CEI in Education Meaning

The CEI meaning in Education terms is "Certificate of Employment Intermediaries". There are 12 related meanings of the CEI Education abbreviation.

CEI on Education Full Forms

  1. Certificate of Employment Intermediaries The Certificate of Employment Intermediaries ( CEI ) aims to equip employment agency (EA) personnel with knowledge of employment laws and regulations. This ensures that EA personnel understand their obligations under the law and are able to advise their clients of their rights and responsibilities.
  2. Centre for Evidence and Implementation
  3. Centre for Educational Innovation The Center for Educational Innovation provides support, counseling and resources to faculty. We aim to empower faculty so their teaching activity can be a source of personal and professional satisfaction and so they can contribute to the teaching philosophy of the programs and to Esade’s mission of training future socially responsible managers, lawyers and leaders.
  4. Cult Education Institute
  5. Computer Enriched Instruction
  6. Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  7. Committee On Environmental Improvement
  8. Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center For Entrepreneurship And Innovation (CEI) offers entrepreneurial education, provides incubator services, and assists individuals in the local community, especially women and minorities, launch new ventures through classroom instruction and experiential learning. It is anticipated that the next generation of women and minority entrepreneurs will have the skills and tools necessary to energize the economies of East Austin, Central Texas, and the State of Texas.
  9. China Education Initiative
  10. Cultural Exchange International
  11. Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  12. Civic Engagement Iiitiative

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEI stand for Education?

    CEI stands for Cultural Exchange International in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Centre for Educational Innovation in Education?

    The short form of "Centre for Educational Innovation" is CEI for Education.


CEI in Education. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cei-meaning-in-education/

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