CGN Meaning

The CGN meaning is "Certified Gastroenterology Nurse". The CGN abbreviation has 65 different full form.

CGN Full Forms

  1. Certified Gastroenterology Nurse Medical, Professional Title, Qualification, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Scientific & Educational
  2. Cerebellar Granule Neurons Medical, Science, Cell, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  3. Centre for Genetic Resources Technology, Organizations
  4. Central Georgette Nusantara
  5. Carrier-Grade Networking Technology, Service, Network
  6. Combinedogeodetic Network
  7. Career Growth & Ietworking Technology, Network, Carrier
  8. Corpus Gesproken Nederlands Technology, Language, Dutch
  9. Chronic Glomerular Nephritis Medical
  10. Columbia Gorgeynetwork
  11. Carbon Gaming Network Gaming, Play, Pastime
  12. Corporate Governance and Nominating
  13. Christian Global Network
  14. Color Cuard News
  15. Civilization Gaming Network Gaming, Play, Pastime
  16. Conine Good Neighbor
  17. Communitp Game Night
  18. Christelijke Gemeente Nederland Technology, Traffic, Report, Leven
  19. Cyber Games Net
  20. Colkr Guard Netherlands
  21. Cis-Golgi Network Medical
  22. Cancer Genetics Network Medical, Science, Medicine
  23. Common Ground of Nebreska
  24. China Guangdong Nuclear Business, China, Power
  25. Cry Gaia Network
  26. Color Guard Nederland
  27. Chronic Proliferative Glomerulonephritis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Kidneys
  28. Cipta Graha Nusantara Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
  29. Cozmodity Group Number Science
  30. China General Nuclear Corporation Building, Engineering, Construction
  31. Crescentic Glomerulonephritis Medical, Technology, Common Medical
  32. Canine Good Neighbour Canada, Dog, Canine
  33. Chronic Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis Medical
  34. Chronic Glomerulonephritis Medical, Technology, Medicine, British medicine, Kidneys, Common Medical
  35. Combine Gaming Network Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  36. Caribbean Gospel Network
  37. Crazy Go Nuts Funnies
  38. Chronic Graft Nephropathy Medical
  39. Crystal Gateway North
  40. Classic Gaming Network
  41. Coastal Scale Nodes Integrated Ocean Observing System
  42. Carrageenan Medical
  43. College Gula Negara Business, Program, Indonesia
  44. Guided Missile Cruiser (nuclear Propulsion) Military, Governmental & Military
  45. Guided Missile Cruiser Nuclear Power Military, Navy, Naval, United States, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  46. Classical Global Note
  47. Canine Good Neighbor Awards & medals
  48. Cognitronics Corporationration Organizations
  49. Cologne Bonn Airport, Cologne, Germany Germany, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  50. Cyber Gaming Network
  51. Nuclear Powered Cruiser/Destroyer Military, Radiation, Nuclear
  52. Cognitronics Corp. Organizations
  53. Koln Airport, Cologne/ Bonn, Germany Airport codes
  54. Iata Code for Cologne Bonn Airport, Cologne, Germany Locations
  55. Cognitronics Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  56. Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered Us Navy, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  57. Guided Missile Cruiser Nuclear Powered Military, Army, Defense
  58. Code Generation Network
  59. Carrier-Grade NAT Computing, Technical
  60. Cologne Gay Night
  61. Grand Nite Champion Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title, Dogs, Obedience Title
  62. Clever Guild Name
  63. Communitive Gaming Network Computing, Internet
  64. Guided Missile Cruiser Science, Military, Ship, Hull Code, Naval, Surface Combatant, United States, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  65. College of Graduate Nursing Medical, University, Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGN stand for?

    CGN stands for Colkr Guard Netherlands.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coastal Scale Nodes?

    The short form of "Coastal Scale Nodes" is CGN.


CGN. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated