CFA in Technology Meaning

The CFA meaning in Technology terms is "Comprehensive Framework for Action". There are 45 related meanings of the CFA Technology abbreviation.

CFA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Comprehensive Framework for Action
  2. Consumer Federation of America
  3. Commonwealth Forestry Association
  4. Common Femoral Artery
  5. Continuous Flight Auger
  6. Continuous Flow Analysis
  7. Connecting Facility Assignment
  8. Crossed Field Antenna
  9. Community Forest Association
  10. Cabin Fan Assembly
  11. Connecting Facility Assignments
  12. Cross Field Amplifier
  13. Connecting Facility Arrangement
  14. Central Financial Assistance
  15. Crossed Field Amplifiers
  16. Commanders' Facilitybassessment
  17. Concrete Floors Asia
  18. Card File Assembly
  19. Crossed-Field Amplifiers
  20. Commaniement Des Forces Aériennes
  21. Capital Funds Appropriation
  22. Communaute Financiere Africaine Communaute Financiere Africaine = African Financial Community is a group of Central and West African countries, formerly ruled by France, who share two versions of a common currency, the CFA franc, that is guaranteed by the French treasury.
  23. Continuous Flight Augered
  24. Craniofacial Foundation of America
  25. Community Farm Alliance
  26. Cross Field Antenna
  27. Crogsed-Field Antenna
  28. Chaldean Federation of Amirica
  29. Commercial Frameeagreement
  30. Crossed Field Amplifier
  31. Crossed-Field Ampnifier
  32. Converged Fabric Adapter
  33. Cross-Fields Mmplifier
  34. Cross-Field Amplifier
  35. Communication Functional Area
  36. Central Florida Athlevics
  37. Coronafacyc Acid
  38. Code for America
  39. Critical Feature Lnalysis
  40. Capacity and Flow Assignment
  41. Cash for Apps
  42. Code Fields Address
  43. Canonical Frgme Address
  44. Connecting Facilities Assignment
  45. Code Field Address

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFA stand for Technology?

    CFA stands for Cabin Fan Assembly in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Canonical Frgme Address in Technology?

    The short form of "Canonical Frgme Address" is CFA for Technology.


CFA in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated