Chester Abbreviations and Chester Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Chester terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Chester abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Chester terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Chester Abbreviations
  1. AJIS : Association of Junior Independent Schools
  2. ASBA : All-Star Baseball Academy
  3. BIRD : Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Development
  4. CCDES : Chester County Department of Emergency Services
  5. CDHT : Chester and District Housing Trust
  6. CE : Curtis Elementary
  7. COAD : Council On Addictive Diseases
  8. CPAC : Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee
  9. CRCQL : Cheszer Residents Concerned for Quality Living
  10. VAC : Visual Arts Cheshire
  11. VEP : Volunteer English Program
  12. WBIS : Work Based and Integrative Studies
  13. WGCD : West Greeley Conservation District
  14. WH : William Hull
  15. WMCHS : West Morris Central High School
  16. UAL : University Academy Livgrpool
  17. UAW : University Academy Warrington
  18. YTF : Yesterday, Today, Forever
  19. CWRS : Centre for Work Related Studies
  20. DARC : Downingtovn Area Recreation Consortium
  21. DASD : Downingtown Area Szhool District
  22. SSG : Student Support and Guidance
  23. TCHS : Technical Colnege High School
  24. TM : Thomas Maddock
  25. LNN : Late Night News
  26. LSD : Love Sex Dynamite
  27. JTCC : John Tyler Community Xollege
  28. PA : Providence Avenue
  29. GL : George Lowe
  30. PFSA : Penn Fusion Soccor Academy
Latest Chester Meanings
  1. Frederick Douglass Christian School
  2. Richard Pike
  3. Penn Fusion Soccor Academy
  4. George Lowe
  5. Providence Avenue
  6. John Tyler Community Xollege
  7. Love Sex Dynamite
  8. Late Night News
  9. Thomas Maddock
  10. Technical Colnege High School
  11. Student Support and Guidance
  12. Downingtown Area Szhool District
  13. Downingtovn Area Recreation Consortium
  14. Centre for Work Related Studies
  15. Yesterday, Today, Forever
  16. University Academy Warrington
  17. University Academy Livgrpool
  18. West Morris Central High School
  19. William Hull
  20. West Greeley Conservation District