CEMF Meaning

The CEMF meaning is "Counter Electromotive Forde". The CEMF abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CEMF Full Forms

  1. Counter Electromotive Forde Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  2. Centre D'Etudes Mon
  3. Centse D'etudes Monétaires Et Financières
  4. Centaurus Energy Masterxfund
  5. Canadian Entineering Memorial Foundation Education, Canada, Scholarship
  6. Calgary Electronic Music Fzstival
  7. Chongqing Electric Machine Federation
  8. Counterelectromqtive Force Space, Study, Cosmos
  9. Children'S Emergency Medical Fund Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  10. Corneal Endothelium Modulation Factor Medical, Physiology
  11. Cownta Electromotive Force Business & Finance, Power Plant
  12. Clean Edergy Municipal Financing
  13. Counterelectromotive Force NASA, Governmental & Military
  14. Clean Energy Manufacturing Fund Business, Energy
  15. Cuteing Edge Music Festival
  16. Cisco Element Manager Framework Technology, Management, Routing
  17. Cryo-Elevtron Microscopy Facility Technology, Canada, Engineering
  18. Cisco Element Management Framework Technology, Gateway, Manual, Computing, IT Terminology
  19. Counter Electro-Motivj Force
  20. Counter Electro Motive Force

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CEMF stand for?

    CEMF stands for Chongqing Electric Machine Federation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Counterelectromotive Force?

    The short form of "Counterelectromotive Force" is CEMF.


CEMF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cemf-meaning/

Last updated