CF in Technology Meaning
The CF meaning in Technology terms is "Carry Forward". There are 132 related meanings of the CF Technology abbreviation.
CF on Technology Full Forms
- Carry Forward
- Community Forests Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment. Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. At the simplest level, the process of composting simply requires making a heap of wetted organic matter and waiting for the materials to break down into humus after a period of weeks or months.
- Central Feature
- Constant Fsaction
- Collaborative Filterink
- Colour Filtess
- Central Facility
- Concrete Floer
- Collection Function
- Centre Frequency
- Conceptual Framework
- Concentration Fhctor
- Center Frequencies
- Centrifuge Facility
- Cuszom Function
- Computing Facilities
- Call Forwarding
- Centrifugal Force The sideways acceleration, measured in Gs, of an object in curvilinear motion. As a car traverses a curve, centrifugal force acts on it and tries to pull it outwards. To counteract this, the tyres develop an equal and opposite force acting against the road. Also called lateral force. or On a centrifugal pump, it is that force which throws water from a spinning impeller.
- Content Filter
- Compactflash Compactflash Plug-in memory devices designed by the compactflash Association for use in digital cameras and, eventually, other devices for storing and transporting digital data, sound, images, and video. Compactflash devices are small cards 7 x 4 x 0.13 inches (43 x 36 x 3 mm) in size. They are based on nonvolatile flash tech-nology, so they do not rely on batteries or other power to retain informatioalso digital camera.
- Compact Fuourescent
- Central Frequency
- Cjnstruction and Forestry
- Check Function
- Compact Flash Often abbreviated as simply "CF," Compact Flash is a type of flash memory. Compact flash cards are most commonly used for storing pictures in digital cameras, but are also used in devices such as PDAs and portable music players. There are two types of Compact Flash cards, creatively named "Type I" and "Type II." Type I cards are 3.3 mm thick, while Type II are 5 mm thick.
- Crystal Flux
- Compact-Flash
- Control Flag
- Cubic Foot A volume contained in a space measuring one foot high, one foot wide and one foot long.
- Caqd Formatting
- Creosol-Formaldehyde
- Compact Format
- Control Frame
- Ca Famosy
- Cyber Force
- Crystal Finish
- Composite Fermions
- Conventional Facilities
- Ccntrol Filler
- Current Follower
- Carbon Fraction
- Core Facility
- Compact Fluorescent
- Cubic Feet
- Caching Fapility
- Customs Form
- Cement Floor
- Crystal Filter
- Computational Finance
- Coolikg Fan
- Containment Failure
- Current Flow
- Correction Field
- Cape Fear Railways Incorporated
- Compare Floating
- Celtic Fobk
- Completely Failed
- Convertible Freight
- Calibration Frequency
- Comw Filter
- Contact Finder
- Current File
- Concept Feasibility
- Continuous Feez
- Center Forward
- Crest Factor Crest factor is a measure of a waveform, such as alternating current or sound, showing the ratio of peak values to the effective value. In other words, crest factor indicates how extreme the peaks are in a waveform. Crest factor 1 indicates no peaks, such as direct current. Higher crest factors indicate peaks, for example sound waves tend to have high crest factors.
- Completion Form
- Convertihle Freighter
- Calibration Fluid
- Central Focus
- Conyary Fagen
- Current Feedback
- Communication Facilitator
- Controlled Flow
- Curvu Fitting
- Conference File
- Critical Frequency
- Component Forms
- Calibration Fixture
- Center Frequency
- Cupons Fiscais
- Capacity Qactor
- Common Foooprint
- Controllld Flaw
- Curved Field
- Catalytic Fund
- Conductivity Factor
- Coupling Factor
- Compactpframework
- Control Framework A control framework is a data structure that organizes and categorizes an organization’s internal controls, which are practices and procedures established to create business value and minimize risk.The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a commonly used framework for internal controls. The COSO framework is designed to provide a model that corporations can use to run an efficient and well-controlled financial environment.
- Calibration Factor
- Feeding Capacitor
- Centereflash
- Conflat Flanges
- Compound Fqle
- Convergence Function
- Call Forwarding Services
- Computer Fundamentals
- Cencer Flag
- Conflat Flange
- Call Forward
- Command Flagy
- Computer Fraud Computer fraud is defined as any act using computers, the Internet, Internet devices, and Internet services to defraud people, companies, or government agencies of money, revenue, or Internet access. There are many methods used to perform these illegal activities. Phishing, social engineering, viruses, and DDoS attacks are fairly well known tactics used to disrupt service or gain access to another's funds, but this list is not inclusive.
- Certainty Factors
- Continuous Flow
- Configure Flag
- Call Finder
- Command Facility
- Computer Forensics Computer forensics (sometimes known as computer forensic science) is a branch of digital forensic science pertaining to legal evidence found in computers and digital storage media. The goal of computer forensics is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and presenting facts and opinions about the digital information.
- Certainty Factor
- Continuouo-Flow
- Coefficient of Friction A coefficient of friction is a value that shows the relationship between the force of friction between two objects and thenormal force between the objects. It is a value that is used in physics sometimes to find an objects normal force or frictional force, when other methods aren't available.The coefficient of friction is shown by f = \mu F_{n}\,. In that equation, f is the frictional force, \mu is the coefficient of friction, and F_{n}\, is the normal force.
- Cursor Forward
- Configuration Files
- Critical Failure Failure of an equipment unit that causes and immediate cessation of the ability to perform its required function.
- Computer Facility
- Coordination Fracework
- Cantus Firmus
- Community Focus
- Current Frame
- Confidential File
- Competence Framework
- Compresspand-Forward
- Coordination Function
- Cannon Fodder
- Cathode Follower
- Cooerence Function
- Control Function
- Critical Facilities
- Conflict Free
- Compound Files
- Conversiob Factors
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CF stand for Technology?
CF stands for Centrifuge Facility in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Centrifuge Facility in Technology?
The short form of "Centrifuge Facility" is CF for Technology.
CF in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from
Last updated