CGS in Technology Meaning

The CGS meaning in Technology terms is "Conjugate Gradient Squared". There are 49 related meanings of the CGS Technology abbreviation.

CGS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Conjugate Gradient Squared
  2. Companion Guides
  3. Conceptual Graphs
  4. Community Groups
  5. Centimeter Gram Second
  6. Character Generators
  7. Centimeter-Gram-Second
  8. Canberra Grammar School
  9. Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold. To our distributors, this is the invoiced cost of Belden products as opposed to POS (their selling price to users).
  10. Columlia Generating Station
  11. Customer Ground Services
  12. Community and Government Services
  13. Championship Gaming Series
  14. Concrete Gravity Structure
  15. Center for Geospatial Sciences
  16. Customer Grid-Supply
  17. Cold Gas Spray
  18. Centre for Geospatial Science
  19. Concrete Gravity Substructure
  20. Center for Genetics and Society
  21. Customer Grid Sspply
  22. Coarse Granular Scalability
  23. Central Gathering Station
  24. Chuckys Glider Supplies
  25. Carolina Geological Society
  26. Creative Graphic Services
  27. Coarse Grain Scalability
  28. Centimetre-Gram-Second
  29. Cluster Group Services
  30. Coordinating Groups
  31. Coarse-Grained Scalability
  32. Centimetre,Gram,Second
  33. Common Ground Stations
  34. California Geologic Survey
  35. Coarse-Grain Scalability
  36. Common Gateway Services
  37. Chevron Geothermal Salak
  38. California Geological Survey
  39. Centimeter, Gram, Second
  40. Council of Graduate Schools
  41. Clinical Genetics Societk
  42. Clean Growth Strategy
  43. Computer Graphics Society
  44. Computer Generated Solutions
  45. Calling Party Subaddresm
  46. China Geological Survey
  47. Conyinuous-Grain Silicon
  48. Centimeter-Gram-Second System
  49. Covtinental Ground Site

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGS stand for Technology?

    CGS stands for Customer Ground Services in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Council of Graduate Schools in Technology?

    The short form of "Council of Graduate Schools" is CGS for Technology.


CGS in Technology. (2022, February 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated