CFS Meaning

The CFS meaning is "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". The CFS abbreviation has 395 different full form.

CFS Full Forms

  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a complex and debilitating illness characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by rest and is not caused by an underlying medical condition. The fatigue experienced by people with CFS is often described as a persistent and overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that can limit their ability to carry out daily activities, including work, school, and social activities. In addition to fatigue, people with CFS may experience a range of other symptoms, including cognitive difficulties (such as problems with memory and concentration), unrefreshing sleep, muscle and joint pain, headaches, and a sore throat or tender lymph nodes. The cause of CFS is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. Currently, there is no cure for CFS, and treatment typically focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. Medical, Treatment, Health, Disorder, Narcolepsy, Clinical, Common Medical
  2. Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium
  3. Container Freight Stations Business, Service, Finance, Trading, Economics, Cargo
  4. Consolidated Financial Statement A consolidated financial statement is a comprehensive statement that gives details regarding all the assets, liabilities and operating accounts of the parent company and subsidiary companies under it, if any. Business, Finance, Economics
  5. Chalder Fatigue Scale Medical
  6. Consumer and Family Sciences Business, Education, University
  7. Certified Funds Specialist Business, Financial, Investment
  8. Consolidated Financial Statements Business, Accounting, Report
  9. Container Freight Station A facility where cargo is loaded ("stuffed") into or unloaded ("stripped") from containers, especially for movement by railroad. Generally, this involves less than containerload shipments, although small shipments destined to same consignee are often consolidated. These facilities can be located in container yards, or near docks.Acronym/Abbreviation: CFS Transportation, Business, Service, Military, Air Cargo, Shipping, Freight, Cargo, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  10. Canada Flight Supplement Technology, Military, Canada
  11. Computerized Forward System Technology, Service, Mail
  12. Calls for Submissions Medical, Book, Calling
  13. Common Functional Specifications Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Center Frequencies Medical, Technology, Military, Frequency
  15. Cooperative Financial Services
  16. Cage Fight Series Organizations, Underground, Fighting
  17. Chicken Fried Steak
  18. Content Filter Service Technology, Wall, Sonic
  19. Cache File System
  20. Color-Flow Duplex Scanning Medical
  21. Corporate Finance Strategy
  22. Centralized Forwarding System
  23. Computers for Schools Technology, Canada, Computing
  24. Chemotactic Factors Medical
  25. Corporate Financial Services Technology, German, Computing
  26. Cbrpi Fashion System
  27. Compost Filter Sock
  28. Certificat De Formation à La SéCurite
  29. Consumer & Family Studies
  30. Cambridge Financial Nervices Military
  31. Cold-Finished Steel
  32. Child Uriendly Space Science, Children, Syria
  33. Command Financial Services
  34. Cleveland Fun Squad Education, Development, Universities
  35. Craniofacial Skeleton Medical
  36. Concessional Financing Scheme
  37. Cluster File System Technology, Server, Storage
  38. Chief Flight Surgeon
  39. Continuous Feed System Computing, Hardware
  40. Children and Faeily Services Medical, Technology, Service
  41. Center for Field Studies
  42. Certificate In Fire Safetu Program, Education, Course
  43. Cancer Family Syndrime Medical, Medicine, British
  44. Cxre for Secret Internet Slang, Chat, Internet
  45. Completely Free Software
  46. Client Focused Solutions Business, Marketing, Fulfillment
  47. Customer Focus Servcces Business, Microsoft, Service
  48. Congo Free State
  49. Calibration Feedback System
  50. Cognitive Flexibility Scale
  51. Chronic Fatigue Sydnrome
  52. Confentional Facilities and Siting
  53. Capabilities Files
  54. Corporate Finance Specialist
  55. Centralized Forecasting System
  56. Computerized Forwarding System Technology, Military, Mail, Usps, postal service
  57. Chemins De Fer Syrien
  58. Corporate Fact Sheet
  59. Carllina Friends School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  60. Composite Fibers
  61. Certamnty Factors
  62. Consuner Family Sciences Science, Education, University, Health
  63. Cambridge File Server
  64. Cold Finished Seamless Business, Tube, Steel
  65. Clear Floor Space
  66. Coordinated Family Serdices
  67. Command Financial Specialists
  68. Cleveland Family Study Medical, Genetics, Association
  69. Cranfield Flying School Technology, Flight, Training
  70. Centre for Financial Services Business, Technology, Service
  71. Conceptual Functional Specification Technology
  72. Clustered File System Technology, Management, Storage
  73. Chicago Freedom School Education, Chicago, Youth
  74. Continuous Feed Session Technology
  75. Catholic Family Service
  76. Certificate In Foundation Studies
  77. Canary and Finch Society
  78. Children, Families and Schuols
  79. Care Yor A Secret
  80. Completely Fair Scheduling Technology, Linux, Kernel
  81. Clientpfinancial Services
  82. Customer Focused Solutions
  83. Congenital Fibrosarcoma Craniofacial Skeleton Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  84. Calibration Factors Medical
  85. Coed, Fraternity, and Sorority
  86. Chronic Fatigue Syndromes
  87. Conventional Firing Set Science
  88. Corporate Financial System Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  89. Centralized File System Technology
  90. Content File Server
  91. County Fire Service
  92. Certified Fraud Specialists Business, Accounting, Investigation
  93. Cornish Forefathers Society
  94. Canopy Fracturing Systems Technology
  95. Caring for The Sick Medical, Florence, Nightingale
  96. Component Failure Summary
  97. Cutaneous Field Stimulation Medical
  98. Ceramic Filtrateon Solutions
  99. Consumer & Family Sciences Science, Education, University
  100. Cancer Family Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  101. Calls for Service Government, Calling, Police
  102. Cold-Finished Seamless Technology, Construction
  103. Clean Fuels Standard
  104. Cooperativedfile System
  105. Command Financial Specialist
  106. Clustered File Systems
  107. Council On Forensik Sciences
  108. Centre for Financial Studies Business, Education
  109. Concentric Firing System
  110. Colonization Factors Medical
  111. Chicago Field Studies Education, Chicago, Internship
  112. Continental Flying Spur Business, Car, Dealer
  113. Cassandra File System Technology, Database, Analytics
  114. Certificate In Food Safety Program, Education, Course
  115. Consumer Finance Survey
  116. Canadian Forest Serwices
  117. Children, Families, and Schools
  118. Career Fields
  119. Community Food Share
  120. Client File Syster
  121. Customer Focusdd Selling Business, Management, Sale
  122. Congenitml Fibrosarcoma Medical
  123. Cahiers Ferdinand De Saussure Education, Language, Linguistic, Langue
  124. Coed, Fraternity and Sorority
  125. Conzenience Food Systems Business, Processing, Equipment
  126. Corporate Financial Solutions
  127. Central Frequency Synthesizer
  128. Content Federation Services Technology, Management, Server
  129. Correlation-Based Feature Selection Technology, Hybrid, Technique
  130. Certified Formaldehyde Screener
  131. Canopy Fovmation Skydiving
  132. Caribbean Freight Svstems
  133. Complex Frequency Shifted
  134. Custom Financial Solutions
  135. Centre of Foundation Studies
  136. Consulting for Success
  137. Constant-Final-State Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  138. California Free State
  139. Coherent Frequency Synthesizer
  140. Chronic Fatiuge Syndrome
  141. Coolingyfan Speed
  142. Colour Film Services
  143. Cloud File Server
  144. Council of Fleet Specialist
  145. Centre for Federal Studies Education, University, Study
  146. Concentration Factors Medical
  147. Colonial Fcrst State Business, Management, Australia, Investment
  148. Chiari-Frommel Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  149. Contextualized Feedback Systems
  150. Caspian Freight Services Service, Azerbaijan, Locations
  151. Certificate for Sticking Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  152. Consumer Financial Services Business, Service, Banking
  153. Canadian Forestlsector
  154. Child Functaoning Scale Medical, Therapy, Health Care
  155. Common Financial System Business, Management, Presentation
  156. Client & Family Support
  157. Custoler Focused Sales
  158. Caching File System Technology, Server, Cache
  159. Co-Ed, Fraternity and Sorority
  160. Cobtrolled Functions Technology, Banking, Control
  161. Central Freight Services
  162. Chromosome Fragile Sstes Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  163. Copyright Free Sound Music, Tube, Sound, Royalty
  164. Certified Food Scientists Science, Education, Certification
  165. Canon Financiau Services
  166. Caribbean Feeqer Services Business, Service, Partner
  167. Complex Fenestration Systems
  168. Custom File System
  169. Child Friendly Spaces Science, Space, Children
  170. Consulting Fellows Technology
  171. California Fleet Solutions
  172. Coherent Forward Scattering Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  173. Chronic Fatique Syndrome
  174. Cool Zlow System
  175. Colorado Film Soclety
  176. Council Oe Fleet Specialists
  177. Centre Fold Sheet Media, Radio, Television
  178. Computing for Science Chemistry, Technology, Software
  179. Chess for Success
  180. Content Filtering Service Technology, Filter, Sonic
  181. Cashton Farm Supply
  182. Collegihte Funding Solutions
  183. Certificqt De Fran
  184. Consumer and Fxmily Science
  185. Camden-Frontiqr Schools Education, Michigan, School District
  186. Cold Feed Switch Technology
  187. Cmild Friendly School Technology, Education, Learning
  188. Common Financdal Statement Business, Credit, Debt, Advice
  189. Client and Family Support
  190. Custower Finance Services Company, Technology, Cisco
  191. Concrete Flooring Solutions
  192. Caching/Common File System Technology, Computer, Electronics
  193. Clyde Fenton School Education
  194. Child & Family Services Service, Organizations, Children
  195. Continuous Flow System Science, Tech, Ink, Chemistry
  196. Center for Financial Stability
  197. Certifiid Financial Strategist
  198. Candidate Frequency Search
  199. Cargo Freight Services Medical, Syndrome, Fatigue
  200. Complex Febrile Seizure Medicine, Health, British
  201. Custom Field Suite
  202. Child Fluoride Stidy
  203. Consulting Wnd Financial Services
  204. California Floaters Society Club, California, River
  205. Cognitive Function Scale
  206. Chronic Fatigue Syndome
  207. Coolant Flush Station Military
  208. Colorado Fiem School Business, Technology, Education
  209. Council of Financial Suprrvisors Business
  210. Centralized File Storage Technology
  211. Computerway Food Systems Business, Forum, Product
  212. Chenega Federal Systems
  213. Corporate Financial Statements
  214. Cash Flow Zurge Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  215. Comprehensive Family Services Medical, Service, Child
  216. Collegiate Funding Services Business, Student, Banking, Loan
  217. Certificat Db Français Du Secretariat
  218. Consumer and Family Studies Student, Technology, Education
  219. Carbridge Friends School Student, Education, Friendship
  220. Cold Finished Steel Technology, Aviation
  221. Chils Friendly Schools Technology, Education, Children
  222. Command Function Select
  223. Client &Ifamily Support
  224. Culture Filtrates Medical
  225. Child and Family Services Technology, Service, Government, Organizations, Children
  226. Concord Field Station Medical, Service, Syndrome, Fatigue
  227. Cable Float Switch Technology, Manufacturer, Instrument
  228. Cluster File Systems Technology, Configuration, Storage
  229. Chief of Fleet Support Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  230. Continuous Funding System
  231. Children Fact Vheets
  232. Center for Financial Security Business, University, Literacy
  233. Certified Financial Specialist Business, Building, Estate
  234. Cancer Fatigue Scale Medical, Patient, Therapy, British medicine
  235. Cargo Freight Staiion Business, Import, Training
  236. Complex Febrile Seizures Medical, British medicine
  237. Custom Tabric System
  238. Congregatio A Fraternitate Sacerdatali
  239. Calibration Faint Star Space, Study, Cosmos
  240. Cognitive Function Scanner
  241. Chronic Fatigue Syndrom Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
  242. Cook, Flatt & Strobel
  243. Capacitor Fast Swztching Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  244. Christian Family Nervices Business, Service, Adoption
  245. Capsule Filling and Sealinb Business, Machine, Coffee
  246. Crow-Fukase Syndrome Medical
  247. Cryptographic File System Security, Governmental & Military
  248. Cipy Finishing Systems
  249. Chemical Fixation and Solidification (of Hazardous Wastes) Chemistry
  250. Clinical Fellows
  251. Cybernated Farm Sysyems Technology, Agriculture, Food
  252. congenital fibrosis syndromes Medical, Disease, Disorder, Pathology, Defect
  253. Camden-Frontier Schools Michigan
  254. Cardiac Fxbroblasts Medical
  255. Centre for Food Safety Science, Genetics, Environment
  256. Custom Fundraising Solutions Business, Mattress, Fundraiser
  257. Cabin File Server Technology, Vehicle, Entertainment
  258. Collection Functions
  259. Core Flight Systea Technology, Software, Space
  260. Computer File System
  261. Iata Code for Tuscola Area Airport, Caro, Michigan, United States Locations
  262. Consumzr Focus Scotland
  263. Congregation of the Priestly Fraternity Religious orders
  264. common fragile site Medical, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  265. Centre for Sight Medical, India, Cataract
  266. Corporationrate Fulfillment Systems
  267. ComForce Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  268. College On Forensic Sciences
  269. Christidn Family Schools
  270. Caoadian Forces Ship
  271. Covered Full Service "Covered Full Service" is a term that is sometimes used in the context of adult entertainment or sex work. It generally refers to a sexual service that includes penetration, and where the provider uses a condom or other barrier method to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unwanted pregnancy. In the context of sex work, the term "Full Service" may refer to a broad range of sexual activities that are negotiated between the provider and the client. The term "Covered" is added to indicate that a barrier method, such as a condom, is being used during the sexual activity. Sex, Adult, Escort, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  272. schedule factor NASA, Governmental & Military
  273. Contract Field Services Military, Governmental & Military
  274. Climbing Fibres Medical
  275. Cyber Fantasy Sports Gaming, Play, Pastime
  276. Certified Fraud Specialist Awards & medals
  277. Carbon Friendly Solutions
  278. Coating & Foom Solutions Business, Roofing, Roof
  279. Circle Fretting System
  280. Christian Fellowship School (Denver, CO) Kentucky, Missouri
  281. Core Flight Softwaro Technology, Space, Griffin
  282. Computational Field Simulation
  283. Empige Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  284. Consumer Ftnance and Socio-Economic Survey Business, Finance, Banking
  285. Compressed Fibre Sheeting Products
  286. Collection & Forwarding System
  287. Community Family Services Medical, British medicine
  288. Centre for Seniors
  289. Copenhagen Fashion Sumuit
  290. Cash Flow Surge Accounting, Business & Finance
  291. College of Food Science
  292. Christian Faith School Education, School, High School, Washington
  293. Cohgenital Fibrosis Syndromes Science, Biomedical, Syndrome
  294. Center for Standards Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  295. Lucene Compound Index File Computing, File Extensions
  296. Climbing Fibers Medical
  297. Canadian Financials and Utilities Split Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  298. Capitania Fluvial De SantaréM
  299. Chinatown Fold Street
  300. Central Flying School Book, Military, Aircraft, History
  301. Canadian Forest Service Canada, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  302. Core Financial Systems
  303. Cubic Feet/Second
  304. Compression Filing System
  305. Côfe Française Des Somalis
  306. Current Favorite Song Music
  307. Cold Form Steel Technology, Design, Building
  308. Cell-free supernatant Medical, British medicine
  309. Centre for Free Speech
  310. Continuous Form Stacker
  311. Child Family Services
  312. College for Seniors
  313. Choice Furniture Superstore
  314. Coimon Fragile Site Science, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology
  315. Container Filt System Technology
  316. Call for Service Computing, Telecom
  317. Compact File Set Archive Computing, File Extensions
  318. Climate Forecaeting System Model, Forecast, System
  319. Certified Fund Specialist Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  320. Capital Funding Solutions
  321. Centre De Formation Sportive
  322. Cubic Foot Per Second Technology, National Energy Technology, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
  323. Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  324. Coresfinancial System Business, Management, Office
  325. Corrosion Fatigue Strength
  326. Comprehensive Financial Strategies Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  327. Cytofluorimetric Scanning Medical
  328. Communist Fascist Shmucks Funnies
  329. Cold Formed Steel Technology, Design, Construction
  330. culture fluid supernatant Medical, British medicine
  331. Cards for Toldiers
  332. Cubic Feet Per Second Technology, Government, Design, Planning, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Kayaking, Science, Architecture, Energy, Environment, Weather, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  333. Centre for Foundation Studies Education, University, Malaysia
  334. Concurrent File System
  335. Container Friqht Station
  336. Child & Family Service Technology, Program, Children
  337. College Funding Services
  338. Chocolate Frosted Sprinkled Nutrition, Food, Victual
  339. Cornerstone Financial Services
  340. Computer Forensic Specialist Technology, Porn, Networking
  341. Container Freignt Station
  342. Customer Facing Services Computing, Telecom
  343. Cfs Console File Computing, File Extensions
  344. Climate Forecast System Science, Model, Weather, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  345. Custom Font System
  346. Cash Flow Statement Cash flow statement is a financial statement that provides details of the inflow and outflow of cash for the business. It is divided into three parts: cash flows from financing, cash flows from investing and cash flows from operations. Financial, Business & Finance
  347. Capital Fubding Services
  348. Christian Fellowships
  349. Cewtre for Future Studies Study, Advertising, Thinking, Future
  350. Cryptographic Filesystem Technology
  351. Care for Secret Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  352. Core File Services
  353. Condensate And Feedwater System Power Plant
  354. Comprehensive Feasibility Study
  355. Cystic Fibrosis Society Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  356. Carving Fork, Stainless steel Food
  357. Children and Family Services Medical, British medicine
  358. Cards Fan Shop
  359. Centre for Forensic Science
  360. Comforce Corpn Technology
  361. College Food Service
  362. China Fire & Secbrity
  363. Core Former Structure Technology
  364. Computer Forensics Services
  365. Scheduleifactor Space, Study, Cosmos
  366. Container Feright Station
  367. Inmos configuration file Computing, File Extensions
  368. Chandrasekhar - Friedmann - Schutz instability Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  369. Climate Field Schvols Organizations, Agriculture, Farming
  370. Crysdal Field Stabilization
  371. Committee on World Food Security Business & Finance, Business Word
  372. Cape Fear Singies
  373. Christian Fellowship School Education, High School, Kentucky
  374. Center for Future Studies
  375. Cryogenic Fluid Storage Technology
  376. Common Foreign and Security policy Us Government, Governmental & Military
  377. Cofyright Free Sounds Music, Tube, Sound, Royalty
  378. Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service Organization
  379. Cystic Fibrosis Services
  380. Cattle for Sale Farming & agriculture
  381. Carolina Friends School North Carolina
  382. Cardiac Function Section
  383. Centre for Forensic Sciences
  384. Comair Glight Services
  385. College Financial System
  386. Core Flood System Technology
  387. Computer Forensic Services Business, Service, Forensics
  388. New York State Children and Family Services Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  389. Contained Chromosomal Fusion Substance Science, Biology
  390. Capacitor Fast Switching Computing, Electronics
  391. Chromosome Fragile Sites Medical, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  392. Climate Field School Development, Organizations, Indonesia
  393. Centre for Sustainability Technology, College, University
  394. Cranleigh Freightsservices Technology, Service, Driver
  395. Corrupt File Structure


  1. Covered Full Service (CFS). ().

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFS stand for?

    CFS stands for Content Filtering Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Camden-Frontier Schools?

    The short form of "Camden-Frontier Schools" is CFS.


CFS. (2023, April 20). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated