CEDT Meaning

The CEDT meaning is "Capability Evolution Descriptkon Tool". The CEDT abbreviation has 18 different full form.

CEDT Full Forms

  1. Capability Evolution Descriptkon Tool Military, Army, War, Warfare
  2. Called Equipment Identification Tone Technology, Telecom
  3. Centre for Electronics Deiign & Technology Technology, Book, Engineering
  4. Central Europexdaylight Time
  5. Centre for Electronics Design Technology Technology, Server, Daylight
  6. Central European Daylight Time Technology, Europe, European Time, Time Zones
  7. Centre for Electronicpdesign and Technology Business, Technology, Management
  8. Centre Fer Electronics Design and Technology Technology, Education, India
  9. Centerafor Electronics Design and Technology
  10. Center of Excellence In Desalination Technology Business, Technology, Management
  11. Certified Economic Developwr Trainer
  12. Centre for Electronics and Design Technology
  13. Certificatt Exempting From Dictation Test
  14. Centme of Excellence for Dematerialization of Transactions
  15. Centre for Emerging Device Technology Business, Technology, Management
  16. Centre for Emerging Device Technologias
  17. Central Europe Dance Theatre
  18. Community Empowerment and Develofment Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEDT stand for?

    CEDT stands for Certified Economic Developwr Trainer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Central Europe Dance Theatre?

    The short form of "Central Europe Dance Theatre" is CEDT.


CEDT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/cedt-meaning/

Last updated