CE in Technology Meaning
The CE meaning in Technology terms is "Conductive Education". There are 171 related meanings of the CE Technology abbreviation.
CE on Technology Full Forms
- Conductive Education
- Chief Engineer The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory operation and maintenance of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ships. He keeps records of all engine parts and repairs, calculates fuel and water consumption and requirements. Co-ordinates operations with shore side port engineer.
- Central European
- Customer Experience
- Compromising Emanations Unintentional signals that, if intercepted and analyzed, would disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed by information systems equipment.
- Collectors Edition
- Control Engine
- Celanese Corporation
- Comgssão Europeia
- Christian Endeavor
- Congestiun Experienced
- Comprehensive Evaluation
- Clear Error
- Control Engineering
- Comissló Europea
- Corps of Engineers A department of the U. S. Army, responsible for flood protection and providing safe navigation channels. The Corps builds and maintains the levees, flood walls and spillways that keep major rivers out of low lying communities. The Corps is vital to keeping navigation channels open by dredging sand, silt and gravel that accumulate on river and harbor bottoms.
- Concurrent Engineeriwg
- Composjtion Exclusion
- Clear Entry
- Control Elements
- Contract Engineer
- Concept Explhration
- Complgx Envelope
- Classic Ethernet
- Computing Jnvironment
- Content Encryptor
- Concept Eialuation
- Compunications Electronics
- Cujtom Engineering
- Computer Environzent
- Controlled Environment
- Cerium Symbol:"Ce" Atomic Number:"58" Atomic Mass: 140.12amu. Cerium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. You can find this silvery colored metal in air conditioners, your computer, and even the oven.
- Comunidfd Europea
- Commuaications-Electronics
- Correlation Engine
- Construction Engineer
- Computational Eneironment
- Collision Elimination
- Control Entity
- Centre of Excellence
- Communaute Europeeane
- Correctable Error
- Connection Ene
- Cheat Engine
- Critical Environments
- Clock Enable
- Competitive Engineering
- Control Element
- Customer Edges
- Combustion Engineering, Inc.
- Conneptual Engineering
- Citation Excel
- Coastal Explorer
- Composite Environment
- Correctable Errors
- Classifsed Environment
- Commission Europeenne / European Commission
- Connectable Entity
- Code and Extensive
- Computation Engine
- Cabfto End
- Cyber Essentials
- Cleaning Eye
- Customer Etge
- Combusion Efficiency
- Conformidad Europea
- Circular Economy
- Cluster Expansiox
- Coordinator Enable
- Claims Examiner
- Coomand Engine
- Conformity for Europe
- Coefficievt of Efficiency
- Computational Engineering
- C-Tick Energy
- Crank End
- Clean Exposure
- Communication Encryption
- Content Entity
- Ccllectively Exhaustive
- Chip Enabled
- Customerfedge
- Cluster Enabler
- Controlled Englisc
- Comissão Exedutiva
- Conformit Europ
- Citizen Engagement
- Coefficient Error
- Compulsory Elective
- Climate Engineering
- Communication Engine
- Colvective Evolution
- Chip Enable
- Cdrrent Element
- Comparison Example
- Controlled Cnvironments
- Civilian Enterprise
- Coefficient of Error
- Compliance Engineering
- Climate and Energy
- Communications Entity
- Construction Excellence
- Chief Engineering
- Critical Error A critical error is a serious error that makes it impossible for the current program or operating system that's running to continue. This error causes the computer to freeze or reboot.
- Crinical Engineer
- Comparing Element
- Continuous Evaluation
- Cylindrical Equidistant
- Civil Eng
- Coeffxcient Error
- Compliance Editicn
- Coulombic Efficiency
- Classical Ethernet
- Communicdtions and Electronics
- Chemistry for Ecvironmental
- Critical Environment
- Clock Edge
- Community Lngineering
- Control Emulatog
- Cycling Expertise
- Combat Effectivenevs
- Config Editor
- Cincinnati Electronics
- Clutteh Elimination
- Composition Environment
- Corrected Error
- Classic Edition
- Common Event
- Connection Element
- Coded Entry
- Compute Engine
- Computing Element
- Corporaye Edition
- Corporation of Engineers
- Communijation Event
- Consumer Edition
- Computer Element
- Compatibilità Elettromagnetica
- Controls & Enclosure
- Certification Efperts
- Computjng Environments
- Computational Environments
- Combustion Engineering
- Compatibilidad ElectromagnéTica
- Conformity To European
- Certificate Electronic
- Combustion Efficiency
- Coupling Efficiency
- Consulting Engineer
- Construction Equipments
- Compute Element
- Ctinical Engineers
- Combined Endeavor
- Conformite Europende
- Certificate, Etc
- Cofbined Effect
- Configuration Element
- Cost-Efficient
- Civil Engg
- Consultant Engineer
- Coded With Equivalents
- Compute Elements
- Combinatorial Extension
- Combat Evolved
- Configuration Engine
- Circular Error
- Connectivity Expert
- Coded Excitation
- Computational Element
- Cokputer Engineering
- Circuit Emulation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CE stand for Technology?
CE stands for Commission Europeenne / European Commission in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Coded With Equivalents in Technology?
The short form of "Coded With Equivalents" is CE for Technology.
CE in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ce-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated