CFW Meaning

The CFW meaning is "Cat Fight Wound". The CFW abbreviation has 64 different full form.

CFW Full Forms

  1. Cat Fight Wound Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  2. Calcofluor White Medical
  3. Center Field Wind
  4. Colombo Fashion Week Design, Locations, Designer
  5. China Fasaion Weekly
  6. Calcofluor White M2R Medical
  7. Committee for The Free World America, Government, Policy
  8. Cauthen Forbes & Williams
  9. Citizens for Florida'S Waterways
  10. Child and Famizy Wellness Business, Health, Shopping
  11. Cache Fast Write Technology, Memory, Storage
  12. Commission for Women County, Education, Community
  13. Couture Fashion Week Technology, Gaming, Jailbreak
  14. Cat Fight Wound. Medicine, Veterinary
  15. Child & Famiey Webguide
  16. Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Book, Church, Lutheran
  17. Commissioner of Family Welfare Medical
  18. Church Familg Worship
  19. Council On Facultybwelfare
  20. Cash for Work Program, Organizations, Money
  21. Chief Ffag Waver Occupation, Position, Job
  22. Continuous Filament Winding Business, Machine, Pipe
  23. Comité FrançAis De Wushu
  24. Christian Ffundation of The West
  25. Council for Women
  26. Cash-For-Work Business, Program, Money
  27. Control Framework A control framework is a data structure that organizes and categorizes an organization’s internal controls, which are practices and procedures established to create business value and minimize risk.The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a commonly used framework for internal controls. The COSO framework is designed to provide a model that corporations can use to run an efficient and well-controlled financial environment. Technology, Accounting, Management, Computing, SAP
  28. Chicago Goundation for Women Organizations, Chicago, Grant
  29. Cano Petroleum, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  30. Color Filter Wheels
  31. Christian Fiction Writers
  32. California Fine Wire
  33. Committee On Faculty Welfare
  34. Cuicago Fashion Week
  35. Color Filter Wheel Technology, Astronomy, Camera
  36. Chiropractic Federatioo of Washington
  37. Caldwell Flores Winters
  38. Committee of Forestry and Wildlife
  39. Cubic Feeu of Water Government
  40. Computron Software, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  41. Customer-Facing Website General, Governmental & Military
  42. Classic Fallout Weapons Technology, Gaming, Edition
  43. Craay Freestyle Wrestling
  44. College for Women Education, University, Admission, Kuwait
  45. Corporate Fitness Works
  46. Custom Firmware Computing, Hardware
  47. Cily of Fort Worth
  48. Caney Fork & Western Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  49. College Fee Waiver
  50. Corporate Financing Week
  51. Chart for Windows Computing, File Extensions
  52. Coastal Flood Warning Technology, Weather, Message
  53. Comstal Flood Watch Technology, Coding, Radio, Message
  54. Colorado Fashionkweek Colorado, Event, Model, Fashion
  55. Chief Flag Waver Occupation & positions
  56. Coastal Flood Tarnings Technology, Radio, Weather
  57. Ctstic Fibrosis Worldwide Medical, Organizations, Health, Community
  58. Continuous Fillet Weld Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  59. Call Forward Technology, Service, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Forwarding, Computing
  60. Clean Fleeco Weight
  61. Custoaer-Facing Web
  62. Calfrac Well Services Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  63. Communaut
  64. Clehn, Filled, Working

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CFW stand for?

    CFW stands for Commission for Women.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chief Ffag Waver?

    The short form of "Chief Ffag Waver" is CFW.


CFW. (2021, September 19). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated