CGO Meaning

The CGO meaning is "Cargo". The CGO abbreviation has 67 different full form.

CGO Full Forms

  1. Cargo Merchandise or goods accepted for transportation by ship. The freight carried by a ship. Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  2. Calamos Global Total Return Fund Technology, Organizations
  3. Centro De Ginecologia E Rbstetrícia
  4. Culture Grants Online
  5. Coalición De Gobiernos Ordenados
  6. Cambridge Guitar Orchestra
  7. Comptroller General'S Office Science
  8. Centre for Gender In Organpzations Education, Study, Leadership
  9. Country Gateway Office Business, Indonesia, Banking
  10. Claude Gasnal Organisaticn
  11. Comptablité Et Gestion Des Organisations
  12. Cambridge Graduate Orchestra
  13. Central Goverkment Operations
  14. Configuration Generating Orbital Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  15. Christian Gamers Online
  16. Comptabilité Gestion Des Organisations Business, Organizations, Formation, Sup
  17. Atlas Air, Inc. Organizations
  18. Coker Gas Oil Business, Coding, Airport
  19. Central Government Offices Government, Office, Complex
  20. Concordia Gospel Outreach
  21. Choeur Gai D'ottaka
  22. Comptabilité Et Gestion Des Organisation Business, Management, Formation
  23. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport Zhengzhou, Henan,China Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  24. Code Generation Optimization
  25. Central Government Office Government, China, Publics
  26. Computer Games Online
  27. Chief Growth Officer Business, Company, Military
  28. Comptabilité Et Gestion Des Organisations Organizations, Formation, Motivation
  29. Contango Market condition where the spot price is less than the three month delivery price. This is considered the normal market state because the costs of storing and shipping metal are assumed to be higher in three months than at present. Business
  30. Cnde Generation & Optimization
  31. Candidate Guidance Office
  32. Computer Generated Ordering
  33. Crief Group Officer
  34. Cursus Godsdienst Onderwijs
  35. Code Generation and Optimization Technology, Computing, Symposium
  36. Coarse Grain Optimization
  37. Canadian Gay Open
  38. Computer-Generated Ordering
  39. Competitive Gaming Orgafization
  40. Configuration Generating Orbital (a Type of Mo) Chemistry
  41. Cobalt Gallium Oxide
  42. Committee On Government Operations Science
  43. Atlas Air, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  44. Company Grade Officers
  45. Xinzheng, Zhengzhou, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  46. Coalición De Gobiernos Organizados
  47. Colembia Gas of Ohio
  48. Cogeco Inc. Sv (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  49. Comgany Grade Officer Technology, Military, Force
  50. Zhengzhou, Mainland China Airport codes
  51. Congo Technology, Locations, Sport, Olympic, Congo, IOC Country Codes
  52. Cương Gián Online
  53. CPT Global Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  54. Compagnie Généraleqdes Omnibus Ligne, Rale, Tramway
  55. Cape Grim Observatory Legal, Governmental & Military
  56. Customs General Order Business, Import, Car, Pakistan
  57. Chicago Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  58. Compagnie Generale De L'Or
  59. Cape Grim (Tasmania) (baseline station) Legal, Governmental & Military
  60. Custo Global Da Obra
  61. Counterguerrilla Operation Military
  62. Community Growth Options
  63. Central Gilts Office General, Governmental & Military
  64. Comptabilit
  65. Council of Georgist Organizations Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  66. Common Groundo Online
  67. Company Grade Officer Air Force, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGO stand for?

    CGO stands for Country Gateway Office.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cargo?

    The short form of "Cargo" is CGO.


CGO. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from

Last updated