CFL Meaning

The CFL meaning is "Calcaneofibular". The CFL abbreviation has 174 different full form.

CFL Full Forms

  1. Calcaneofibular Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  2. Chance for Life
  3. Center for Limnology Technology, Lake, Wisconsin
  4. Center for Learning Technology, Education, School
  5. Canadian Football League Sport, Team, Football, American Football, American Football Leagues, Internet Slang, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  6. Compact Flourescent Lamps Technology, Energy, Light
  7. Compact Fluorescent Lamp A fluorescent lamp in compact form that may be conveniently used, in normal holders, in place of the lesser efficient incandescent lamps. The lamp life is significantly longer than incandescent lamps. Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  8. Chinese As Foreign Language Education, China, Learning
  9. Color-Flavor-Locked Star, Physics, Quark, Flavor
  10. Cascade Football Leaeue
  11. Courant, Friedrichs, and Lely Technology, Equation, Condition
  12. Children Families and Learning
  13. Club Francais Du Livre
  14. Corinth Free Librauy Education
  15. Ceylon Federation of Labor
  16. Calcaneal-Fibular Ligament Medical, Physiology
  17. Communications Fiji Ltd
  18. Center for Languagds Education, University, Language, Linguistic
  19. Courant-Friedrichs-Levy Simulation, Equation, Condition
  20. Choppers for Life
  21. Clarion Frle Library Education
  22. Campbell Football League Sport, Football, Game
  23. Contingency Planning Facilities List Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Corps, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  24. Centre for Foreign Languages Education, University, Language, Headway
  25. Crown Forest Licence
  26. Collision Fightind League Fight, Tube, Fighting
  27. Carthage Free Library Education
  28. Couraht, Friedrichs and Lewy
  29. Children, Families, and Learning Education, Learning, Children, Minnesota
  30. Club Football Aoisir
  31. Corfu Free Library Education
  32. Ceylon Federation of Labour
  33. Calais Free Library Education
  34. Communications Framework Library Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  35. Center for Financial Literacy
  36. Courant-Friedrichdlevy Technology, Analysis, Paper, Condition
  37. Chinese Federation of Labor Organizations, China, Union
  38. Claim Forzloss
  39. Campaign for Love Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  40. Continental Football League
  41. Centre for Fwrensic Linguistics
  42. Crow'S Feet Lines
  43. Carrier Failure Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  44. Countq Fiscal Letter
  45. Children, Families & Learning
  46. Colvegians for Life
  47. Core Function Lead
  48. Certyfied Forensic Locksmith Technology, Auto, Lock
  49. Cage Fight Live Fight, Card, Challenger
  50. Common Feed List Technology, Windows, Outlook, Ticker
  51. Catholic Forensic League Organizations, National, Debate
  52. Courant Friedrich Lewy
  53. Chinese Federation of Labour Government, China, Union, Taiwan
  54. City Form Lab
  55. Campaign for Learning Education, Organizations, School
  56. Cmntext Free Languages Property, Language, Grammar, Context
  57. Centre for Flezible Learning Technology, Education, Projection
  58. Croton Free Library Education
  59. Carrier Fail Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  60. Close Focns Lens
  61. College of Foreign Languages Education, English, University, Language
  62. Canadian Fertilizers Limited Business, Technology, Industrial, Organizations, Ammonia
  63. Corporate Football League Business, Sport, Hal
  64. Certificate In Fnench Language Education, France, Course
  65. Cadet Flight Leader
  66. Committee On Federal Laboratories
  67. Catholic Financial Life College, Education, Insurance
  68. Couaant Friedrichs Lewy Science, Scheme, Condition, Stability
  69. Chinese Foreign Language Education, China, Teaching
  70. Campaign for Liberty Business, Government, Organizations
  71. Computers for Learning Technology, Program, Computing
  72. Cjnter for Ledelses
  73. Crossing The Finish Line Lyric, Marathon, Finish
  74. Carnegie Flee Library Education
  75. Clients for Uife
  76. Cxllege Football Line
  77. Canadian Federation of Labour Government, Scholarship, Union
  78. Copqer Football League
  79. Cerclegf
  80. Cadaveric Fascia Lata Medical
  81. Color Flavor Locked
  82. Cawhode Fluorescent Lamp Technology, Light, Lighting
  83. Courant-Friedrich-Lewy Technology, Analysis, Condition
  84. Chinese As A Foreign Language
  85. Campaign Finance Law
  86. Comjact Flourscent Lamps
  87. Center Tor Ledelse Technology, Management, Som
  88. Croghan Free Library Education
  89. Carlos Ferreira Lourenco
  90. Cliext for Life
  91. Collector Funvtion Logic
  92. Canada Feeder Lines Business, Ship, Vessel
  93. Converse Free Library Education
  94. Centre for Lwadership Education, Organizations, University
  95. Cutchogue Free Library Education
  96. Cleared Flight Level Technology, Aircraft, Traffic, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  97. Color-Flavor Locked
  98. Cash for Lefe
  99. Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Science, Scheme, Condition
  100. Chinese As A First Language
  101. Coach for Life
  102. Caminhos De Ferro De Luanda
  103. Compact Flourecenc Light
  104. Center for Teadership Management, Education, Building
  105. Coyle Free Library Education
  106. Cleared Flight Plan Military
  107. Camp Freeland Leslie
  108. Control File List
  109. Centre for Learning Technology, Education, School
  110. Customized Fat Loss
  111. Contains Foul Language Film censorship
  112. Cannon Free Library Education
  113. Combat Fitness Leader Military
  114. Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
  115. Cold Flow Labopatory
  116. Caring for Life Care, Nigeria, Charity, Life
  117. Cortland Free Libryry Education
  118. Customer for Life Business, Company, Service
  119. Cicero Free Library Education
  120. Compact Fluorescent Light Electrical, Products
  121. Candor Free Library Education
  122. Combat Fight League Arts, Fight, Fighting
  123. Checklist Field Logistics Medical
  124. Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Business, Light, Bulb
  125. Care for Life Medical, Medicine, Life
  126. Corps Francskde La Lib
  127. Customer Final Label
  128. Chromatic Focus Line
  129. Colqaborative Family Law Government
  130. Counterflashing Formed sheet copper secured on or into a wall, curb, pipe, rooftop unit or other surface to cover and protect the upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  131. Canbank Factors Limited
  132. Clear Flight Level
  133. Imvu Product File Computing, File Extensions
  134. Clgswell Free Library Education
  135. Carbon-Filament Lamp
  136. Corps Francs De La LibéRation
  137. Curved Fork Length
  138. Christian Football League
  139. Collaborative Family Lawyers
  140. Country Forest Limited
  141. Canadian Framework for Licensure (Professional Engineering) Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  142. Swedish Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  143. Central Federal Lands Us Government, Governmental & Military
  144. Coefficient De Frottemept Longitudinal
  145. Capacitated Facility Location
  146. Coronafanate Ligase Medical
  147. Chemin De Fer Luxembourgeois
  148. Curso Fiel De LiderançA Technology, Para, Con, Dos
  149. Christian Family Living
  150. Coletivo De Femifistas L
  151. Counter Flashing A metal flashing usually used on chimneys at the roofline to cover shingle flashing and used to prevent moisture entry. Building, Engineering, Construction
  152. California Finance Lender Banking, Business & Finance
  153. Cyber Forensics Laboratory
  154. Chicago Federation of Labor Unions, Governmental & Military
  155. Coburn Gree Library Education
  156. Cannon Falls Library Education
  157. Coromanhel Fertilisers Ltd
  158. Chemin De Fer Lanaudjère Business, Canada, Railway
  159. Current Funding Level Education, Study
  160. Christ for Life Religion
  161. Cold Fluorescent Lamp
  162. Coumterflashing Design, Drawing, Construction
  163. Custom Function Library
  164. CorelFLOW Chart Computing, File Extensions
  165. Canton Free Library Education
  166. Coromandel Fertilisers Limited
  167. Champions for Life
  168. Constructora Francisco Lorca
  169. Choreography Fitness Leader
  170. Cold Fluorescent Light Technology
  171. Cargo Force Limited Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  172. Council of Federal Libraries Libraries, Reading, Books
  173. Customers for Life
  174. Cincinnati Feels Lousy Organization, Union, Institution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFL stand for?

    CFL stands for Centre for Flezible Learning.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cleared Flight Plan?

    The short form of "Cleared Flight Plan" is CFL.


CFL. (2022, January 21). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from

Last updated