CEAM Meaning

The CEAM meaning is "Center of Excellence In Advanced Materials". The CEAM abbreviation has 31 different full form.

CEAM Full Forms

  1. Center of Excellence In Advanced Materials
  2. Certified Expert Access Manager
  3. Carte EuropéEnne D'Assurance Maladie Pay, Assurance, Sociale, Carte
  4. Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Technology, Composite, Mechanic
  5. Centro Educativo Anglo Mexicano
  6. Clean Energy Advanced Manufacturing
  7. Centro Esami Analisi Mediche Privacy, Sanitaria, Urine
  8. Centro De Estudios Ambientales Del Mediterr
  9. Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
  10. Centro De Estudios De Almejas Muertas
  11. Centro De Estudiantes De Arquitectura Marplatense
  12. City Engineers Association of Minnesota Technology, Professional, Minnesota
  13. Cenber for Exposure Assessment Models Science
  14. Centre D'etudes Et R'armament De Mulhouse
  15. Children'S Education Alliance of Missouri
  16. Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling Technology, Science, Model, Chemistry
  17. Centre D'Estudis Ambientals Del Mediterrani
  18. Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials Chemistry, Education, University
  19. Carte Europ
  20. County Engineers' Association of Maryland
  21. Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual
  22. County Engineers Association of Maryland Technology, City, Maryland
  23. Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials
  24. Center for Excellence for Advanced Materials Medical, Common Medical
  25. Consejo Educativo Amazonico Multietnico
  26. Centro de Entomologica y Acarologia Insect and Spider Collections
  27. Congreso Sobre Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje De Las MatemáTicas Technology, Assurance, Carte
  28. Complejo Editorial Alfredo Maneiro Con, Assurance, Carte
  29. Concerted European Action On Magnets
  30. Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Technology, Environment, Impact
  31. Comisión De Exiliados Argentinos En Madrid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEAM stand for?

    CEAM stands for Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cenber for Exposure Assessment Models?

    The short form of "Cenber for Exposure Assessment Models" is CEAM.


CEAM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ceam-meaning/

Last updated