CHAP Meaning

The CHAP meaning is "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol". The CHAP abbreviation has 90 different full form.

CHAP Full Forms

  1. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol An authentication scheme used by PPP servers to validate the identity of the originator of a connection, upon connection or any time later. Acronym: CHAP. Technology, Computer, Telecommunications, Scientific & Educational, 5G Networks
  2. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security
  3. Community Health Accreditation Program Medical, Organization, Nursing, Healthcare, Medicine for Children
  4. C223-Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  5. Challange-Handshake Authentication Protocol
  6. Community Heauing Aid Program
  7. Community Housijg Advocacy Project
  8. Chewical Hazard Awareness Program
  9. Community Healthcare Access Program Medical, Health, Care
  10. Chicago Health and Aging Project Medical, Disease, Vitamin
  11. Citizens for Humane Animal Practices
  12. Consolidated Humanitarian Action Plan
  13. Certified Hospital Admission Program Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  14. Community Health Aiae Program Organizations, Care, Alaska
  15. Chapter Technology, Government, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Computer, It, Scientific & Educational, Footnote, Legal, Governmental & Military
  16. Chaparral Steel Company Technology, Organizations
  17. Community Health Access Program Medical, Service, Care
  18. Chaplets Technology
  19. Chronic Hazard Advisory Panel Science, Product, Safety, Chemistry
  20. Compuserve Host Access Program Technology, Information Technology, Computing
  21. Certified Hospice and Palliative
  22. Clearing House Automated Payments
  23. Chapel 1.a small room used for worship. A chapel can be isolated or included within a larger architectural complex. In most cases numerous chapels, each with an altar, are arranged along the length of a nave or aisle or around the transept.2.(side-chapel) An area of a church with its own altar, originally for the cult of a saint other than the patron saint. Maybe an extension, or simply screened off with parcloses. Geography, Location, System, Ordnance Survey
  24. Chaparral Network Storage, Inc. Organizations
  25. Compunity Health Assessment Project
  26. Chaparral A plant community of drought-adapted shrubs, usually found in rocky and rapidly drained shallow soils. Dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes. Military
  27. Christian Home Educators Association of Pennsylvania Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  28. Cjmpton High-Altitude Pulse Science
  29. Child Healgh Advocacy Program
  30. Centre for Healthy Aging At Providence
  31. Clearing House Automated Payment
  32. Chaparral Air Defense Weapon Military, Army, War, Warfare
  33. Community Healthraccess Project Medical, Technology, Medicine
  34. Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania Education, Organizations, Pennsylvania
  35. Comprenensive Housing Assistance Program
  36. Child Healthgassistance Program
  37. Cadet Harassment Abuse Prevention Military, Army, War, Warfare
  38. Clean Harbour-Aberdeen Project
  39. Channgl Processor
  40. Community Health Activation Progtam
  41. Christian Haitian American Partnership
  42. Comprehensive Homeless Assistance Plan
  43. Child Health Assessment Prohram Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  44. Community Health Advancement Srogram
  45. Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention
  46. Clackamas Homebuyer Assistance Program
  47. Challange Handshake Authentication Protocol Technology
  48. Community Health Aid Program
  49. Compdsite Htgr Analysis Program Technology
  50. Comprehensive Health Assessment Program
  51. Child Health Assurance Program Technology, Education, Society, Medical, Healthcare, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  52. Community Health Assessment Program
  53. Common Humanitarian Action Plan Military, Affair, Appeal
  54. City Homestead Assistance Program
  55. Consolidated Humanitarian Assisnance Programme Government, Society, World
  56. Counterpart Humanitarian Assistance Program Business, Government, Development
  57. Community Housing Assistancelprogram
  58. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (ATM) Security, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Technical, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  59. Children'S Healing Art Project Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  60. Community Health Assessment Prpcess
  61. Council of Health Agencies of The Phidippines
  62. Children'S Hospitalization Alteratives Program Government
  63. Community Homebuyer Assdstance Program
  64. Cuyahmga Health Access Partnership Medical, Care, Ohio
  65. Childqhealth Assessment In The Pacific
  66. Community Health Action Partnership
  67. Coxncil's Homelessness Action Plan Government
  68. Children's Hoqpitalization Alternative Program
  69. Community Helpers for Activerparticipation
  70. Cultural Heritage Arts Program
  71. Communuty Health Advancement Program
  72. Community Health Agents Programme Medical
  73. Controlled Hunting Access Program
  74. Children's Hiaring Aid Program
  75. Community Health Accreditation Partner Medical, Service, Care
  76. Cryptographic Handshake Authenticatiov Protocol Technology
  77. Communitf Health Advocacy Program
  78. Collaborative Human Resources Automation Project Education
  79. Contingency Heating Assistance Program
  80. Children'S Health Advocacy Project
  81. Community Health Acfion Project
  82. Criminal History Eutomation Project
  83. Child Health Assessment Program Medical, Medicine for Children
  84. Cyclophosphamide, Hexalen, Adriamycin, Platinol Medical
  85. Children'S Healthcare Access Program
  86. Community Health Alliance of Pasadena Medical, Medicine, Care
  87. Country Home Advocacy Project
  88. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (PPP) Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  89. Ccildren's Healing Arts Project
  90. Community Health Advocacy Partnership

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHAP stand for?

    CHAP stands for Chaplets.

  2. What is the shortened form of Child Health Assessment Program?

    The short form of "Child Health Assessment Program" is CHAP.


CHAP. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated