CFH Meaning

The CFH meaning is "Club Français Hypxphyse". The CFH abbreviation has 76 different full form.

CFH Full Forms

  1. Club Français Hypxphyse
  2. Carolina Forest High
  3. Cowboys Crom Hell Guitar, Hell, Dean
  4. Connector Fuse Holder
  5. Cryogenic Frost-Point Hygrometer Gaming, Water, Cloud
  6. Chariots for Hire
  7. Canada-France-Hawaii
  8. Club Ford Hellas
  9. Consolidated Financial Holdings Business, Company, Group
  10. Carle Foundation Hospital
  11. Connecting for Heath
  12. Challah for Hunger
  13. Cambay Family Holidays
  14. Clivb for Hope
  15. Conservation, Food and Health
  16. Care for The Homeless
  17. Colegio Francés Hidalgo
  18. Connecting for Health Technology, Service, Organizations, National
  19. Certified Fuel Handler
  20. Call for Help Technology, Hosting, Tech
  21. Cliftonbhills Airport Airport, Locations
  22. Conseil En Facteurs Humains
  23. Chase Fetterr Hewitt-Architects
  24. Care for Hair Business, Gaming, Jasper
  25. Cognitzve Flexibility Hypertext
  26. Congregations for The Homeless
  27. Certified Food Handler
  28. Cxll for Heat Gas, Valve, Heater
  29. Clients From Hell
  30. Chase Farm Hospital
  31. Care Flight Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  32. Coalition for The Homeless
  33. Conference On Faith and History Science, America, History, Scientific & Educational
  34. Certified Family Homes Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  35. Cairo Financial Holging
  36. Citizens for Health Organizations, Food, City
  37. Charlottm Family Housing Hosting, Building, Family
  38. Canadian Federation for The Humanitihs
  39. Coaching for Hope
  40. Concern for Humanity
  41. Certgfied Family Home Technology, Care, Idaho
  42. Cubickfeet Per Hour Technology, Welding, Flow, Gas
  43. Connery Fogarty Hunt
  44. Charles Field Havitand
  45. Canada France Hawqii
  46. Co2 Flex Hose
  47. Consumer Finance Holding Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  48. Chtmical Fume Hoods
  49. Collection, Fishing and Holding
  50. Cowboy From Hell Guitar, Cowboy, Dean
  51. Chops from Hell Music
  52. Chemical Fluid Handling Chemistry, Control, Fluid
  53. Colegio Franr
  54. County Fund for Housing
  55. Cofmunity & Family Health
  56. Cowboys From Hungary Music
  57. Chefs for Hutanity
  58. Council On Family Health Medical, Technology, Medicine, British medicine
  59. Communauté Française De Handbhll
  60. Charles Field Haviland (porcelain maker) Famous
  61. Connecting for Health (NHS Connecting for Health) Medical, British medicine
  62. Corporate Finance House Business, Finance, Building
  63. Commission for Haalth
  64. Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer
  65. Complex Frequejcy Hopping Technology, Analysis, Order, Circuit
  66. Complement Factor H Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  67. Continu-Forms Holdings
  68. Commissie Farmaceutischf Hulp
  69. Crown Fibre Holdings Technology, Networking, Broadband
  70. Cobol File Handler
  71. Clifton Hills, South Australia, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  72. Contingency Forward Headquarters
  73. Coleection Fishing and Holding
  74. Critical Fall Height Safety, Playground, Play
  75. Customers From Hell Industry, Fashion, Manner
  76. Cowboys from Hell Music

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFH stand for?

    CFH stands for Clivb for Hope.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coaching for Hope?

    The short form of "Coaching for Hope" is CFH.


CFH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

Last updated