CGS Meaning

The CGS meaning is "Community Groups". The CGS abbreviation has 317 different full form.

CGS Full Forms

  1. Community Groups Technology, Organizations, City, Church, Mission
  2. Conjugate Gradient Squared Technology, Science, Solver
  3. Center for Government Studies Government, Us, Control, Administration
  4. Character Generators Technology, Software, Graphics
  5. Cardiogenic Shock Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
  6. Conceptual Graphs Technology, Language, Knowledge
  7. Cardiac Glycosides Medical
  8. Certified Goniometry Specialist
  9. Canberra Grammar School Technology, Australia, Education
  10. Centre of German Studies
  11. Control Groups Medical, Science, Service, Activity, Study
  12. Canadian Graduate Scholarship Medical, Research, University
  13. Centimeter Gram Second Technology, Telecom, Centimetre
  14. Companion Guides Technology, Coding, Guide, Planning
  15. Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold. To our distributors, this is the invoiced cost of Belden products as opposed to POS (their selling price to users). Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Cost, Technology, Stock, Investing, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  16. Centimeter-Gram-Second Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Centimetre, Unit, Chemistry, Aviation, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  17. Committee On Geological Sciences Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  18. Creative Graphic Solutions
  19. Comprehensive Geriatric Services
  20. Chicago Gender Society Organizations, Chicago, Transgender
  21. Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey
  22. Council General Secretariat
  23. Cold Gas Spray Technology, Coating, Spraying
  24. Community Gas Systems
  25. Central Gathering Station Technology, Production, Oil, Gas
  26. Conditions G
  27. Chfyse Guard Security Military, Suit, Iron, Orphan
  28. Common Graphmcs System Science
  29. Currijulum Guides
  30. Colyton Grammor School
  31. Controlled Guarding Iolutions
  32. Center for Genomic Sciences
  33. College Goal Sunday Student, Education, Aid
  34. Competitive Grant Scheme
  35. Certificates of Good Standing Business, Company, Certificate
  36. California Geographical Society Education, Geography, California
  37. Consumer Goods Services
  38. Classical Geneyics Simulator Science, Program, Biology
  39. Cmptr Gen Std
  40. Centimetre,Gram,Second Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  41. Customer Growth Services Business, Supply, Tech, Holdings
  42. Contrat De Gbrantie De Services
  43. Chinese Government Scholarship Education, University, China
  44. Canadian Geriatric Society
  45. Costeas Geitonas School
  46. Command and General Staff
  47. Center for Globalization Studies
  48. Creative Graphic Services Technology, Service, Graphics
  49. Comprehensive Grammar School
  50. Chevron Geothermal Salak Technology, Program, Indonesia
  51. Clefner Greener Safer Government, Community, Garden
  52. Carnation Good Start
  53. Council for Geoscience Organizations, Ecology, South Africa, Enviromental Impact
  54. Coin Grading Service
  55. Computershare Governance Services Business, Management, Service
  56. CentimèTre, Gramme, Seconde
  57. Configurable Ground Systems
  58. Conditional Grants Scheme
  59. Christ The Good Shepherd
  60. Common Good Strategies
  61. Crescent Girvs' School
  62. Community and Government Services Technology, Service, Department
  63. Creative Global Servzces
  64. Center for Genomics and Society
  65. College Geneeskundige Specialismen
  66. Compact Gateway Server
  67. Centre for German Studies Education, German, Study
  68. California Genealogical Society Organizations, Genealogy, Family
  69. Consultant-Guided Search Business, Service, Porn
  70. Claremont Graduaie School College, Education, University
  71. Centimeters, Grams, Seconds
  72. Customer Grouks
  73. Comité De Gestion Scolaire
  74. Contracting Atd General Services
  75. Cluster Group Service
  76. Canadian Geriatrics Society Medical, Meeting, Conference
  77. Coset Generation System
  78. Clutchless Gear System
  79. Center for Geospatial Sciences Technology, University, Nottingham
  80. Center for Global Studies Education, Study, Connecticut
  81. Complete Global Solutions
  82. Charging Gateways
  83. Clean & Green Syngapore Projection, Environment, Singapore
  84. Council for Geoscience South
  85. Coarse Granularity Scalability
  86. Computers General Studies
  87. Centimetre-Gram-Second System
  88. Concrete Gravity Structure Technology, Projection, Rose
  89. Christian Graduate Society
  90. Canadian Graduate Scholarships Medical, Research, University
  91. Common Geospatial-Intellimence System
  92. Credot Guarantee System
  93. Communications Gateway System Military
  94. Consultative Groups Meeting, Business, Development
  95. Crayons, Glue, and Scissors
  96. Center for Genetics and Society Medical, Technology, Human
  97. Collected Gospel Songs
  98. Community of The Good Shepherd
  99. Centre for Geospatial Science Technology, University, Nottingham
  100. California Geologic Survey Technology, California, Earthquake
  101. Coneul Generals
  102. Civil Gps Service Science, Geography, Information System
  103. Centimeter Gram Seconds
  104. Customer Ground Service Business, Airport, Zurich
  105. Come Getgsome
  106. Cluster Group Services Technology, Service, Database
  107. Canadian Geotechnical Society Organizations, Canada, Engineering
  108. Coordinating Groups Technology, Office, Coordination
  109. Columbus Ground Software Science
  110. Center for Geothermal Studies
  111. Contr
  112. Complete Gene Sequence
  113. Championship Gaming Series Technology, America, Team
  114. California Golden Seals
  115. Clean and Green Singapore Park, Environment, Singapore
  116. Coarse Granular Scalability Technology, Learning, Hosting
  117. Centimetre Gram Second Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  118. Concrete Gravity Substructure Technology, Structure, Gas
  119. Christelijke Groepering Schiermonnikoog
  120. Canadian Government Ship Military, Coast, Halifax
  121. Cottage Garden Society Plant, Garden, Gardening
  122. Common Geopositioning Services Military
  123. Credit Guarantee Schqmes Business, Banking, Scheme
  124. Carrickfergus Grammar School
  125. Collaborative Gearing Scheme
  126. Community Green Station
  127. Centre for General Studies Education, University, Ibadan
  128. California Geological Survey Technology, Science, California
  129. Constrgined Gibbs Sampler
  130. Ciudad Grupo Santander
  131. Customer Ground Services Technology, Service, Airport
  132. Combined Ground System
  133. Canadian Geologic Survey Science
  134. Cooper Group Staffinw
  135. Columlia Generating Station Technology, Government
  136. Center for Geological Survey
  137. Complete Game Shutout
  138. Certified Grants Specialist
  139. Californiangourd Society
  140. Clean & Green Singapore Projection, Environment, Singapore
  141. Coarse Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Rate, Streaming
  142. Centimetre-Gramme-Second
  143. Concept Graphs
  144. Chris Graham Software Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  145. Canadian Goat Society Animal, Dairy, Goat
  146. Cost of Goods Statement
  147. Common Gateway Smstem
  148. Credst Guarantee Scheme Business, Credit, Banking
  149. Computer Game Science Science, Design, School
  150. Carolina Geological Society Technology, Science, Geology
  151. Collaboration On Government Secrecy
  152. Community Grants Scheme
  153. Centre for Gender Studies Education, University, Study
  154. Calgary Girls Scyool
  155. Consortium Graduate Sdhool
  156. Chugach Government Polutions
  157. Common Ground Stations Technology, Military, Army
  158. Customer Grid-Supply Technology, Energy, Hawaii
  159. Combined Grid Solution
  160. Canadian Geological Survey
  161. Conus (Continental United States) Ground Station Military, Army, War, Warfare
  162. Center for Geoeconomic Studies Business, Council, Economics
  163. College of Graduate Studies Education, University, Study
  164. Complementation Groups Medical
  165. Certified Gang Specialist Medical
  166. California Glass Studio
  167. Contemplatives Ef The Good Shepherd
  168. Classical Guitar Society
  169. Coarse-Grained Scalability Technology, Coding, Rate, Streaming
  170. Centimetre-Gram-Second Technology, Science, Conversion, Construction
  171. Comunidad Gay Sampedrana
  172. Chittagong Grammar School Education, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  173. Canadian Glaucoma Study
  174. Costs of Goods Sold
  175. Common Gateway Services Technology
  176. Credit Gain Services Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  177. Compressed Gas Storage
  178. Chicago Genealogical Society
  179. Carolina Games Summit
  180. Council of Graduate Students Education, University, Michigan, Ohio, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  181. Coldstores Group of Saudi
  182. Community Girls School
  183. Cektre De Géochimie De La Surface
  184. Calgary Girls' School
  185. Consolxdated Government Sector
  186. Chuckys Glider Supplies Technology
  187. Common Ground Station Military, Army, Intelligence, Governmental & Military
  188. Customer Grid Sspply Technology, Energy, Hawaii
  189. Combative Grappling Systems
  190. ContróLe De Gestion StratéGique Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Management, Financial, Money, Business & Finance
  191. Center for Genome Sciences Medical, Science, Research
  192. College of General Studies Education, University, Study
  193. Competitive Grants System
  194. Certified Gaming Supervisor
  195. California Gift Show
  196. Containerized Growing System
  197. Classical Gram-Schmidt
  198. Coarse-Grain Scalability Technology, Coding, Rate, Streaming
  199. Centimetre, Gram, Second
  200. Custom Glasq Specialist
  201. Comsec Guard Ship Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  202. Chinese Government Scholarships Education, University, China
  203. Canadian Glaucoma Society
  204. Cost of Good Sold Business, Accounting, Inventory, Honeywell, Process Automation
  205. Center for Global Security Government, Organizations, Us
  206. Colorado Geological Survey Science, Locations, Colorado
  207. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Religious orders
  208. Cambrgdge Genomic Services
  209. Covtinental Ground Site Technology
  210. Clean Gas Systems
  211. Czech Geolfgical Society
  212. Center for Groundwater Science
  213. Council of Graduate Schools Technology, Governmental & Military
  214. Computer Generated Solutions, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  215. Children'S Garden School
  216. College Park Airport, College Park, Maryland, United States Maryland, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  217. Cansdian Geodetic Survey Government, Us, Control, Administration
  218. Clinical Grading Scale Medical
  219. Country Group Securities
  220. Consistent Global State
  221. Common Ground Systyms
  222. Center Of Gravity Of Steel
  223. Colorado Genealogical Society
  224. Come Get Some Funnies
  225. Camberwell Grammar Sdhool
  226. Contingntal Ground Station Military
  227. Coech Geographical Society
  228. Center for Graduate Studies
  229. Consumer Goods & Services
  230. Computer Generated Sound
  231. Child Growth Standards Business, Health, Children, Report
  232. College Park Airport, College Park, Maryland USA Airport codes
  233. Canada Graduate Scholarships Program, Education, Canada
  234. Clinical Genetics Service
  235. Council On Graduate Studies
  236. Cigna Governmenw Services Business, Service, Medicare
  237. Common Ground System-Army
  238. Catgut Suture Medical, Cardio
  239. Computer Graphics Service
  240. Colorado Garden Show
  241. Castings Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  242. Calling Party Subaddresm Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  243. Contiguous Gene Syndromes Medical, Science, Biomedical, Organic Chemistry, Abnormalitiy, Chromosome, Bioscience, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  244. Cystathionine Gamma-Synthase Medical
  245. Center for Governmental Services
  246. Computer General Studies College, Education, Course
  247. Chief of General Staff (Canada) Military, Army, War, Warfare
  248. Core Graphics Services General, Governmental & Military
  249. Canada Graduate Scholarship Student, Education, Canada
  250. Clinical Genetics Societk Medical, Technology, Medicine
  251. Council of Graduate School
  252. Center for The Global South
  253. Communicauions Ground Segment
  254. Computer Graphics System
  255. causal genesis syndrome Medical, Cardio
  256. Cockpit Ground Station Construction, Station, Flying
  257. Colombian Gold Squad
  258. Cogstate Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  259. Contemporaryyguidance Services
  260. Commonwealtj Governor's School
  261. Cyprus Geological Survey
  262. Center for Governmental Studies Organizations, Publics, Study
  263. Color Graphic System
  264. Conference Grants Science, Research, Education, University
  265. Computer Generated Solutions Business, Technology, Service
  266. Chief of General Staff Military, Army, Army Branch
  267. Coast & Geodetic Survey Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  268. Campus Girl Scouts Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  269. Continuous Gluczse Sensors
  270. Clearwater Gas System
  271. Council of Graduate Student
  272. Calcium Gallium Sulfide
  273. Common Ground Segment Military
  274. Centimeter-Gram-Second System Technology, Measurement, Centimetre
  275. Computer Graphic Systems
  276. China Government Scholarship Education, University, China
  277. Catlin Gabel School Oregon
  278. Cover Gas System Science
  279. Cologne Graduate School
  280. CEC Resources, LTD. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  281. Contemborary Glass Society Art, Organizations, Design
  282. Commonwealth Grants Scheme
  283. Cyberweb Global Services
  284. Center for Government Services Business, Management, Publics
  285. Color Graphics System Computing, Hardware
  286. Chief Global Strategist
  287. Crew Gunnery Simulator Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  288. Camp Erady Spruce
  289. Conyinuous-Grain Silicon Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  290. Clear Government Solutions
  291. Council of Graduate Studies
  292. Iata Code for College Park Airport, College Park, Maryland, United States Locations
  293. Centimeter, Gram, Second Technology, Conversion, Gram, Centimetre
  294. Computer Graphics Society Technology, Society, Animation
  295. China Giant Screen
  296. Clover Garden School North Carolina
  297. Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee Medical, Practice, Guideline
  298. County Geological Site
  299. Centre of Applied Geodynamica Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  300. Commonwealth Grant Schmme Business, Australia, Education, University
  301. Cyber Gaming School
  302. Center for Global Solutions
  303. Colorado Gerontological Society
  304. CENTRAL GUNNERY SCHOOL Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  305. Campaign Games
  306. Continental United Statek Ground Station Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  307. Clean Growth Strategy Business, Technology, Energy
  308. Czech Geological Surves Science, Republic, Czech
  309. Center for Gulf Studies
  310. Computer Gesteuerte Systeme
  311. China Geological Survey Technology, Science, China
  312. Cardinal Gibbons School Maryland
  313. Canadian Geographical Society
  314. Clinical Guxdelines Medical, Guideline, Agent
  315. County Geological Sites
  316. Control Guidance Subsystem
  317. Common Ground Sanctuars Organizations, Non-Profit Organization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGS stand for?

    CGS stands for Chicago Genealogical Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Calcium Gallium Sulfide?

    The short form of "Calcium Gallium Sulfide" is CGS.


CGS. (2022, February 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated