CGAS Meaning

The CGAS meaning is "Coast Guard Air Station". The CGAS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

CGAS Full Forms

  1. Coast Guard Air Station Military, Airport, City, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  2. Center for Global and Area Studies
  3. Commonwealth Games Associations Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  4. Capital Gains Account Scheme Business, Tax, Property
  5. Controller General of Accounts
  6. Certified General Accountants Business, Accounting, Education
  7. Capital Gain Account Scheme Business, Tax, Property
  8. Communaute Genevoise D'Action Syndicale
  9. Cryptographically Generated Addresses Technology, Security, Discovery, Computing, Technical
  10. Commercialization Gas Technology
  11. Coast Guard Air Stations Military, Airport, City
  12. Certified Gambling Addiction Specialist
  13. Centre for Group Analytic Studies Business, Genetics, Gas
  14. Cryptographically Generated Address
  15. Cylinder Gas Audits Technology, Service, Emission
  16. Corporate Governance Assurance Services
  17. Children's Global Assessment Scale The Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) is a numeric scale used by mental health clinicians to rate the general functioning of youths under the age of 18. Scores range from 1 to 90 or 1 to 100, with high scores indicating better functioning. Some versions omit the range from 91-100, as scores in this range would mean superior functioning which rarely would be seen among people seeking health services. Medical, Human Services, Medicine for Children
  18. Column Grid Arrays Technology, Electronics, Solder
  19. Colloidal Gas Aphrons Medical
  20. Clinical Global Assessment Scale Medical
  21. Class G Airspace Class G airspace includes all airspace below FL600, not otherwise classified as controlled. (AIM 3-3-1) There are no entry or clearance requirements for class G airspace, even for IFR operations. Class G airspace is typically the airspace very near the ground (1,200 feet or less), beneath class E airspace and between class B-D cylinders around towered airstrips. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, NOTAM Contractions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGAS stand for?

    CGAS stands for Centre for Group Analytic Studies.

  2. What is the shortened form of Capital Gain Account Scheme?

    The short form of "Capital Gain Account Scheme" is CGAS.


CGAS. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated