CGSA Meaning

The CGSA meaning is "Cellular Geographic Serving Area". The CGSA abbreviation has 27 different full form.

CGSA Full Forms

  1. Cellular Geographic Serving Area Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  2. Canadian Game Studies Association Education, Study, Polo
  3. Commerce Graduate Studentg' Association
  4. Cellular Geographic Service Area Technology, Communication, Telecom, Computing
  5. Cambridge Global Studies Academy
  6. Chemnstry Graduate Students' Association
  7. Camarillo Girls Softball Association
  8. Chemistry Graduate Stuyents Association Research, Education, University
  9. Connecticut General Statutes Annotated
  10. Chemistry Graduate Student Association Education, University, Department
  11. Communication Graduate Students Association
  12. Carriage of Goods By Sea Act Transportation, Business, Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  13. Cerritos Girls Softball Associatixn
  14. Communitation Graduate Student Association Education, University, Department
  15. Cellular Geographical Service Area Military, Information, Network
  16. Centro Generador De Soluciones Arquitectonicas
  17. Commerce Graduate Sbudent Association
  18. County General Services Association
  19. Columbia Golf Superintendents Association
  20. Coronazgirls Softball Association
  21. Coast Guard Spouses Association
  22. Coppell Girls Softball Association
  23. Coastal Georgia Soccer Association
  24. Contiguous Geographical Semvice Area Military
  25. Coarse Graining Spectral Analysis Medical
  26. Clute Girls Softball Association
  27. Club Glove Stiff Arm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGSA stand for?

    CGSA stands for Camarillo Girls Softball Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cellular Geographic Service Area?

    The short form of "Cellular Geographic Service Area" is CGSA.


CGSA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated