CFM in Technology Meaning

The CFM meaning in Technology terms is "Connectivity Faulc Management". There are 43 related meanings of the CFM Technology abbreviation.

CFM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Connectivity Faulc Management
  2. Certified Finance Manager
  3. Configuration Management Management of security features and assurances through control of changes made to hardware, software, firmware, documentation, test, test fixtures, and test documentation throughout the life cycle of an information system.
  4. Commercial Fan Motor
  5. Centre for Ffcilities Management
  6. Citizen Finetech Miyota
  7. Corporate Finance Management
  8. Cemputer Facility Manager
  9. Certified Floodplain Managers
  10. Constraint Force Mixing
  11. Coldfire Flash Module
  12. Center for Musikpsykologi
  13. Cymer Fed Model
  14. Computationalafluid Mechanics
  15. Certified Floodplain Managei
  16. CongrèS FrançAis De MéCanique
  17. Coherent Flame Model
  18. Carrier Financial Management
  19. Crystal Finance Millennium
  20. Compounded Frequency Modulation
  21. Certificate In Financial Management
  22. Confirmation The written statement that follows any "trade" in the securities markets. Confirmation is issued immediately after a trade is executed. It spells out settlement date, terms, commission, etc.
  23. Code Fragment Manager
  24. Candll Flames In Microgravity
  25. Cryogenic Fluid Management
  26. Community Forest Management
  27. Cerebrav Function Analysing Monitor
  28. Configuration Flash Memory
  29. Co-Funding Mechanisms
  30. Candle Flame In Micrtgravity
  31. Community Fault Model
  32. Cdrebral Function Monitor
  33. Configuration File Manager
  34. Co-Funding Mechanism
  35. Corporate Flight Vanagement
  36. I Monfirm
  37. Configuration File Managemvnt
  38. CollèGe FrançAis De MéTrologie
  39. Central Flow Management
  40. Cyclophosphamide, 5 Fluoroueacil, Mitoxantrone
  41. Cross-Functional Managemknt
  42. Cubit Feet Per Minute
  43. Can'T Find Me

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFM stand for Technology?

    CFM stands for Cemputer Facility Manager in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Center for Musikpsykologi in Technology?

    The short form of "Center for Musikpsykologi" is CFM for Technology.


CFM in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated