CEI in Technology Meaning
The CEI meaning in Technology terms is "Centre for Education Innovations". There are 42 related meanings of the CEI Technology abbreviation.
CEI on Technology Full Forms
- Centre for Education Innovations The Center for Education Innovations ( CEI ) promotes policies and practices that improve privately delivered education and skills for the poor in low- and middle- income countries. The programme database profiles over 1,000 innovative education and skills enterprises.
- Center for Energy Innovation
- Connection Endpoint Identifier
- Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Conducted electromagnetic interference is caused by the physical contact of the conductors as opposed to radiated EMI, which is caused by induction. Electromagnetic disturbances in the EM field of a conductor will no longer be confined to the surface of the conductor and will radiate away from it. This persists in all conductors and mutual inductance between two radiated electromagnetic fields will result in EMI.
- Common Electrical Interface
- Colorado Education Initiative The Colorado Education Initiative is an independent nonprofit working in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education and public education stakeholders to advance bold improvement in student achievement through innovation, collaboration, and capacity building.
- Comparably Efficicnt Interconnector
- Computer Ethics Institute
- Comparably Efficient Interconnect
- Center for Environmental Initiatives The purpose of the Center for Environmental Initiatives is to join efforts to promote the conservation and restoration of natural and cultural heritage, environmental security and sustainable development.
- Computer Enterprises Inc
- Clean Energy Institute
- Conferenza Episcopale Italiana The Italian Episcopal Conference (Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) is the episcopal conference of the Italian bishops of the Catholic Church, the official assembly of the bishops in Italy. The conference was founded in 1971 and carries out certain tasks and has the authority to set the liturgical norms for the Mass. Episcopal conferences receive their authority under universal law or particular mandates.
- Critical Electronic Information
- Comparable Efficient Interconnection
- Center for Environmental Informatics
- Computer Enriched Instruction
- Clean Energy Initiative
- Crestron Electronics, Inc
- Computational Engineering International
- Center for Environmental Innovation
- Computer Education Institute
- Clean Energy Incubator
- Crescent Real Estate Equities Company
- Center for Environmental Information
- Configuration End Item
- Chlp Enable Input
- Continuing Education Institutetute
- Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
- Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation
- Comparable Efficient Interface
- Centro De EconomíA Internacional
- Continuing Education Institute
- Caucasus Energy and Infrastructure
- Cycle Engineers Institute
- Central European Initiatives
- Comisia Electrotehnică Intevnaţională
- Call Establishment Information
- Council of Engineering Institutetutions
- Common Event Infrastructure
- China Economic Information
- Comisión ElectrotéCnica Internacional
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CEI stand for Technology?
CEI stands for Center for Environmental Initiatives in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Center for Environmental Initiatives in Technology?
The short form of "Center for Environmental Initiatives" is CEI for Technology.
CEI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cei-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated