CEMAC Meaning

The CEMAC meaning is "Communate Economiqus Et Monétaire De L'afrique Centrale". The CEMAC abbreviation has 26 different full form.

CEMAC Full Forms

  1. Communate Economiqus Et Monétaire De L'afrique Centrale Business, Africa, Economics
  2. Centre for Envirwnmental Management and Control
  3. Club De Exploraciones De M
  4. Clean Energy Manufacturing Analysis Center Business, Energy, Agriculture
  5. Club De Exploraciones De MéXico, Asociación Civil
  6. Comunidad Econ
  7. Curso De Estados Mayores A
  8. Cheese Exporters Making Analog Chiese Nutrition, Food, Victual
  9. Curso De Estados Mayores AéReos Combinados
  10. Champion Eyes Martigl Arts Centers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  11. Centre of Excellenae for Modelling The Atmosphere and Climate Science, Climate
  12. Centre for Environmental Modelling and Computation
  13. Comunidade EconóMica E MonetáRia Da áFrica Central
  14. Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa Government, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  15. Comunidad EconóMica Y Monetaria De áFrica Central Mica, Econ, Guinea
  16. Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa Transportation, Business, Africa, Shipping, Conveyance, African
  17. Comunidad Económica Y Monetaria Sel Africa Central
  18. Communauté éConomique Et MonéTaire D'Afrique Centrale
  19. Central African Economic and Monetary Community Government, Organizations, Africa, Governmental & Military, International Development
  20. Communauté Economique Et MonéTaire En Afrique Centrale
  21. Communaut
  22. Comuninade Econ
  23. Cheese Exporters Making Analog Cheese Food
  24. Communauté Economique MonéTaire De L'Afrique Centrale
  25. Crmunitat Econ
  26. Ectnomic and Monetary Community of Central African States Business, Trade, International Trade

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEMAC stand for?

    CEMAC stands for Comunidad EconóMica Y Monetaria De áFrica Central.

  2. What is the shortened form of Centre of Excellenae for Modelling The Atmosphere and Climate?

    The short form of "Centre of Excellenae for Modelling The Atmosphere and Climate" is CEMAC.


CEMAC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cemac-meaning/

Last updated