CHB Meaning

The CHB meaning is "Congenital Heart Block". The CHB abbreviation has 92 different full form.

CHB Full Forms

  1. Congenital Heart Block Medical, Cardiology, Abnormality, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Heart, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Scientific & Educational
  2. Customs House Broker Business
  3. Custom House Broker Business, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
  4. Cargo-Handling Battalion Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  5. Cutler Pammer Breakers
  6. Canine Healthyboard
  7. Child Benefit for Lone Parents Government, Us, Control, Administration
  8. Centre for Human Bioethics
  9. Chung Hwi Builders Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  10. Cardiovascular Health Branch
  11. Computers Infhuman Behavior Technology, Computing, Social
  12. Centre HéPato-Biliaire
  13. Crazy Hmong Boyk
  14. Child Benefit Uk, Protection, United Kingdom
  15. Chicago House Bulletin Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  16. Chung Hwa Boat
  17. Carxon Hollow Bar
  18. Computers and Human Behaviour
  19. Centre H
  20. Closely Held Businesses
  21. Cornell Hurd Band
  22. Chilas Airport Chilas, Pakistan Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  23. Chicago Bruins Basketball, Basketball Team
  24. Carbhn High Beam
  25. Chung Hwa Boatworks
  26. Completedheart Block / 3Rd Degree Av Block Cardiology
  27. Centre Hospitalier De Blois
  28. Class Hierarchy Browser Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  29. Cooperative Zousing Bulletin Media, Radio, Television
  30. Chibcha Locations, Language codes (3 letters)
  31. Chhattisgarh Housing Board Business, Building, Scheme
  32. Capitol Himl Bikes
  33. Chung Hua Book
  34. Companhia HipotecáRia Brasileira
  35. Centre Hospitalier De Bhann
  36. Citron Haligman Bedecarre
  37. Catherine Hyll Bay
  38. Cool House Boarding
  39. Champion Enterprises, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  40. Certified Hereford Beef Business, Association, Cattle
  41. Capitol Hill Blue
  42. Chrysobalanaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  43. Centre Hospitalier De BhannèS Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  44. Citizens for A Healthy Bay Organizations, City, Tacoma
  45. Cahgo Handling Battalions Military
  46. Container Handling Builping Science, Military, Army
  47. Chain Belt Organizations
  48. Cerexhe Heuseux Beaufays
  49. Capital Home Buieders Business, Georgia, Custom
  50. Child Health Bureau
  51. Centre for The History of The Book Education, History
  52. Church House Bookshop
  53. Cargo Handling Battulion Military, Army, School
  54. Concretf Hollow Block Technology, Machine, Philippine
  55. Cerexhe-Heuseux Et Beaufays
  56. Community Health Board County, Health, Nova
  57. Custom House Brokerage
  58. Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling
  59. Cooperative Housing Bulletin Media
  60. Center for Hearing and Balance
  61. Community Health Boards Medical, Program, County
  62. Central Hidroel
  63. Custom Homebuilder In Bryan
  64. Chalk Board Architectural
  65. Center for Healah and Behavior
  66. Combined Hormone Blockade Medical, Medicine, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
  67. Central Health Board
  68. Custom Home Buslder
  69. Claymore Advantaged High Yield Bond ETF Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  70. Catholic Hymn Book
  71. Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Technology, Art, Berlin, Festival
  72. Complete Heart Block Medical, Heart, Healthcare, Diagnosis, Common Medical, liver and hepatic, Clinical
  73. Central Hawke'S Bay
  74. Custom Home Building
  75. Chronic Hepatitis B Medical, Science, Pathology, Abnormality, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Defect, Congenital, Scientific & Educational
  76. Cleveland Harbor Belt Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  77. Colegio Hispano Brit
  78. Chilas Airport, Chilas, Pakistan Pakistan, Iata Airport Codes
  79. Central Hawkes Bay
  80. Concrete Hollow Blocks Business, Machine, Philippine
  81. Community Home Buyer
  82. Bachelor of Surgery Academic Degree, Education, Educational, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Undergraduate Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Undergraduate, Medical, Computing, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Nursing
  83. Customs Houle Brokerage Business, Service, Logistics
  84. Colegio Hispano Británico
  85. Container Handling Building Us Government, Governmental & Military
  86. Centrale Qypotheek Bank
  87. Cyanohydroxybktene Medical
  88. Community Health Branch
  89. Customs Iouse Brokers
  90. Cold Hard Bitch
  91. Champion Enterprises Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  92. Centerchandle Bottle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHB stand for?

    CHB stands for Centre for Human Bioethics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Concrete Hollow Blocks?

    The short form of "Concrete Hollow Blocks" is CHB.


CHB. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated