CF in Security Meaning
The CF meaning in Security terms is "Check Function". There are 3 related meanings of the CF Security abbreviation.
CF on Security Full Forms
- Check Function
- Compact Flash Often abbreviated as simply "CF," Compact Flash is a type of flash memory. Compact flash cards are most commonly used for storing pictures in digital cameras, but are also used in devices such as PDAs and portable music players. There are two types of Compact Flash cards, creatively named "Type I" and "Type II." Type I cards are 3.3 mm thick, while Type II are 5 mm thick.
- Computer Fraud Computer fraud is defined as any act using computers, the Internet, Internet devices, and Internet services to defraud people, companies, or government agencies of money, revenue, or Internet access. There are many methods used to perform these illegal activities. Phishing, social engineering, viruses, and DDoS attacks are fairly well known tactics used to disrupt service or gain access to another's funds, but this list is not inclusive.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CF stand for Security?
CF stands for Computer Fraud in Security terms.
What is the shortened form of Compact Flash in Security?
The short form of "Compact Flash" is CF for Security.
CF in Security. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from
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