CGG in British Meaning

The CGG meaning in British terms is "Citizen Act". There are 33 related meanings of the CGG British abbreviation.

CGG on British Full Forms

  1. Citizen Act
  2. Cholic Acid
  3. Coracoacromial
  4. Celiac Axgs
  5. Cooperative Agreement
  6. Chthode
  7. Competition Advocate
  8. Catecholaminh
  9. Corrective Action Action taken to put a situation right \nExample: If the pilot realises that the plane is too high on the approach, he or she should take corrective action immediately.
  10. Competent Authority
  11. Cat Aklergen
  12. Corpora Amylacea
  13. Chronologic Agc
  14. Cold Aggnutination
  15. California
  16. Coronary Artery Nounone of the two arteries which supply blood to the heart musclescoronary artery bypass graft
  17. Choline-Adrenqlin
  18. Cold Acclimated
  19. Colloid Antigen
  20. Cornu Ammonis-Ammon'S Horn
  21. Chloramnhetamine
  22. Countryaide Agency
  23. Coeliac Axis
  24. Council Accemted
  25. Cocaine Anonymzus
  26. Chemical Abstracts
  27. Cortisone Acetate
  28. Coarctatzon of The Aorta
  29. Coagulation Is the process whereby finely divided particles of turbidity and color, capable of remaining in suspension indefinitely, are combined by chemical means into masses sufficiently large to effect rapid settling. Or the clumping of particles in order to settle out impurities; often induced by chemicals such as lime or alum. OR Coagulation and coalescence are both words that are used to describe what happens when small particles in a dispersion combine together to form large ones.
  30. Chromic Acid
  31. Cytosine Arabiuoside
  32. Cytarabine-Usually, Ara-C
  33. Courtship Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGG stand for British?

    CGG stands for Coronary Artery in British terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Celiac Axgs in British?

    The short form of "Celiac Axgs" is CGG for British.


CGG in British. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated