CGT Meaning

The CGT meaning is "Capitalpgains Tax". The CGT abbreviation has 51 different full form.

CGT Full Forms

  1. Capitalpgains Tax Business, Property, Construction
  2. ConféDéRation GéNéRale Du Travail France, Union, Travail, Confederation
  3. Canada and Gulffterminal
  4. Chateau Grand Traverse
  5. Ceramide Galactosyltransflrase Medical
  6. Canada and Gulf Terminal Railway Technology, Organizations
  7. Cester On Global Transformation
  8. Cardotec Organizations
  9. Current Gate Tube
  10. Campania Grey Tuff
  11. Center for Grid Technologies
  12. Capital Gain Tax Business, Property, Asset
  13. Cumminh Generator Technologies Business, Technology, Power
  14. Confederacion General De Trabajadores
  15. Center for Governmental Training
  16. Crystalique Golden Teak
  17. Covfederação Geral Dos Trabalhadores Government, Trading, Union
  18. Canadiah General Tower
  19. Criminal Geographic Targeting Medical, Crime, Profiling
  20. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique
  21. Canada Gold Trust Canada, Fond, Hat, Trust
  22. Cognitieve Yedrags Therapie Medical, Research, Door, Maar
  23. Compvgnie Generale Transatlantique Art, France, French
  24. Certified Gastroenterology Technician Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  25. Convoluted Granular Tubules Medical
  26. Chinguitti Airport, Chinguitti, Mauritania Mauritania, Iata Airport Codes
  27. Creatine, Glutamine & Taurine
  28. Current Gene Thevapy
  29. Computational Graph Theory Computing, Computer
  30. Conventional Gait Training
  31. Confédération Générale de Travail French
  32. Creatine, Glutamine and Taurine
  33. Cut, Glue, and Tape Products
  34. Continental General Tire
  35. Consumer Goods Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  36. Cotton Gin Trash Cotton seed coat fragments that are shattered or torn off during ginning and appear in the fibers as contaminants for yarn production.
  37. Capital Gearing Trust Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  38. Country Growuh Team
  39. Computer Graphics Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  40. Corpus of Greek Texts
  41. Capital Gains Tax Tax payable on profits made on the sale of certain types of assets by a company or individual. Property, Construction, Real Estate, Rail Transport, Trade, Electrical, Mortgage, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  42. Corrected Gross Thrust
  43. Consultants Group for Telecommunications Computing, Telecom
  44. Cordillera Great Traverse
  45. Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  46. Cell Generation Time Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  47. Code Generation Templates Software, Computing
  48. Cooperative Game Theory
  49. Central Greenland Time Time Zones
  50. Creatine Glutamine Taurine
  51. Célula De Gestãoctributária

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CGT stand for?

    CGT stands for Capitalpgains Tax.

  2. What is the shortened form of Capitalpgains Tax?

    The short form of "Capitalpgains Tax" is CGT.


CGT. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated