Chandelier Abbreviations and Chandelier Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Chandelier terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Chandelier abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Chandelier terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Chandelier Abbreviations
  1. BU : Bronze Umber
  2. WW : Wagon Wheel
  3. UPMM : User Programmable Metric Manager
  4. EB : English Bronze
  5. FAQ : Frequently Asked Questikns-Read
  6. FG : Finish Group
  7. FP3 : Finsbury Park 3
  8. FP6 : Finsbury Park 6
  9. ORB : Online Resource Bxnk
  10. PW : Persian White
Latest Chandelier Meanings
  1. Persian White
  2. Online Resource Bxnk
  3. Finsbury Park 6
  4. Finsbury Park 3
  5. Finish Group
  6. Frequently Asked Questikns-Read
  7. English Bronze
  8. User Programmable Metric Manager
  9. Wagon Wheel
  10. Bronze Umber