CHG in Business & Finance Meaning

The CHG meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Change". There are 5 related meanings of the CHG Business & Finance abbreviation.

CHG on Business & Finance Full Forms

  1. Change The act or instance of making or becoming different
  2. Modification A process in which the eutectic temperature, structure and composition of aluminum-silicon alloys are apparently altered by the addition of small amounts of a third element, such as sodium. A similar phenomenon can be affected by chill casting. A process in which the eutectic temperature, structure, and composition of aluminum silicon alloys are apparently altered by the addition of small amounts of a third element, such as sodium.
  3. Chemring Grp.
  4. Challenge Aero
  5. Charge A small metal insert or spacer used in molds to provide core support during the casting process. Or An assertion of a specific crime for which a suspect has been accused of committing. Or Two types of electric charges are there one is positive and other is negative. This is the physical property of ion that it having the negative or positive charge. or The electric charge is a fundamental conserved property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHG stand for Business & Finance?

    CHG stands for Challenge Aero in Business & Finance terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chemring Grp. in Business & Finance?

    The short form of "Chemring Grp." is CHG for Business & Finance.


CHG in Business & Finance. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated