.


CDSC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated