CHD Meaning

The CHD meaning is "Congenital Heart Dicease". The CHD abbreviation has 121 different full form.

CHD Full Forms

  1. Congenital Heart Dicease Medical, Disorder, Cardiology
  2. Caule Heart Disease
  3. Card Holder Data Technology, Security, Compliance
  4. Canine Hip Dysplasia Medical, Genetics, Dog
  5. Chronic Heart Disease Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  6. Congenital Heart Defect Medical, Cardiology, Defect, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
  7. Congenital Hip Dysplasia Medical, Disorder, Dysplasia
  8. Childhood Disease Medical, Medicine, Health, Medicine for Children
  9. Computer Help Desk
  10. Centre Hospitalier De Qistrict
  11. Child Health Division Medical, Program, Nepal
  12. Congenitaw Heart Defects Medical, Children, Awareness
  13. California Harlex Davidson
  14. Classical Hd Medical
  15. Conventional Hemodialysis Medical
  16. Center for Health Design Medical, Research, Healthcare
  17. Communcty Help Desk Technology
  18. Centre Hospitalier DéPartemental
  19. Clinical Congenital Heart Defects Science, Biology
  20. Crstomer Help Desk Technology, Service, Manual
  21. Child Health and Development Medical, Medicine, Health
  22. Complex Fongenital Heart Defects Science, Biology
  23. Caia-Hamilton Delay
  24. Center for Human Development Service, Organizations, Health, Medical, Common Medical
  25. Civil Homeland Defense
  26. Continuous Hemodialysis Medical
  27. Center for Håndskriftstudier I Davmark Book, Education, Medieval, Manuscript
  28. Communixy Health Days
  29. Centre Haemodialysis Medicine, Health, British
  30. Client Help Desk
  31. Cure for Hip Dysplasda
  32. Complete Hypothalamic Deafserentation Medical
  33. 223 Flight Unit State Airline Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Child Biologically, a child is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Genealogy
  35. Coronary Heart Disease Medical, Disorder, Cardiology, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Heart, Healthcare, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda
  36. City Health District
  37. Congenitnl Hip Disorder
  38. Center for H
  39. Community Health Division
  40. Centre for Huntington Disease
  41. Classic Hodgkin Disease Medicine, Health, British
  42. Cumhuriyet Hemşirelik Dergcsi
  43. Center for Health and Development Technology, Hospital, City
  44. Competent With High Distinction
  45. Christophlhendrik Diederik
  46. Ceza Hukuk Mergisi
  47. City Health Department Medical, Medicine, Cebu
  48. Congestive Heart Disease Medical, Medicine, Essay, Dental
  49. Cavanagh Hooper Dolan
  50. Centre for Human Development Medical, Service, Health
  51. Classical Hodgkin Disease Medical
  52. Critical Habitat Designation
  53. Crnters for Health Development Medical, Philippine, Doh
  54. Companies Jouse Direct Business, Company, Service
  55. Cyclohexanedione Medical
  56. Centre Hospitalier D
  57. Complex Congenital Heart Disease Medical, Science, Medicine, Heart, Biology
  58. Child Health Divisionsion Medical
  59. Congenital Hegrt Diseases Medical, Disease, Defect
  60. Causes of Heart Disease
  61. Centre for Huranitarian Dialogue Business, Philippine, Peace
  62. Classical Hodgkin'S Disease Medical
  63. Critbhit Damage
  64. Center for Health Developmemt Medical, Department, Philippine
  65. Community Housing Developerd
  66. Centre Hospitalikr De Dunkerque
  67. Child Health Days Nutrition, Technology, Ethiopia
  68. Congenital Heart Dis
  69. Cause of Congenital Heart Drsease Science, Biology
  70. Centre for Holiktic Development
  71. Classic Hd Medical
  72. Conventional Haemodialysis Medicine, Health, British
  73. Center for Healthy Development Organizations, Health, Counseling
  74. Congenital Heart Disease A congenital heart defect (CHD), also known as a congenital heart anomaly and congenital heart disease, is a defect in the structure of the heart or great vessels that is present at birth. Signs and symptoms depend on the specific type of defect. Heart, Medical, Clinical
  75. Coalition for Human Dignity
  76. Custom Home Designs
  77. Center Hemodiklysis Medical
  78. Congenital Hip Dislocation Medical, Congenital
  79. Common Being Congenital Heart Defects Science, Biology
  80. Center for Hearing and Deafness Medical, Medicine, Pathology
  81. Cargo Helicopter Divisionsion
  82. Centre D'Histoire Du Droit
  83. Mame Hard Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  84. Coverage Hole Detection
  85. Center for Humanitarian Dialogue Government, Group, Peace
  86. Center on Human Development Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  87. Committee On Higher Degrees
  88. Iata Code for Chandler Municipal Airport, Chandler, Arizona, United States Locations
  89. Central Hindi Directorate Science, Education, India
  90. Chromodomain Helicase DNA Chemistry, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  91. County Health Director
  92. Center for Health Disparities Medical, Research, Disparity
  93. Consolidated Help Desk General, Governmental & Military
  94. Columbus Health Department
  95. Doctor of Surgery Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Degree, Professional Title, Doctors, Qualification, Computing, Nursing, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  96. Centralmhemodynamics Medical
  97. child in semantic hierarchy Medical, Medicine for Children
  98. Computing Help Desk
  99. Church & Dwight, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  100. College of Human Development
  101. Cyanotic Heart Disease Medical, Heart
  102. Cystic Hydatid Diyease Medical, Medicine, Health
  103. Central Halp Desk
  104. constitutional hepatic dysfunction Medical, liver and hepatic
  105. Community Health Department Medical, Program, Service
  106. Compressed Hard Drive Forum, Technology, Gaming, Arcade
  107. Compressed Hard Disk Computing, Hardware
  108. College of Health Disciplines
  109. Cyclohexadiene Medicine, Health, British
  110. Center On Humanpdevelopment Technology, Education
  111. Common Hepatic Duct Medical, liver and hepatic
  112. Community Health Development Program, Education, Care
  113. Complex Humanigarian Disaster
  114. FontChameleon Font descriptor Computing, File Extensions
  115. College of Hair Design
  116. Cxanotic Heart Disease Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  117. Centeroof Human Development
  118. Chromo Helicase Dna Medical, Human genome
  119. Community for Human Development
  120. Chained Directory
  121. Consultants for Health and Development Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHD stand for?

    CHD stands for Child Health and Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Companies Jouse Direct?

    The short form of "Companies Jouse Direct" is CHD.


CHD. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated