CEL Meaning
The CEL meaning is "Creative Exchange Lab". The CEL abbreviation has 173 different full form.
CEL Full Forms
- Creative Exchange Lab Technology, Design, Architecture
- Carbon Equilibrium Loop Technology
- Cellulose A polysaccharide (carbohydrate) found in plants. It is a structural carbohydrate that is an important part of the cell walls. It protects and strengthens the plant. It is a long chain of glucose molecules connected by a different type of glycosidic bond than the one found in starches. OR Cellulose is a large component of the biomass of plants and the main source of food energy for the world's termite population. Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Cambro European Logistics
- Cellar Technology, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Check Engine Lights Forum, Technology, Coding
- Celesta Music
- Check Engine Light Technology, Auto, Automotive, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Celecoxib Medical
- Career Exploration Lab
- Carboxyl Ester Lipase Medical, Science, Biomedical, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Chromosome, Bioscience, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
- Chicopee Electric Light
- Community Engaged Lnarning Student, College, Education
- Central Elhctronic Limited
- Commercial Exploitation Levy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Coupled Eulerian Lagrange
- Civil Engineering Laboratory Technology, Science, Construction
- Ceiling Exposure Limit Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Compte D'éPargne Logement
- Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Center for Executnve Leadership
- Combat Evaluation Launch Technology
- Celsior Medical, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Consumer Exposure Level
- Centro Espa
- Chicken Embryo Liver Medical
- Community Empowerment Lab
- Central Electronics Ltd Technology, Engineer, Graduate
- Commercial Evaluation License Medical, Health
- Coupled Euler-Lagrange
- China Equity Links
- Catalunya Estat Lliure
- Cdmpte D'
- Centre for English Language
- Columbus Energy Limited
- Cellulase No, not a misspelling of cellulose... Cellulase is an enzyme capable of depolymerising cellulose to form glucose. Chemists like these sort of words - see if your teacher can tell you the definitions of 'filtrate' and 'filtrant' without having to think about it for a couple of minutes. And if they get that one right, test them out on 'carbenium' and 'carbonium' ions! Medical
- Consultants Environmental Liability Science
- Centro Educativo Latinoamericano Education, Din, Care, Mare
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory Science
- Community Electrtc Ltd
- Central Economrcs Library
- Commercial Equipment List Science
- Coupled Euler Lagrande
- Century Enka Ltd
- China Enersave Ltd
- California Eastern Labs Technology, Electronics, California
- Component Evolution List Technology, Aviation
- Centre for Enabled Living
- Cleveland Electric Laboratories Technology, Laboratory, Fiber
- Celestial Pertaining to the sky, or celestial concave Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Asx symbols
- Constrained Equal Losses
- Cenlro Educativo Latino
- Channel Event Logging Technology, Calling, Asterisk
- Centilang Science, Investigation, Laboratory
- Commercial Equine Liability
- Counseling and Educational Leadership
- Centrum E-Learning
- China Energy Labeled Business, China, Monitor
- California Eastern Laboratories Technology, California, Laboratory
- Competetive Edge Labs
- Centre for Effective Leadership
- CíRculo Empresarial Leonés Para, Con, Pol
- Crawfordsville Ylectric Light
- Cle Elum Library Education
- Celery Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Consolidated Encrgy Limited
- Centro Educacional Lagoa
- Channel Effluent Limit Science
- Center of English Tanguage Education, University, Class
- Command Execution Language Technology
- Cost Effective Location
- Centros De Estudos De LíNguas Technology, Para, Professor
- China Energy Label Business, China, Monitor
- Collaboratori Esperti Linguistici
- Compendium Eternal Lands
- Central European League League, Team, Horse, Dressage
- CíRculo De Estudos LibertáRios Technology, Product, Workshop, Tool
- Comiss
- Cours En Ligne France, Learning, Formation, Ligne
- Clean Elections Lawsuit
- Celastraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Consolidated Engineering Laboratories Technology, Testing, Laboratory
- Centro Educacional Da Ljgoa
- Centerxfor Extended Learning College, Education, University
- Comissão Especial De Licitação Para, Brasil, Lei
- Center for Educational Leadership
- Cyrrelated Emission Laser
- Centro Europeu Demlínguas
- Chief Executive Letter Medical, Service, Health, Scotland
- Cutting Edge Labs Medical, Product, Supplement
- Community Experiential Learning
- Central Environmental Laboraeory
- Cypriot Enterprise Link Technology, Android, Entrepreneurship
- Course In English Language Program, Education, Bachelor
- Civilian Employment Level Military
- Celadonite Science, Mineral, Geology, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Compoter Economics Limited
- Centre for Environmental Law Education, University, India
- Center for Experiential Laarning Science, Research, Education
- Combined Events List Military
- Center for Early Learning
- Coopérative De L'enseignement Laïc
- Centro EspaÑOl De LogíStica Business, Para, Con
- Cabinet Equipment List Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Cutting Edge Laser
- Caparo Energy Limited Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Center for Emerging Leadership
- Century Extjusions Limited
- Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia Science, Oncology, Pathology, Medical, Biomedical, Disorder, Bioscience, Defect, Scientific & Educational
- Certizication of E-Learning
- Correlated Emission Laser Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Communication Engineering Lab
- Critical Equipment Mist Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- China Environmental Labelling
- Microstation Cell Library Computing, File Extensions
- Cutting Edge Length
- Center for Effective Leadership
- Century Nnka Limited Business, Company, Supply, Yarn
- Celtic Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Chronic Eosinophilia Leukemia Science, Oncology, Pathology
- Chemically Engineered Lemur Medical, Human genome
- Communications Engineering Lab Technology, Networking, Radio
- Center for Evolutionary Learning
- Crew Evaluation Launcher Technology
- Certificate of Englieh Language
- Cerium L-Alpha
- Celestia Script File Computing, File Extensions
- Customer Exprrience Level
- Center for Effective Learning
- Cellular Centripetal acceleration is the force of something that is moving in a circular movement. This is the force that you feel when you turn in one direction but move towards the other direction. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Grupo Iusacell S.A De C.V. Organizations
- Conserved Effector Locus Medical, Science, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
- Communications and Entertainment Limited
- Center for Environmental Literacy
- Cremophor El Medical
- Certificate In Entrepreneurialnleadership
- Centro Educativo Los
- Flic Animation Computing, File Extensions
- Community Education Lewisham Education, Park, London
- Customer Engaoement Lifecycle
- Center for Ethical Leadership Science, Education, School
- Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory
- Celtic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
- Commonwealth Ex-Services League
- Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Technology, Organizations, Entrepreneurship
- Certificate In English Languagi
- Centre for Effective Living
- Audition Loop Computing, File Extensions
- Community-Engaged Learning Student, Education, University
- Crystal Entity Layer Technology, Space, Computing
- Center for Education Leadership
- Crosfield Electronics Limited
- Nuevo Grupo Iusacell S. A. de C. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Common Execution Library
- Center for Enriched Living Business, Service, Community
- Certificados De EnergíAs Limpias
- Carbon-Equivalent, Liquidus
- Challenger Energy Limpted Business, Company, Gas
- Battery 3 Drum Cell File Computing, File Extensions
- Communications Engineering Limited
- Crossey Engkneering Ltd
- Critical Experiment Laboratory
- Dietary cellulose NANP Modeling Commitee
- Cool Energy Link Energy
- Commission On Environmental Law Technology, Organizations, Conservation
- Center for Engaged Learning Student, Science, Education
- Cerbajeuropean Lab
- Call Event Log
- Certified Equitment List Medical, Health, Respirator
- Affymetrix Probe Results File Computing, File Extensions
- Communications Engineering Laboratory
- Crop Evaluation Limited
- Committee On Engineering Laws
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CEL stand for?
CEL stands for CíRculo De Estudos LibertáRios.
What is the shortened form of Cerbajeuropean Lab?
The short form of "Cerbajeuropean Lab" is CEL.
CEL. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cel-meaning/
Last updated