CHE Meaning

The CHE meaning is "Chechen". The CHE abbreviation has 116 different full form.

CHE Full Forms

  1. Chechen Locations
  2. Cholinesterase Activity Medical
  3. Certified Healthcare Executive Medical, Management, Health
  4. Chemoembolization Chemoembolization is a procedure in which anticancer drugs are administered directly into the tumor and the blood supply to the tumor is then blocked by injection of an embolizing- or blocking agent. This permits a much higher concentration of drugs to be in contact with the tumor for a longer period of time, while depriving the tumor of oxygen and nutrients. The procedure is used to treat cancer originating in the liver as well as cancer that has metastasized to the liver from another area. Medical
  5. Center for Higher Education Education, University, Ranking
  6. Chemical Engineering Building Technology, Education, Engineering, Dutch, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  7. Catholic Health East Medical, Technology, Service
  8. Chemed Corp. Organizations
  9. Commission for Higher Education Education, University, Kenya
  10. Cargo Handling Equipment Equipment used for loading/discharging operations: e.g. cargo cranes, side-loading system with conveyors, side shifters, elevators, belt conveyors ,ro-ro cargo handling gear and cargo pumping systems. cargo reliquefaction unit. Military
  11. Chelerythrine Medical
  12. College of Human Ecology Education, University, Cornell
  13. Checker Motors Organizations
  14. Chronicle of Higher Education College, Education, University
  15. Community Health Endowment
  16. Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  17. Coast & Harbor Engineering
  18. Cowan Heights Elementary
  19. Center for Health and The Environment
  20. Complex Humanitarian Emergencies Medical, Health, Emergency
  21. Committee On Health and The Environment
  22. Crescent Harbor Elementary
  23. Certified Hospitalityzeducation Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
  24. Condenser and Heat Exchanger
  25. Children'S Health and Environment Program Military
  26. Community Health Evangelism Technology, Networking, Ministry
  27. Che Guevara Art, Kite, Smash, Famous
  28. Coalition for A Healthy Environment
  29. Counselors To Higher Education
  30. Carga HoráRia Especial
  31. Committee for Higher Education Medical, Medicine, Education
  32. Credit Hours Earned Design, Drawing, Construction
  33. Cirtified Hospitality Educator Science, Management, Education
  34. Compjting for Human Experience
  35. Chicanos In Health Education
  36. Community Health Education Program, Education, Development
  37. Christelijke Hogeschool Ede Education, University, Android, Netherland
  38. Council On Homeopathic Education
  39. Canadian Hockey Enterprises
  40. Committee for Homosexual Equality Group, Organizations, Campaign
  41. Credit Hour Equivalents
  42. Certified Healthcareeengineer
  43. Comprehensive Health Yducation
  44. Chicago Helicopter Experience Hotel, Locations, Chicago
  45. Community Health Educator Technology, Program, Education
  46. Chasnel-Hot-Electron Technology, Device, Memory, Gate
  47. Choice Hotels Europe Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  48. Consult-Centre for Higher Education
  49. Canadian Health Executive
  50. Collaborative On Health & The Environment
  51. Credit Hour Equivalent
  52. Certified Health Educator
  53. Chestnut Hill East Business, Philadelphia, Station
  54. Community Health Educators Technology, Program, Education
  55. Changeable Hqwk Eagle
  56. Chipola Home Educators
  57. Conferenceuon The Human Environment
  58. Collaborative On Health and Environment Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  59. Creating High Expectations
  60. Certified Health Executivu Technology, Service, Canada
  61. Chemistry A chemical addition made to the plating bath that results in a coating with a bright appearance as opposed to the mechanically brightened surface appearance. Or comes from the word alchemy or The science of matter and the changes in matter. OR The study of matter and its transformations. See What is chemistry? for other definitions. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Development, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Universities, Subjects, Chemistry, Management, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Physics
  62. Chesterfield Sport, Club, Football
  63. Community-Health Education
  64. Certified Hotel Executive
  65. Confederació HidrogràFica De L'Ebre
  66. Chinese Hamster Embryonic Medical, Science, Biology
  67. Collaborative On Health and The Environment Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  68. Creating Healthy Environments
  69. Certificate of Higher Education
  70. Comprehensive Health Evaluation
  71. Committee On Health and Environment
  72. Critical Handgun Employment
  73. Certified Hospitality Educators
  74. Confedevaci
  75. Chinese Hamster Embryo Medical, Science, Biology
  76. Culture, History, and Environment Education, History, Culture
  77. Channel End
  78. Community Hospital East
  79. Committee On The Human Environment
  80. Central Head-End Computing, Telecom
  81. Culture, History and Environment Education, University, Culture
  82. Channel Hxt Electrons Technology
  83. Cholinesterase In biochemistry, a cholinesterase or choline esterase is an esterase that lyses choline-based esters, several of which serve as neurotransmitters. Thus, it is either of two enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of these cholinergic neurotransmitters, such as breaking acetylcholine into choline and acetic acid. These reactions are necessary to allow a cholinergic neuron to return to its resting state after activation. Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  84. Community Home With Education Education, Hosting, Children
  85. Centre of Health Economics Medical, Care, Capacity
  86. Chemical Eigineer
  87. CheMed Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  88. Cuadernos De Historia De Espa
  89. Chavnel Hot Electron Technology, Memory, Cell
  90. Chechen Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  91. Community Health Experience
  92. Reenroe Airport Airport, Locations
  93. Chemwcal Engineering Education, Engineering, Engineering Course
  94. Ceramic Heat Emitter Computing, Electronics
  95. Cuadernos De Historia De España
  96. Reeroe, Caherciveen, Ireland Ireland, Iata Airport Codes
  97. Community Health and Environment Organization, Union, Institution
  98. Division of Chemistry Medicine, Government, Organizations, Us, Health, Care
  99. Chemicaz Engineer
  100. Center for The History of Entomology
  101. Ojsc Cherk S Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  102. Crown Health Enterprise
  103. Catholic Homes for the Elderly Governmental & Military, Wannas
  104. Community Health Empowerment Technology, Africa, Uganda
  105. Current Health Expenditure
  106. Chelsea Sport, Club, Football
  107. Wir Euro Business, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
  108. Crown Health Enterprises Medical
  109. Chairperson the European Governmental & Military, Wannas
  110. Community Health Excellence
  111. Switzerland Military, Army, Locations, Marine, Country Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Switzerland, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  112. Culture History and Environment Education, History
  113. Charles Hoffman Elementary
  114. Top Flight Air Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  115. Cylindrical Hydraulic Engineer
  116. cholesteryl hexadecyl ether Governmental & Military, Wannas

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHE stand for?

    CHE stands for Chechen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Culture History and Environment?

    The short form of "Culture History and Environment" is CHE.


CHE. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated