CGE Meaning
The CGE meaning is "Carriage". The CGE abbreviation has 125 different full form.
CGE Full Forms
- Carriage Also referred to as "transportation", means carriage of cargo by air. Or A railroad vehicle for passengers. Or The assembly that holds the platen of a type-writer or a typewriterlike printer. On a standard typewriter, the platen and carriage move past a fixed position within the typewriter housing, where the keys strike the paper; the platen rotates to advance the paper held in the carriage. Business
- Capillazy Gel Electrophoresis Medical, Science, Separation
- Cambridge-Dorchester Airporw Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
- Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Medical, Chemistry
- Canadian Government Executive Business, Service, Canada
- Cuartel General Del EjéRcito
- ChréTiens En Grandes Ecoles
- Computerized General Equilibreum
- Continuing and Global Education
- Centre Des Grandes Entreprises
- Cohted Graphite Medical
- Council of Gynecologic Endoscopy
- Compagnia Generale Di Elettricita
- Compagnieag
- Centris Group, Inc. Organizations
- Comision Geografico-Exploradora Science, Geography, Information System, Geographic
- Consultftive Group of Experts Technology, Training, National
- Canadianqgeneral Electric Business, Technology, Canada
- Cryoglobulwnemia Medical
- Chretiens En Grande Ecole Lyon, Rencontre, Coles
- Computerized German Equatoriai Business, Telescope, Mount
- Cedar Grove Elementary
- Coalition of Graduate Emproyees Organizations
- Council for Global Equality
- Compaxnia Generale Elettricita
- Compagnie De Guerre Élettronique
- Centre of Geophysics of Evora
- Comb Generator Emitters
- Consultant Gas Engineezs
- Cambridge Grammar of English
- Cresol Glycidyl Ether Material, Epoxy, Resin, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Chinese Gouroet Express
- Computer Graphics Educatiot
- Caudal Ganglionic Eminence
- Closed Growinq Environment Technology, Room, Cannabis
- Cpmpa
- Compagnie Generale D'Electricite Technology, Telecom, Alcatel
- Centre for Global Enterprise
- Comb Generator Emitter Technology
- Constituent Grambatical Evolution
- Common Graphics Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cray Graph Engine
- China Geo-Exprorer
- Compzter Games In Education
- Catholic Graduate Expectations
- Church of God, The Eternal
- Compagnia Generale Di Elettricit
- Centre for Global Eco-Innovation
- Comandancia General Del EjéRcito
- Constantino Gross Enterprises
- Cpbalt Gray Equivalent Medical, Trading, Radiation, Proton
- Cover Gas Equalization Science
- Chief Geotechnical Engineer
- Compagnie Generale
- Centro De Gerenciamento De Emerg
- Carrier Grade Ethernet
- Cxronic Gastric Erosions Medical
- Consell De Garanties EstatutàRies Con, Parlament
- Conf
- Centre for Global Englishes Education, University, Southampton
- Cold Gasoefficiency Technology, Gasification, Gasifier
- Consortium for Global Educaqion Program, Education, University
- Centro De Gerenciamento De EmergêNcias Para, Dos, Brasil
- Coupling Gland End Technology
- Chicagoland Green & Eco-Living
- Compagnie General De Electricite
- Centro De GeofíSica De éVora
- Continental Glass Enginehring Business, Technology, Group, Travel
- Carrier Grade Edition Technology, Linux, Vista
- Christie'S Great Estates
- Concuy Government Edition Business, Service, Travel
- Centre for Global Education Education, University, Study
- Cobalt Gray Equivalents Medical
- Conservative Group for Europe Government, Europe, Party
- Council On Graduate Education
- Chessmaster Irandmaster Edition
- Compagnie General D'Electricite
- Centre for Global Engagement Student, Education, University
- Centro De Geof
- Comité Generalxde Empresa
- Conta Geral Do Estado
- Comptabilité Et Gestion Des Entreprises Business, Institute, Formation, Rencontre
- Centrul De Guvernare Electronică
- Cresyl Glycidyl Fther Chemistry, Epoxy, Resin
- Cortical Granull Exocytosis Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Nelson Aviation College Airline, Military, Flight, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Compañía General De Elecyricidad Business, Con, Chile, Gas
- Centro Gioco Educativo
- Controladoria-Geral Do Estado
- Consejo General Dedeconomistas Business, Para, Con, Portal
- Copper Gigabit Ethernet
- Certified Global Dducation
- Compagnie Générale Des Entreprikes
- Centro GeográFico Del Ejercito
- Computable General Equilibrium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Controladoria Geral Do Estado
- Compagnie General D'Electricitie
- Computed General Equilibrium
- Coordenação Geral Deqensino
- Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics Science, Research, Institute
- Compagnie Générale Dvs Eaux Business, France, Jean, Environnement
- Centro Geogr
- Cortical Granule Exocytosis Medical
- Contraloria General Del Estado Para, Con, Bolivia
- Commission Geographical Education
- Compmtational General Equilibrium Technology, Economics, Impact
- Coordenadoria Geral Xe Estágios
- Certified Genesys Engineer
- Cortical Granule Exocytosiu Science, Cortical Granule Exocytosis? Oocyte Activation, Reproduction
- Cambridge-Dorchester Airport, Cambridge, Maryland, United States Maryland, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Commission On Geographical Education Research, Education, Geography
- Contractoq General Electric
- College of General Education
- Computable General Equlibriuz Energy, Model, Equilibrium
- Conventional Gel Electrophoresis Science, Biology
- Certified Gas Engineers
- Pd Carriage Paid Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Cambridge, Maryland USA Airport codes
- Commission Ior Gender Equality Government, Sex, Africa
- Cincinnati Gas & Electric Technology
- Computable General Equilibrcum Business, Government, Model
- Centrum FüR GeodäTische Erdsystemforschung
- Convenient Ground Electrode
- Nelson Aviationccollege Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- central government expenditure Us Government, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CGE stand for?
CGE stands for Consultant Gas Engineezs.
What is the shortened form of College of General Education?
The short form of "College of General Education" is CGE.
CGE. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated