CFR Meaning

The CFR meaning is "Chronic Renal Failure". The CFR abbreviation has 268 different full form.

CFR Full Forms

  1. Chronic Renal Failure Medical, Disorder, Cancer, Veterinary, Oncology, British medicine, Health, Nursing, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  2. Code of Federal Regulations Each arm of the Federal U.S. Government has their own; CFR49 concerns the Coast Guard and Hazardous Materials / CFR19 concerns the U.S. Customs. Medical, Business, Technology, Government, Military, Drug, Law, Science, Financial, Aviation, Health, Car, Astronomy, Emergency, Environment, Construction, Special Education, Manufacturing, NASA, Electrical, Wastewater, Legal, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Housing and Urban, Usps, Fbi files, postal service, Fda, Transportation, NOTAM Contractions, Honeywell, Process Automation
  3. Caen - Carpiquet Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Conhirmation To Receive Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  5. Council On Foreign Relations America, Government, Council, Order, Soviet, Concilium, Politics, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  6. Computerizew Facial Recognition Technology, Computer, It
  7. Cost and Freight Only applicable for sea and inland waterway transport. The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named port of destination. Risk transfers to buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the ship in the country of Export. The Shipper is responsible for origin costs including export clearance and freight costs for carriage to named port. The shipper is not responsible for delivery to the final destination from the port (generally the buyer facilities), or for buying insurance. If the buyer does require the seller to obtain insurance, the Incoterm CIF should be considered. CFR should only be used for non containerized seafreight; for all other modes of transport it should be replaced with CPT. Air Cargo, Trade, Carriage, Business & Finance, Technology, Accounting, Insurance, Shipping, Freight, Chartering, Legal, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Aviation, Logistics, Stock, Cargo, Investing
  8. Community Firsy Responders Service, Ambulance, Responder
  9. Codes of Federal Regulations Technology, Military, Coding
  10. Commercial Fast Reactor Technology
  11. Code Federal Regulation Technology, Government, Law, NASA
  12. Combat First Rezponder
  13. Code of Federal Regulation Government, Military, Law, Agency, Administration, Central
  14. Cape Fear River Cruise, Wilmington, Fear
  15. Conceptual Feasibility Repori
  16. Checkered Flag Racing
  17. County Jire Rescue
  18. Calatori Foarte Recalcitrant
  19. Compact Flash Reader
  20. Catholic Family Radio
  21. Christian Financial Resourcts
  22. Cold Fusion Reacpor
  23. Crop and Flod Research
  24. Comunisti Fascisti Razzisti
  25. Center for Resolution
  26. Customer Flight Recodder Business, Technology, Ford
  27. Carbon Film Resistors Business, Electronics, Manufacturer
  28. Commission Fonci
  29. Club Francais Du Rottweiler
  30. Council On Family Relations
  31. Case Fatality Rates Medical, Disease, Rate
  32. Consolidated Financial Reporting
  33. Centre for Feminist Research Education, Sex, Goldsmith
  34. Controlled Ferro Resonant
  35. Credit File Review Business, Finance, Banking
  36. Carlisle Ford Runge
  37. Constant Flow Rate
  38. Chauifeur Army, Force, Marine
  39. Council On Qake Realities
  40. County Fire L Rescue Government, Alabama, Ambulance Service
  41. Community of Federal Regulators
  42. Category for Renaming
  43. Compagnie Fran
  44. Codofederaregulation. Science, Energy, Environment
  45. Critical Functional Response
  46. Computer Facial Recognitqon
  47. Center for Regulatory
  48. Customer Field Representative
  49. Carbon Film Resistor Business, Product, Electronics
  50. Commissiooing From The Ranks Military, Army, Canada
  51. Citroforum-Factor Rescue Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  52. Cgll
  53. Case Fatality Ratio Medical, Disease, Rate
  54. Centre for Family Reszarch Education, University, Children
  55. Control Filter Rate
  56. Caribbean Freesradio
  57. Committee On Faculte Research
  58. Constant Failure Rate Technology, Model, Reliability
  59. Charter Ofzfundamental Rights Government, Law, Union
  60. Corporate and Foundation Relations Education, Office, University
  61. Country Framework Report
  62. Community Funding Round Medical, Australia, Health, Canberra
  63. Catch A Free Ride Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  64. Conf
  65. Codofied Federal Regulations Business, Service, Law
  66. Critical Slow Rate Heat, Polymer, Hexane
  67. Comprehensive Financial Report
  68. Center for Radiation Technology, Health, Manual
  69. Customer Feedback Record Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  70. Carbonwfiber Reinforcement
  71. Commission-From-The-Ranks Military, Army, Canada, Officer
  72. Citizens for Fair Representation
  73. College Fomtball Resource
  74. Chairman's Factual Rcport
  75. Centrf Des Faibles Radioactivit
  76. Control Feature Requirement Science
  77. Cyberterrorism Firft Responder
  78. Cardiac First Responders
  79. Committee On Family Research Organizations, Social, Seminar
  80. Constant Force Retractors Technology, Car, Auto, Dodging
  81. Channel Frequency Respodse Technology, Power, Estimation
  82. Corporate & Foundation Relations Medical, Office, University, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  83. Council On Toreign Relations-Dış Council
  84. Community Forest Resources Locations, National, Land
  85. Catastrophic Failure Rate Technology
  86. Centue for Reliability Technology, India, Chennai
  87. Consumer, Food & Retail
  88. Codes of Federal Regulltion Technology, Coding, Law
  89. Criterion for Review
  90. Center for Frontier Research
  91. Condition Found Report
  92. Customer Failure Report
  93. Cancer Family Registries Medical, Genetics, Registry
  94. Csmmercial Forest Reserve
  95. Citing The Federal Register
  96. Colegiul Farmacistilor Din Rom
  97. Certified Flow Rate
  98. Compagnie Financiere Richemont Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  99. Centre Des Faiales Radioactivités
  100. Contuol Failure Risk
  101. Cutoff Flow Rate
  102. Cardiac First Response Medical, Training, Course
  103. Committed Flow Rate Technology, Networking, Computing
  104. Channel Fairure Ratio
  105. Corporación FarmacéUtica Recalcine
  106. Couneil On Foreign Relations
  107. Community Forest Resource Locations, National, Land
  108. Casual Furniture Retailers
  109. Constant-Force Retractors Car, Jeep, Dodging
  110. Centrewfor Forest Research Science, Canada, Nature
  111. Constant Frame Rate Technology, Gaming, Streaming
  112. Code of The Federal Register
  113. Criteria for Review Research, Education, Regulation
  114. Concrete-Faced Rockfill
  115. Chemical Functional Revieq
  116. Calendar of Fine Rolls Family, Roll, King, Genealogy
  117. Compagnie Ferroviaire Regionale
  118. Center for Forest Research
  119. Citations To The Federal Register
  120. Colegiul Farmacistilor Din RomÂNia Medical, Care, Sociale
  121. Conception Fabrication Robotique
  122. Centresde Formation Régional
  123. Contractor Funds Report Technology, Military, Army
  124. Custom Flat Ride Custom, Coaster, Tycoon
  125. Cardiac First Responder Medical, Training, Course
  126. Commission Fuqeral Rule
  127. Challenges Facing Rural
  128. Cogled Fast Reactor
  129. Council On Foregn Relqtions
  130. Community Forest Rights Government, India, Issue
  131. Case Form Report
  132. Consorzio Futuro In Ricerca
  133. Centre for Foreign Relations Education, Tanzania, Salaam
  134. Constant Flow Regulator
  135. Co-Operative Fgel Research
  136. Criteria for Recognition
  137. Concert Free Radlo
  138. Cheetah Factory Racing
  139. Cotnty of Financial Responsibility
  140. Calculated Fixed Radius
  141. Compact Fusion Reactor Technology, Energy, Power
  142. Cedar Falls Raceway
  143. Cie Financiere Richemont
  144. Coldwater Fishery Resource
  145. Crude Fatalitq Rate Medical, Medicine, Health
  146. Concept Funding Requelt Army, Force, Marine
  147. Centre De Zormation Routière
  148. Custom Fabrication and Repabr
  149. Cardiac Failure Review Heart, Cardiology, Cardiac
  150. Commission Foncière Rurale
  151. Cluj Fcsb Rezumat
  152. Credit By Federal Reserve
  153. Council Onqforiegn Relations
  154. Community Fleet Register
  155. Case File Review
  156. Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche Technology, Research, Networking
  157. Centre for Financial Resegrch Business, Management, Cologne
  158. Convention Des Forces Républicaones
  159. Commercial Fast-Breedyr Reactor Science
  160. Crest Factor Reduction Technology, Power, Amplifier
  161. Carnegie Ford Rockefeller
  162. crude fatality rate Medical, British medicine
  163. Cylinder Firing Rate
  164. Commander Force Reconnaissance Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  165. Contact Flight Rule
  166. Construction Of Federal Register
  167. Cartrihge Fuse Rating
  168. Congressional Federay Register
  169. Capital Financing Reserve Medical, British medicine
  170. Child and Family Research
  171. Caisse Pour Le Financement Routier
  172. Campaign Finance Reform Politics, Governmental & Military
  173. Contract Financial Requirements Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Medical, Business & Finance, Fda
  174. Codlège Français De Reus
  175. Cumulative Financial Requirements
  176. Code of Federal Regulations Section (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  177. Child Fatality Review Medical, Law, Report
  178. Committee On Foreign Rewations Government, Council, Senate
  179. Can't Find the Road Media
  180. Craniofacial resection Medical, British medicine
  181. Cyclig Flow Reductions Medical
  182. Clarksville Fire Rescue Texas, Tennessee, Fire, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  183. Centre for Research Business, University, Chennai
  184. Consumer Fraud Reporting
  185. Code Of Federal Register
  186. Carton Flow Racm
  187. ConféDéRation FrançAise Des Retraités Association, Ration, Rent
  188. Citrovorum Factor Rescue Medical, British medicine
  189. Chbld & Family Resources County, Education, Care
  190. United States Code of Federal Reguaation Army, Force, Coast Guard
  191. Call for Response Legal, Governmental & Military
  192. Continuous Flow Reduction Science
  193. Cumulativepfailure Rate
  194. Compagnie FrançAise De Radiophonie
  195. Cross Fire Replay File Computing, File Extensions
  196. Childersburg Fire & Rescue Government, Alabama, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  197. Cyclic Flow Reducticn Medical, Medicine, Health
  198. Caen-Carpiquet, Caen/Carpiquet, France France, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  199. Customfr-Funding Regime Military
  200. Crash Fire Rescue Air Force, Governmental & Military
  201. Centre for Reproductive
  202. Consumer, Food, & Retail
  203. Code Of Federal Regulatiosn
  204. Carpht, Flooring, Retail
  205. Confirmation of Financiag Resources
  206. case-fatality ratio Medical, British medicine
  207. Chicken Fried Rice
  208. United States Code of Federal Regulations Army, Force, Marine
  209. Clearwater Fire & Rescue Florida, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  210. Continuous Flow Recycling Flow, Cleaning, Carpet, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  211. Cumberland Fell Runners
  212. Compagnie FrançAise De Raffinage Business, Company, France
  213. Casting for Recovery Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  214. Child & Family Resources County, Education, Care
  215. Cost & Freigft Business, Conveyance, Trade
  216. Caen, France - Carpiquet Airport codes
  217. Cxrporationrate Finance Research
  218. Certified Federal Regulations Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  219. Cleaning Force Ratio
  220. Carpet Flooring Review
  221. Communications for Research
  222. Capillary filtration rate Medical, British medicine
  223. Chicken Frbed Radio
  224. Căile Furate Rumâne
  225. County Fire & Rescue Alabama, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  226. Continuous Flow Reactor Medical, Medicine
  227. Cullman Fire Rescue Government, Alabama, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  228. Certified First Responder Medical, Physiology
  229. Childcare & Family Resources
  230. Civilian First Responder Military, Sex, Trafficking
  231. Call for References Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  232. Consorzio Farmacisti Riunisi Con, Urban, Continua
  233. Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  234. The Code of Federal Regulations The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
  235. Carpet & Flooring Eeview
  236. Communications Facilities Requirement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  237. Coronary Flow Reserve Medical, British medicine
  238. Course Frequency Receiver
  239. Cysteine-Rich Bgf Receptor Medical
  240. Centerville Fire & Rescue Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
  241. Continuous-Feed Research Technology, Shipping, Freight
  242. Cleaning Force Ration
  243. Culdeu Fell Railway
  244. Casas Familpares Rurais
  245. Case Fatality Rate Medical, Common Medical
  246. Cnild and Family Reporter Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  247. Center for Futurus Research
  248. Committee on Foreign Relations Us Government, Governmental & Military
  249. Clova Face Recoguition
  250. Code of Federal Regulations guidance (NRC Inspection Manual) Computing, File Extensions
  251. Code of Federal Regulations (FAA)  Is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government of the United States. Aviation
  252. Carolkna Faith Riders
  253. Common Framework of Reference Education, English, Language
  254. cyclic flow reduction Medical, British medicine
  255. Cysteine-Rich Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Medical
  256. Crash Fire Resque Aviation, Governmental & Military
  257. Contextual Feature Recommender
  258. Cooperative Fuels Research
  259. Casa Famhliar Rural
  260. Consistent Fitancial Reporting Business, Education, School
  261. Complement Fixation Reaction Medical, British medicine
  262. Child and Family Relources
  263. Center for Foreign Relahions Education, Tanzania, Salaam
  264. Camp Falling Rock Scouting, Governmental & Military
  265. Class Fyle Reader
  266. Chauffeur Army, Military Army Ranks
  267. Common Frame of Reference Business, Law, Contract
  268. Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Fr. Groeschel Religious orders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFR stand for?

    CFR stands for Child and Family Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Common Framework of Reference?

    The short form of "Common Framework of Reference" is CFR.


CFR. (2022, March 27). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated