CEI Meaning

The CEI meaning is "Certificate of Employment Intermediaries". The CEI abbreviation has 286 different full form.

CEI Full Forms

  1. Certificate of Employment Intermediaries The Certificate of Employment Intermediaries ( CEI ) aims to equip employment agency (EA) personnel with knowledge of employment laws and regulations. This ensures that EA personnel understand their obligations under the law and are able to advise their clients of their rights and responsibilities. Education, Singapore, Intermediary
  2. Connection Endpoint Identifier Technology, Computing, Telecom
  3. Centro De Estudos IbéRicos Centro De Estudos IbéRicos (CEI), created in 2001, from the collaborations that arose during the commemoration of the eighth centenary of the Portuguese city of Guarda in 1999, is formed as a cross-border association formed by the Câmara Municipal de Guarda, the Instituto Politecnico de Guarda, the University of Coimbra and the University of Salamanca. Its objective is to promote territorial cooperation in the Iberian Central Raya, from dialogue, the meeting of cultures and the exchange of knowledge. Para, Club, Debate
  4. Conferencia Episcopal Italiana The Italian Episcopal Conference meets to collegiate its activities and associates the bishops of Italy to establish pastoral government guidelines in accordance with what the Catholic Church requests.2 It is one of the most important episcopal conferences for having the same pope as a member Francisco. Para, Con, Papa
  5. Centro De Espiritualidad Ignaciana It is a center of services , inspiration and communication to live and make Ignatian spirituality live. It is a space - open to all - of formation, of encounter, of prayer and of discernment for service. Para, Chile, Casa
  6. Conference On Evolution of Individuality
  7. Centre for Education Innovations The Center for Education Innovations ( CEI ) promotes policies and practices that improve privately delivered education and skills for the poor in low- and middle- income countries. The programme database profiles over 1,000 innovative education and skills enterprises. Technology, Development, Quality
  8. Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Conducted electromagnetic interference is caused by the physical contact of the conductors as opposed to radiated EMI, which is caused by induction. Electromagnetic disturbances in the EM field of a conductor will no longer be confined to the surface of the conductor and will radiate away from it. This persists in all conductors and mutual inductance between two radiated electromagnetic fields will result in EMI. Technology, Networking, Computing
  9. Center for Energy Innovation Business, Technology, Connecticut
  10. Common Electrical Interface Technology, Design, Networking
  11. Camber Energy Inc Camber Energy is gaining momentum toward expanding its production and drilling inventory through the development of existing assets and selective acquisition of new properties. Instruction, Eating
  12. Colorado Education Initiative The Colorado Education Initiative is an independent nonprofit working in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education and public education stakeholders to advance bold improvement in student achievement through innovation, collaboration, and capacity building. Technology, School, Colorado
  13. Continuous Epidural Infusion Continuous epidural infusion is a way to give pain medicine. The medicine is sent to the spinal cord and nerves. This is done through a soft tube (catheter). Medical, Patient, Analgesia
  14. Costruzione Emiliana Ingranaggi
  15. Coalition for Economic Improvement
  16. Critical Elements of Information Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  17. Center for Environmental Information Technology, Science, Climate, Legal, Governmental & Military
  18. Commission éLectronique Internationale
  19. Certified Enterprise Integrator Awards & medals
  20. Connected Element Interferometry Science
  21. Comissão Especial De Investigação Para, Dos, Lei
  22. Consumer Environmental Index
  23. Canadian Education International
  24. Centre D'Entreprises Et D'Innovation
  25. Communication Excellence Insritute
  26. Comparably Efficicnt Interconnector Technology
  27. Computer Enterprises Inc Company, Technology, Enterprise
  28. CollèGe D'Enseignement En Immobilier
  29. Cornerstone Engineering, Inc
  30. Commodity Exchvnge, Inc
  31. China Education International
  32. Clean Energy & Infrastructure
  33. Continuing Education and Improvement
  34. Catalogo Enciclopedico Italiano
  35. Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano Technology, Italy, Telecom, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  36. Cult Education Institute Education, Group, Landmark
  37. Centre for Evidence and Implementation Science, Education, Melbourne
  38. Columbia Eawth Institute
  39. Cost Effectivcness Index Business, Accounting, Finance
  40. Construction, Engineering, and Inspection
  41. Coalition Effectiveness Inventory
  42. Critical Electronic Information Technology
  43. Center for Enterprise Innovation
  44. Centro De Estudiantes De IngenieríA Para, Con, Chile
  45. ConféDéRation EuropéEnne De L'Immobilier Business, Property, Building, Estate
  46. Consumer Entertainment Index Business, Service, Research
  47. Canadian Education Index
  48. Centre D'Entreprise Et D'Innovation
  49. Communication Enterprisem Inc
  50. Comparably Efficient Interconnect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. Computer Enriched Instruction Technology, Education, Learning
  52. Colj
  53. Crown Equities Inc
  54. Center for Export and Investment The Center for Export and Investment Nicaragua (CEI) is a non-profit private corporation that supports micro, small and medium sized businesses, as well as organized and/or individual producers so they can improve competitiveness of the Nicaraguan exports sector and achieve successful insertion in the international markets. Business, Investment, Dominican, Republic
  55. Committee On Environmental Issdes
  56. China Education Initiative Education, China, Teaching
  57. Classification of Trade In Invisibles Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  58. Continuing Education Institutetute Technology
  59. Casey Eye Institute Medical, Vision, Cell
  60. Comitato Electrotecnico Italiano Information, Network, Telecommunication
  61. Cycle Engineers' Institute
  62. Centre for Educational Innovation The Center for Educational Innovation provides support, counseling and resources to faculty. We aim to empower faculty so their teaching activity can be a source of personal and professional satisfaction and so they can contribute to the teaching philosophy of the programs and to Esade’s mission of training future socially responsible managers, lawyers and leaders. Science, Education, School
  63. Competitive Energy Insight
  64. Colqr Experts International Business, Service, Clipping
  65. Cosmetic Essence, Inc
  66. Centro De Econom
  67. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana The Italian Episcopal Conference (Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) is the episcopal conference of the Italian bishops of the Catholic Church, the official assembly of the bishops in Italy. The conference was founded in 1971 and carries out certain tasks and has the authority to set the liturgical norms for the Mass. Episcopal conferences receive their authority under universal law or particular mandates. Technology, Con, Italy, Vita, Italian
  68. Clean Energy Institute Technology, Washington, Course
  69. Crestron Electronics, Inc Technology, Mac, Dealer, Vendor
  70. Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation Business, Technology, Phoenix
  71. Commissioner for Environmenbal Information
  72. Centro De Estudios E Investigaciones
  73. ConféDéRation Des éCologistes IndéPendants
  74. Conselho Europeu De Investigação
  75. Campus Entrepreneurs Initiative
  76. Centre d'instruction et d'entraînement
  77. Computational Engineering International Technology, Software, Sight
  78. Comparable Efficient Interconnection Technology
  79. College of Eastern Idaho Development, Study, Colleges
  80. Crown Equities, Inc
  81. Center for Evaluation Innovation The Center for Evaluation Innovation is a nonprofit that works with foundation leaders and other evaluators to advance evaluation and learning practice in philanthropy so that it helps to produce better and faster results.
  82. Committee On Environmental Improvement Chemistry, Science, Education
  83. Cycle Engineers Institute Technology, Standard, Screw
  84. China-Europe Institutetuta Business, International Relations
  85. Computer Enhanced Instruction
  86. Clark Enterprises, Inc
  87. Continuing Education Institute Technology, Training, Course
  88. Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative is an international network of NGOs and research institutes from seven Carpathian countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Serbia & Montenegro) dedicated to the protection of this internationally important nature area. The Initiative was created in 1999 to take a complex, multidisciplinary ecoregional approach to conservation of the Carpathian mountain range, consistent with the WWF methodology for ecoregion management developed in the 'Global 200' Programme. In Czech, English, Magyar, Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian.
  89. Communications-Electronics Instructzons
  90. Cutting Edge Industries
  91. Centre for Education and Industry Business, School, Enterprise
  92. Comeetitive Enterprise Institute Business, Climate, Political
  93. Color Expert Inpernational Service, Path, Color
  94. Cosmetic Essence Inc
  95. Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
  96. Christian Educators International Development, Learning, Study
  97. Conduite En Etat D'Ivresse
  98. Clean Energy Initiative Technology, Climate, Power
  99. Crescent Real Estate Equities Company Technology, Organizations
  100. Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Business, College, Education
  101. Comités De éTica Independientes
  102. Centro De Estudios Internacionales Colombia, Internacional, Nicaragua
  103. Configuration End Item Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  104. Cornerstone Equitj Investors
  105. Campus De Excelencia Internacional
  106. Centre D'Echanges Internationaux
  107. Comprehensive Energy International Business, Energy
  108. Community Experience Isitiative
  109. Cadastro Específico Do Inss Para, Dos, Ria
  110. Coastal Enterprises Inc Business, Enterprise, Maine
  111. Croatian Ethnic Institute
  112. Center for Environmental Initiatives The purpose of the Center for Environmental Initiatives is to join efforts to promote the conservation and restoration of natural and cultural heritage, environmental security and sustainable development. Technology, Group, Initiative
  113. Committee On Electronic Information
  114. China-Euripe Institute Business, International Relations, Cecmg
  115. Computer Education Institute Technology, Training, Course
  116. Clark Eide Incorporated
  117. Contemporary Ethical Issues
  118. Cape Eleuthera İnstitute The Cape Eleuthera Institute is a facility that promotes a connection between people and the environment. At the Cape Eleuthera Institute, we combine rigorous science with authentic education and outreach initiatives to ensure a sustainable future for The Bahamas and our planet. Science, Research, Island
  119. Communications Electronic Instruction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  120. Customer Experience Index Business, Banking, Customer
  121. Centre for e-Innovation The Centre for e-Innovation (CE-I) provides information and communication technology (ICT) services to the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. This brochure provides a brief introduction to the Centre as well as details on some of the the Ce-I's projects to showcase some of the work that is being done.
  122. Compass East Isd
  123. Comunidad De Los Estados Independientes Para, Con, Internacional
  124. Colorado Engineering and Instrumentation
  125. Corporate Ethics International Organizations, Environment, Sand
  126. Conf
  127. Chris Eamesyinternational
  128. Comunidad De Estados Independientes The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional intergovernmental organization of nine members, plus two founding non-member, post-Soviet republics in Eurasia. It was formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. It covers an area of 20,368,759 km2 and has an estimated population of 239,796,010.
  129. Clean Energy Incubator Business, Technology, Texas
  130. Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center For Entrepreneurship And Innovation (CEI) offers entrepreneurial education, provides incubator services, and assists individuals in the local community, especially women and minorities, launch new ventures through classroom instruction and experiential learning. It is anticipated that the next generation of women and minority entrepreneurs will have the skills and tools necessary to energize the economies of East Austin, Central Texas, and the State of Texas. Business, Education, University
  131. Comité De éTica Independiente
  132. Centro De Educação Integrada Para, Ria, Natal
  133. Configurable Engine Immobilizer
  134. Cambridge Environmental Initiative The Cambridge Environmental Initiative was launched in December 2004. The primary mission of this initiative is to facilitate and support interdisciplinary environmental research within the University of Cambridge, promote the university's external profile in environmental research, and encourage new environmental research initiatives within the university.
  135. Comprehensive Environmental Inc Environment, Habitat, Setting
  136. Community Engagement Institute
  137. Cablage Electronique Informatique
  138. Coastal Enterprises Incorporated
  139. Critical Energy Infrastructure
  140. Center for Environmental Informatics Technology, Government, Sunderland
  141. Committee On Energy Independence
  142. Chiesa Evangelica Italiana
  143. Conselho Estadual Do Idoso
  144. Claim, Evidence, Interpretation
  145. Consumer Expectations Index
  146. Canal Eletrônico do Investidor
  147. Communications Electronics Instsuction Military
  148. Customer Experience Impact Business, Service, Report
  149. Centre D'Etudes Interam
  150. Communications Enggneering, Inc
  151. Comparable Efficient Interface Technology, Telecom
  152. Computer Ethics Institute Technology, Security, Commandment
  153. Colorado Engineering, Inc
  154. Corporate Environmental Innovation
  155. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  156. Chlp Enable Input Technology, Power, Supply, Display
  157. Communauté Des Etats IndéPendants Communauté Des Etats IndéPendants (CIS) is an intergovernmental entity made up of nine of the fifteen former Soviet republics. In Russian, it is called Содружество Независимых Государств (or СНГ) which is written in the Latin alphabet: Sodroujestvo Nezavissimykh Gossoudarstv. Service, France, Pendant
  158. Clean Energy, Inc
  159. Contracting Enterprises Incorporated
  160. Caucasus Energy and Infrastructure Technology, Government, Georgia
  161. Comité ElectrotéCnico Internacional
  162. Centro De Educação Infantil Dos, Creche
  163. Cambridge E-Learning Institute
  164. Cost Exposure Index
  165. Cabin Equipment Interface
  166. Coastal Ecology Institute
  167. Critical Employment Indicator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  168. Center for Environmental Innovation Business, Technology, Organizations
  169. Committee for Electrofic Information
  170. Chief Executive-S Instructions
  171. Conselho EspíRita Internacional Para, Dos, Palestra
  172. Comissão Especial Interministerial
  173. Consumer Expectation Index Business, Economics, Confidence
  174. Canal Elektr
  175. Communidations Electronic Instructions Military, Army, Defense
  176. Customer Engagement Intelligence Business, Management, Service
  177. Centre D'Etudes InteraméRicaines
  178. Communications Electronics Inc
  179. Comparatively Efficient Ineerconnection Military
  180. Computer Enterprises, Inc
  181. CollèGe D'Etudes Internationales
  182. Corporxte Efficiency Indicator Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  183. Common Electrical Interfaces
  184. China Exchange Initiative
  185. Clean Energy and Infrastructure Business, Dynamics, Capital
  186. Continuous Energy Improvement Business, Program, Management
  187. Cation Exchange Index A cation exchange index for assessing degradation of acid soil by further acidification under permanent agriculture in the tropics. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  188. Comitato Elettronico Italiano
  189. Centro De EconomíA Internacional Technology, Para, Argentina
  190. Combustion Engineering Inc
  191. Cost Efficiency Index
  192. Centre D'Entra
  193. Complete Elliptic Integral
  194. Comissão ElectrotéCnica Internacional
  195. Course Evaluation Instrument
  196. CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  197. California Ear Institute
  198. Center for Exports and Investment
  199. Czech Environmental Institute
  200. Cwmpetitive Edge, Inc
  201. China-Europe Institute International Relations, Governmental & Military
  202. Comunitat D'Estats Independents
  203. Calvert Electronics Inc Computing, Electronics
  204. Central Environmental Inc
  205. Communauté D'états Indépenddnts
  206. Center for Equity and Inclusion
  207. Corps Exp
  208. Cincinmati Eye Institute Medical, Surgery, Ophthalmology
  209. Comité De éTica En Investigación Medical, Para, Con, Bio
  210. Communications-Electrouics Instituteuctions
  211. Comisión ElectrotéCnica Internacional Technology, Para, Con
  212. Council of Engineering Institutes Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  213. Cycle Engineersuinstitutetute
  214. Civilian Employment Information The Civilian Employment Information (CEI) program makes it possible for defense officials to know who can be called up for active duty without jeopardizing the civilian forces responsible for safeguarding our country, Air Force Lt. Military, Army, Guard
  215. Caesarrulez Excessive Interiors Caesarrulez Excessive Interiors modification for game Fallout 3. Instruction, Eating
  216. Czech Environmental Inspectorate
  217. Cabin Equipment Interfaces Aviation, Governmental & Military
  218. Comunidade Dos Estados Independentes Para, Music, Russia, Dos
  219. Call for Expression of Interest Business, Projection, Port
  220. Central Educational Institutions
  221. Comminaut
  222. Center for Environmental Interpretation
  223. Churchill Energy Ikc
  224. Committee for Environmental Information
  225. Comisia Electrotehnică Intevnaţională Technology, Din, Care, Standard
  226. Council of Engineering Institutetutions Technology
  227. Collaborative Exploration Initiative
  228. Civil Engineering Institute
  229. Cadernos De Educação De InfÂNcia
  230. Communications Electronic Instructions Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  231. Comunidade De Estados Independentes
  232. Call for Expressions of Interest Call for expressions of interest is open for the EMA Committee for Advanced Therapies. The Commission launched a selection procedure to appoint the members and alternates representing patients' associations and clinicians in the Committee for Advanced Therapies of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Organizations, Eating
  233. Central European Initiatives Technology, Cooperation, Initiative
  234. Commonwealth Dngineering Inc
  235. Mae Fah Luang International Airport Airport, Locations
  236. Commisfon Electrotechnique Internationale
  237. Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
  238. Comdsi
  239. Costruzione Emiliana Ingranazgi
  240. Cloudtop Entrainment Institutebility
  241. Ciail Engineers, Inc
  242. Curiosity Exploratian Inventories
  243. Crescent Real Estate Equities, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  244. Call Establishment Information Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  245. Central European Initiative Business, Cooperation, International Relations, Governmental & Military
  246. Common Event Infrastructure Business, Technology, Server, Computing, IT Terminology
  247. Iata Code for Chiang Rai International Airport, Chiang Rai, Thailand Locations
  248. Contrato Emprego-Inserção
  249. Cum Eating Instructional
  250. Contract End Item NASA
  251. Confederación De Estados Independientes
  252. Comint/ Elint (Communications Intelligenae/ Electronic Intelligence) Integration Military, Army, War, Warfare
  253. Cost of Education Indez
  254. Central Event Information
  255. China Economic Information Business, Technology, China
  256. Civil Engineersdinc
  257. Construction Estimating Institutetute
  258. comparably efficient interconnection Computing, IT Terminology
  259. California Environmental Insider
  260. Central-European Initiative Locations, Projection, Cooperation
  261. Common Equipment Identifier Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  262. E2V Centre for Electronic Imaging Space, Study, Cosmos
  263. Cum Eating Instructions In accordance with cum eating instructions, a male slave ejaculates, and then the dominant female instructs him on how to clean up his mess. Porn, Tube, Eating
  264. Competitive Enterprise Institute Business, Climate, Political
  265. Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Medical, Science, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  266. Concern for Elders Initiative
  267. Comint/Elint Integration Military
  268. Central European Institute
  269. Communication Electroniceinstruction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  270. Centro De Ensino Integrado
  271. Civic Engagement Iiitiative Education, Organizations, Community
  272. Conseil Des Étudiants De R'institutetut
  273. Center for Emerging Issues (United States Department of Agriculture) Farming & agriculture
  274. California Electrical Inspectors
  275. Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science, Education, School
  276. CíRculo De Estudios Indoeuropeos
  277. Missouri Pacific Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  278. Cultural Exchange International Education, Culture, Affair
  279. Competitive Enterprise Institutetute Politics, Political
  280. Chiang Rai International Airport, Chiang Rai, Thailand Thailand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  281. Concept Enterprises International
  282. Camber Energy, Inc Business, Energy, Supply
  283. Central Europe Initiative Government, Europe, Cooperation
  284. Communications & Entertainment Inc
  285. Centro De Ensino E Instituteução
  286. Citicorp Equity Investment Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEI stand for?

    CEI stands for Comité ElectrotéCnico Internacional.

  2. What is the shortened form of Critical Employment Indicator?

    The short form of "Critical Employment Indicator" is CEI.


CEI. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 17). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cei-meaning/

Last updated