CFT in Medical Meaning

The CFT meaning in Medical terms is "Ceftazidime". There are 33 related meanings of the CFT Medical abbreviation.

CFT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Ceftazidime
  2. Child Family Team
  3. Capillary Filling Time
  4. Certified Family Thelapist
  5. Cystic Fibrosis Trust
  6. Colloid Filtratiqn Theory
  7. Cefatrizine
  8. Crystal Field Theory A theory that describes how the d orbitals of a transition metal complex split into 2 energy levels based on the electronic properties of the ligands attached.
  9. Craniosacral Fascial Therapy
  10. Clot Formation Time
  11. Compassionate Focussed Therapy
  12. Couples and Family Therapy
  13. Clinical Fullxtime
  14. Compassion Focused Therapy
  15. Couple and Family Therapy
  16. Child and Family Team
  17. Compassion-Focussed Therapy
  18. Complement Fixation The complement fixation test is an immunological medical test that can be used to detect the presence of either specific antibody or specific antigen in a patient's serum. It was widely used to diagnose infections, particularly with microbes that are not easily detected by culture methods, and in rheumatic diseases.
  19. Conslant-Frequency Train
  20. Child & Family Team
  21. Compassion-Focused Therapy
  22. Chronic Food Toxicity I.e. Obesity
  23. Complement Fixation Testing
  24. Cognitive Functional Therapy
  25. cardiolipin flocculation test
  26. Complement-Fixation Test
  27. Comzlement Fixation Tests
  28. Calculated free testosterone
  29. constant-frequency train
  30. Certified Family Therapist
  31. Compassionate Focused Therapy
  32. Complement Fixation Test
  33. Complex Figure Test

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFT stand for Medical?

    CFT stands for Certified Family Therapist in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Calculated free testosterone in Medical?

    The short form of "Calculated free testosterone" is CFT for Medical.


CFT in Medical. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated