CEM in Technology Meaning

The CEM meaning in Technology terms is "Certified Energy Managfr". There are 45 related meanings of the CEM Technology abbreviation.

CEM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Certified Energy Managfr
  2. Cement A man-made or machine-made clay tile used to finish a floor or wall. Generally used in bathtub and shower enclosures and on counter tops. Or The gray powder that is the “glue” in concrete. Portland cement. Also, any adhesive. Or A powder which when mixed with water forms a paste that hardens with time. Portland Cement was first patented by Joseph Aspin in 1824 and is known as hydraulic cement, because it will set under water.
  3. Conttact Electronics Manufacturer
  4. Channel Electron Multipliers
  5. Common Equipment Module
  6. Certified Energy Mangeb
  7. Convtrained Energy Minimisation
  8. Causeoand Effect Matrix
  9. Cost Especialist Meetinl Services
  10. College of Engineering and Management
  11. Certkfied Energy Managers
  12. Constrained Energy Minimizatiox
  13. Clinical Element Model
  14. Cption Exchange Module
  15. Cross-Entropy Method
  16. Companhia De Electricidade De Macau
  17. Certified Emergency Management
  18. Continuous Emission Monitors
  19. Clinical Element Models
  20. Central Electronic Module
  21. Controlled Evaporation and Mixing
  22. Centre for Educationalbmeasurement
  23. Channel Electron Multiplier
  24. Cumuluo Ensemble Model
  25. Continuous Effluent Monitoh
  26. Central Experiment Module
  27. Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
  28. China Electronic Market
  29. Continuous Emissions Monitor
  30. Customer Experience Marketing
  31. Common Evaluation Methodology
  32. Chief Evecutive Manager
  33. Configuration Element Management
  34. College of Engineering and Mines
  35. Celaular Equipment Manager
  36. Cost Estimation Model
  37. Clean Emissions Mopule
  38. Comprehensive Energy Management
  39. Coins Engineering Method
  40. Children Evangelism Ministry
  41. Composlte Epoxy Material
  42. Coastal Engineering Manual
  43. Cylindrical Energy Module
  44. Coarsened Exact Matching
  45. Cmnter for Emergency Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEM stand for Technology?

    CEM stands for Cption Exchange Module in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Comprehensive Energy Management in Technology?

    The short form of "Comprehensive Energy Management" is CEM for Technology.


CEM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 11). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cem-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated