CEES Meaning

The CEES meaning is "Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis". The CEES abbreviation has 58 different full form.

CEES Full Forms

  1. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Science, Research, Organizations, University
  2. Centre D'Essais D'Engins SpéCiaux
  3. Camouflage Effectiveness Evaluation System Science
  4. Chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  5. Center for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
  6. Computational Earth and Environmental Science
  7. Central and East European Studies Education, University, Study
  8. Cambridgeshire Environmental Education Service Environment, Habitat, Setting
  9. Chief Engineer - Electric Supply
  10. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies Technology, University, Economics, Energy
  11. Comprehensive Environmental Evaluations Science
  12. Central and Eastern European Studies
  13. California Energy Extension Service
  14. Certified Ergonomic Evaluator Specialist
  15. Centre of Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis
  16. Center for Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  17. Companies Easy Exit Scheme
  18. Central and Eastern European States Aviation, Governmental & Military
  19. C3I Engineering Evaluation System
  20. Certified Ergonomic Evaluation Specialist Business, Training, Physical
  21. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies Research, Education, University
  22. Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences
  23. Civil Engineering & Environmental Science
  24. Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Business, Company, Climate
  25. Computational Earth & Environmental Science
  26. 2-Chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  27. Centro Estadual De Educação Supletiva
  28. Centre Des éTudes EuropéEnnes De Strasbourg
  29. Center for Earth and Environmental Science Science, University, Indiana
  30. Civil Engineering and Environmental Science Education, University, Oklahoma
  31. Center for Energy & Environmental Studies
  32. Computational Earth Environmental Science Environment, Habitat, Setting
  33. Conjugated Equine Estrogens Medical, Reading Prescription
  34. Centre D'Essais D'Engins Sp
  35. Cartridge Electric Engine Starter Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  36. Circular Economy European Summit Business, Expo, City
  37. Center for Energy and Environmental Security Law, Organizations, Colorado
  38. Computational Earth and Environmental Sciences Technology, Science, Research
  39. Centro De Estudios EconóMico-Sociales
  40. Continuing Education and Extension Services
  41. Centre for Energy, Environment and Sustainability Education, University, Energy
  42. Centro Estadual De Educa
  43. Centro De Estudios EconóMicos Y Sociales
  44. Conta Especial Emprego E SaláRio
  45. Centre for Education In Environmental Sustainability
  46. Committee On Earth and Environment Sciences (us) Chemistry
  47. Centre of Excellence In Environmental Studies
  48. Computer Electronics Electrical Services
  49. Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  50. Centre of Electrical Energy System
  51. Computational Ecology and Environmental Science Microsoft, Technology, Research
  52. Center for Energy Environment and Sustainability Energy
  53. Centre of Electrical Energy Systems Technology, Presentation, Power
  54. Corporate Employee and Executive Services
  55. Centre for Explosive and Environment Safety
  56. Centro De Estudios EconóMico Sociales
  57. Continuing Education Equivalents
  58. Centre for Evaluation In Education and Science Database, Education, Journal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEES stand for?

    CEES stands for Committee On Earth and Environment Sciences (us).

  2. What is the shortened form of Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences?

    The short form of "Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences" is CEES.


CEES. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cees-meaning/

Last updated