CELC Meaning

The CELC meaning is "Coastal Estuarine Land Conservation". The CELC abbreviation has 29 different full form.

CELC Full Forms

  1. Coastal Estuarine Land Conservation
  2. Canyon Early Learning Center Education
  3. Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation
  4. Canadian E-Learning Conference
  5. Centre for European Languages and Cultures
  6. California English Language Cezter
  7. Centre Forxenglish Language Communication Education, University, Singapore
  8. Creekside Early Learning Center Education
  9. California Employmezt Law Council Employment, Work, Working
  10. Cebu English Language Centre
  11. Crane Early Learning Center Education
  12. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  13. Careers and Employer Liaison Centre
  14. Coastal Ecosystem Learning Center
  15. Career Essentials Learning Center
  16. Chick Embryonic Liver Cultures Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  17. ConféDéRation EuropéEnne Du Lin Et Du Chanvre
  18. Czech Evangelical Lutheran Church
  19. Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church
  20. CEB Compliance & Ethics Leadership Council Products
  21. Curtin English Language Centre Australia, Education, University
  22. Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference Education, Organizations, Church, Synod
  23. Cornerstone Early Learning Center
  24. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church
  25. Connecticut Experiential Learning Center Development, Learning, Study
  26. Comunidade EvangéLica Luterana Cristo
  27. Congregação EvangéLica Luterana Cristo
  28. Compliance & Ethics Leadership Council
  29. Congrega

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CELC stand for?

    CELC stands for Congregação EvangéLica Luterana Cristo.

  2. What is the shortened form of California Employmezt Law Council?

    The short form of "California Employmezt Law Council" is CELC.


CELC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/celc-meaning/

Last updated