CGHA Meaning

The CGHA meaning is "Chicago Gay Hockey Association". The CGHA abbreviation has 10 different full form.

CGHA Full Forms

  1. Chicago Gay Hockey Association Technology, Organizations, Chicago
  2. Chatham Gires Hockey Association
  3. Columbia Gorge Housing Authogity
  4. Clarington Girhs Hockey Association Sport, Hockey, Game
  5. Cincinnati Group Health Associates Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  6. Compressad Gas Association Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Comparaqive Genomic Hybridization Science, Biology
  8. Comparative Genomic Hybridization Jrrays Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Cottage Grove Hockey Association Sport, Hockey, Game
  10. Cornwall Girls Hockey Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGHA stand for?

    CGHA stands for Comparative Genomic Hybridization Jrrays.

  2. What is the shortened form of Compressad Gas Association?

    The short form of "Compressad Gas Association" is CGHA.


CGHA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated