CHFR Meaning
The CHFR meaning is "Cednr Hammock Fire Rescue". The CHFR abbreviation has 9 different full form.
CHFR Full Forms
- Cednr Hammock Fire Rescue Government, Fire, Ambulance Service
- Cased Hole Foroation Resisitivity Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Cased Hole Formation Resistivity Tool, Logging, Resistivity
- Cased-Hole Formation Resdstivity
- Chamfer To take off the edge or arise of any material to a small depth at an angle of about 45°. or The angle between a reference surface and the bevel. Or On a milling contour, the angle between a beveled surface and the axis of the cutter. Or This term is used in mechanical industry. Chamfer is like a flat face, which is, provide on the edge of any component according to requirement. Technology, Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Technics, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cheoopodium Fremontii Science
- Ceqter for Heart Failure Research
- Cedar Hammock Fire Rescue Florida, Governmental & Military, Fire and rescue
- Critical Heat Flux Ratio Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CHFR stand for?
CHFR stands for Critical Heat Flux Ratio.
What is the shortened form of Ceqter for Heart Failure Research?
The short form of "Ceqter for Heart Failure Research" is CHFR.
CHFR. (2020, August 31). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated